The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 138 Secret Files

"What the hell is this?!"

Yang Xingguo, whose heart was beating wildly, cursed subconsciously.

It's okay if he doesn't open his mouth. When he opens his mouth, the skeleton monster looks like a shark that smells blood. It opens and closes its mouth as if it's grinning wildly.

The skeleton was seen flapping its wings and raising white dust, as if it was slowly flying towards where Yang Xingguo was hiding.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the skeleton disappeared from the place and appeared in front of Yang Xingguo, raising its sharp claws to grab his neck.

Yang Xingguo, who was still in shock, had no time to think and instinctively raised his hand to block the blow.

Fortunately, the protective ability of the black beads was strong enough, and the skeleton's claws could not hurt him.

But the red light that then lit up in the skull's eyes prevented him from relaxing at all.


At the critical moment, Yang Xingguo threw a punch on the skull's face, knocking its head off.

The laser shot on the ceiling above his head, and the sputtered energy fell, burning through the protection of the black beads, and burning small holes on Yang Xingguo's right shoulder.


The physical pain and awareness of crisis inspired Yang Xingguo's potential, allowing him to burst out with power far beyond normal.

The skeleton, whose head was crooked by a punch, was about to turn around and behead Yang Xingguo, when a pair of big hands stuffed it into his mouth first.

Yang Xingguo clasped the lower jaw of the skeleton with four fingers, put his palm against its chin, and forcibly held its head.

The other hand was not idle either, wrapping it in telekinesis and making a sword gesture.

call out!


The skull's head shifted in response, and the laser jets from its eyes stopped abruptly.

However, before Yang Xingguo could breathe a sigh of relief, the headless skeleton actually lit up with red light.

Yang Xingguo didn't have time to think about it, he kicked the skull away, and then threw the skull away like a bowling ball.

There was a loud noise in the distance, and then Yang Xingguo was engulfed by the golden flames that followed.

The unknown amount of heat left him no time to scream, and the clothes on his body turned into ashes in an instant.

When the heat wave subsided, the corridor in the laboratory area was intact, but there was a human-shaped charcoal curled up on the ground, emitting gray smoke.

However, traces of bright red flesh and blood can still be seen from the gaps in the joints.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Xingguo, whose superficial skin was almost completely carbonized, moved his fingers.

The charred skin on his arms began to peel off, revealing the red and bloody skin underneath.

As he stood up tremblingly, the charcoal on his body began to fall off in large areas.

What's interesting is that before these charred flesh and blood fall to the ground, they turn into black mist and dissipate in mid-air.

The naked Yang Xingguo was holding on to the wall and breathing heavily, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Any normal person will usually not behave too calmly after experiencing a great horror between life and death.

What's more, Yang Xingguo still endured the high temperature of thousands of degrees.

The black beads from the burns on his body helped him recover, but the mental damage caused by the burning flames would not fade away in a short while.

Yang Xingguo looked at his intact body, but still felt a dull pain in his skin.

It felt like there were a thousand scalpels, making small cuts one after another all over the body.

There is no insanity to fully qualify as a person of extraordinary will.

Yang Xingguo walked barefoot in the corridor of the experimental area, moving in the direction of the flames.

But after walking for dozens of meters, I didn't see any skeleton remains.

Yang Xingguo raised his foot and swept it on the ground, collecting a small amount of dust. He touched the powder that was still warm with his hand.

The ground in the previous experimental area was as smooth as a mirror without any dust. This was something that only appeared not long ago.

"Is that skeleton a D-class personnel sent here?"

Yang Xingguo couldn't help but recall the descriptions of D-class personnel in the daily records of those D-class personnel managers.

From beginning to end, they treated those people who were transported here by unknown means and then labeled as D-class personnel as human beings.

They only regard these people as experimental livestock like mice. There is no slavery or oppression, but only accustomed indifference.

They are like humans at the forefront of evolution who look at those monkeys in the zoo and have no idea that we are the same kind.

Yang Xingguo didn't know what words to use to describe his thoughts at this time.

He just knew that his world had changed, or that he finally saw another side hidden under the water.

Yang Xingguo shook his head to expel the messy thoughts from his mind.

He did not let the joy of escaping death and the fear of hanging by a thread go to his head, nor did he forget the purpose of coming here.

"That skeleton shouldn't be the main cause of the current situation, it's probably just a by-product.

The lasers in his eyes can break through the defense of the black beads, but cannot burn through the walls of the experimental area.

This means that the molten pit outside is definitely not caused by it, and there must be more dangerous creatures in the experimental area..."

While digging for useful information from limited intelligence, Yang Xingguo walked into a laboratory with the door torn off.

In this room that looked like a rest area, he found some standard clothes that he could change into, and finally got rid of the dilemma of streaking.

At the same time, Yang Xingguo discovered a terminal that was not closed.

He was like a player in an RPG game who saw a mission prompt and subconsciously approached.

[The correlation between the human spirit and strange growth]

[Consideration Transfer Proposal Report]

[The possibility of special strange objects retaining their own abilities and converting them into armor]


Yang Xingguo looked at the large pile of research information listed on the screen, and for a moment he didn't know where to start.

Obviously, it is unlikely to find a map of the experimental area from where the archive reports are stored.

But in order to deal with the unknown risks in the experimental area, he had to know something about those monsters, so he could only be patient and click on a document at will.

It didn't matter if you didn't click on it. After opening it, Yang Xingguo discovered that the document was just a summary title.

After clicking on that file, hundreds of subfolders popped up on the screen.

Under the folder "Relationship between Human Spirit and Strange Growth" alone, there are dozens of files listed such as "Experimental Samples", "Regional Experimental Plan", "Special Individual Observation", etc.

Fortunately, Yang Xingguo managed to pull out an experimental log by accident.

The title number above immediately caught his attention.

[Growth Record of DX Project Phase B Experimental Subject DX1105B]

"1105, November 5th...yes, it's the children's birthday!"

Although it is gratifying to find information about Yue Qihua and Yang Xingyue, it also confirms that they are not human beings, but biological weapons developed in the laboratory.

Yang Xingguo didn't know whether he should be happy or sad for a while.

He clicked on the file with mixed feelings, but the title of the first folder in the file made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

[Neihua City Social Environment Transformation Plan]

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