The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 166 North Pole

Before he finished speaking, the Trickster walked out of the portal and glanced at Janus.

Not only did he not feel embarrassed after being caught speaking ill of people behind their backs, but he carelessly extended his hand to the trickster: "Have you got the thing? Let me see what trump card is worthy of your special trip."


There was a crisp sound like an electric shock in the air.

Janus staggered back two steps, covering his head: "Damn it! It hurts when it comes unexpectedly!"

The Trickster sent another mental piercing without saying a word, but the second attack was blocked by Janus, who was on guard.

Janus opened his right hand, condensed a magma spear and threw it at the Trickster in return.

Boom! Snap!

The magma spear passed through the Trickster's body and hit the wall behind.

"What the hell is this? Where is your true body?"

Janus opened his mouth and frowned, his face twisted into a ball, and his tone was very unfriendly.

The Trickster's body was rippling with ripples, like some kind of three-dimensional projection, and Janus could only vaguely perceive a small piece of solid matter.

"Don't you think you're a little too careless?"

The Trickster walked aside and distanced himself from Janus with a look of disgust on his face.

It was obvious that she had no intention of explaining.

Janus had always had a psychological shadow towards Ai Liang and did not want to fight head-on. Now he saw the trickster blatantly using his clones to fool people, and his heart suddenly became unbalanced.

So he shouted mercilessly.

"Hey, hey, hey! How can you call this too much control? In the battle for a while, everyone is fighting with their own bodies and you are the only one using clones. You must not be doing it on purpose because you are afraid of death!"

"Janus." The magician stopped Janus: "It's not that Aurora doesn't want to fight with her own body. It has to do with her ability, so don't ask more."

"Why, is there something about her ability that cannot be said?" Janus asked unwillingly.

"Have you forgotten the rules of our Apostle Association? Don't rush to inquire about the other party's ability if the other party is unwilling."

The magician grabbed Janus' arm and forced him back.

"It's hard to tell the Trickster's abilities, otherwise he'll be easily targeted, so the fewer people who know about it, the better."

"Then why do you know?"

Janus was a little depressed. He felt as if he was being excluded in a sense.

This kid is really stupid.

The magician touched Janus's dog head: "Because with my strength, I cannot be captured, and the information will not be leaked, so I can naturally know your abilities.

And I’m not like you who talks too much about everything. "

"Tsk, there's going to be a war soon, so why can't we say something nice?"

Janus broke free from the magician's restraints and spoke impatiently.

After all, stupidity is stupidity, at least in terms of doing things, Janus has not done anything wrong.

After opening the portal, the cold north wind roared out from the door and slapped Janus on the face. The strong wind blew all his hair up, making him look like a broom.

Janus wiped the snowflakes off his face and was the first to step into the portal.

The tyrant, the magician, and the trickster walked in close behind.

The four people settled on a giant ice floe that was covered with ice and snow for three to four kilometers.

The environment around these people is not like in documentaries or movies, with all kinds of animals.

The Arctic fox, Arctic hare, Arctic owl, and polar bear can't even see their shadows.

There are broken white patches everywhere, and no land creatures can be seen except for underwater fish schools.

After everyone passed through the portal, Janus put away his stupidity at the base and asked with a straight face: "Can you feel the position of the DX experimental subject?"

Faced with Janus' question, the Trickster didn't choke him this time: "No."

The tyrant and the magician shook their heads slightly, indicating that they

Also imperceptible.

Janus raised his palm and activated his seal to connect with everyone.

Janus's original seal was given to Mus, but when he was resurrected, Thousand Faces Man conveniently made another seal for him.

Although the engraving is just a small tool that facilitates daily life for the apostles, it is also one of the status symbols of the apostles.

Even if the engraving is given away, Thousand Faces Man will quickly replace it.

Engraving the inner spiritual world, Janus uploaded the breath he sensed from the crystal.

Three spiritual tentacles are connected to it in turn.

"Can you all sense the coordinates of the DX experiment?" Janus asked.

The magician was the first to exit the engraved spiritual world: "No problem, as long as you keep the crystal activated, we can always lock the position of the DX experimental subject."

The tyrant and the trickster did not speak, but they obviously acquiesced in the magician's statement.

Now that we have the positioning means, it’s time to assign battles.

As the acting leader, the magician took over the job without hesitation.

"Janus's space ability will not play a big role in the battle with the Hermit. As long as the Hermit uses the trick of solidifying space last time, his combat effectiveness will not even be as good as that of the fusion warrior.

And the Hermit is very likely to attack Janus first in order to cut off our ability to move quickly, so Janus, you don’t need to appear on the frontal battlefield in this battle.

You find a place to hide nearby, and I will transmit the real-time picture to you through the link between the engravings.

Your main task this time is to leave a way out for us. If there are casualties, I will temporarily hold back the hermit. You can take the people out of here immediately to prevent them from being picked up by the people of the Countermeasures Bureau.

In addition, the hermit should know that I also have spatial abilities. During battle, I can pretend to be using spatial abilities, allowing you to provide remote assistance through the engraved transmission screen. "

After the magician finished speaking, he turned to the tyrant: "Feitian, you are responsible for confronting the Hermit. Among the four of us, you are the only one who is most likely to block the Hermit's attack. Is that okay?"

The tyrant crossed his arms and nodded slightly.

"The hermit most likely has more than one ability, but no matter how many abilities he has, there is bound to be an output limit when using the ability.

When he fully uses the attack ability similar to telekinesis that we see, the mental protection may be weakened a lot.

Aurora, you are responsible for providing mental disturbance to the hermit when we fight.

Even if he can't break through his mental protection for a while, it can force him to divert part of his energy to his mental ability, reducing the pressure on Feitian who is facing a head-on confrontation. "

"I understand." The Trickster pulled the brim of his hat and replied calmly.

"I will join Feitian in the frontal battle with the hermit. When Feitian's recovery speed cannot keep up, I can temporarily use Feitian's ability to withstand the pressure and buy time.

This is the rough battle plan. If any unforeseen circumstances arise, just follow my command. Do you have any questions? "

After the magician finished speaking, he looked at everyone to ask for advice.

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