The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 6 Strange Voice

"This is……"

After Ai Liang was able to distinguish specific sounds for a few months, he discovered that he had super memory.

Anything you hear will be firmly engraved in your mind and you will never forget it.

After developing normal vision, it became even more difficult to control.

When he was sent to the hospital for the first time because of a severe headache, a brain doctor performed a detailed examination on him.

"When children's brains are over-developed, they may have lost the ability to filter and filter. Every time they recall, a large number of images will hit their minds, causing the brain to be overloaded and induce pain."

This is the diagnosis given by the doctor.

But the doctor didn't say anything. In addition to the physiological reasons, he also suggested seeing a psychiatrist.

It is not impossible that some psychological disorders may cause this situation.

After all, the inspection results showed that everything was normal.

Because Ai Liang was too young and had a special status, doctors did not dare to prescribe any psychotropic drugs for auxiliary treatment. They could only tell Ai Liang to pay more attention and try not to let Ai Liang recall the past.

This suggestion led everyone in the manor to never use the past tense when talking to Ai Liang, so as not to trigger his memories.

Even words like yesterday and the day before yesterday became forbidden words in front of Ai Liang.

Ai Liang's eyes widened. He had hyperamnesia and immediately realized the meaning of these pictures: "These are all my memories."

The illusory images and sounds around him are all the memories from Ai Liang's birth to the present.

Some of the audio scenes that only have sound are replaced by a long line similar to an electrocardiogram, which was left behind when Ai Liang did not have normal vision.

This feeling is amazing, like memories of the past being archived.

Ai Liang can retrieve the fragments he wants at any time as needed, but the file is currently unorganized and appears messy.

Ai Liang thought for a moment: "As long as I arrange these memories in chronological order and add search display restrictions, I won't have a headache when recalling them in the future?"

Ai Liang raised his hand to touch the audio files without pictures, and various congratulations on his 100th birthday came from inside.

Because my hearing is too sensitive, this sound seems a bit...

"It's so noisy! Can you please be quiet?"

A furious yell overtook the remembered conversation.

All the projections exploded and dissipated like bubbles in an instant.

The audio that Ai Liang touched was distorted for a while, like the shutdown screen of an old black and white TV, it disappeared after the bright strip flashed.

The surrounding environment once again turned into empty blue sky and clear water.


Ai Liang was sure that he had never heard such a sound before.

Not to mention that all the memories were recorded in his brain due to hyperamnesia. Based on his identity alone, no one in his family would speak in such an irritable tone in front of him.

Especially Ai Liang is now in the stage of shaping his outlook on life in the eyes of outsiders, and his family will never let him be exposed to any bad behavior.

Facing Ai Liang's questioning, that violent voice seemed to have never appeared before, as if it was just an auditory hallucination.

This voice that was not in his memory made Ai Liang doubt his situation again.

Is this a revolving door of dying people's return to light, or is it the real inner world?

If it's the former, it would be too tragic to get a second life but die without experiencing real life.

I don't know if Ai Liang's hesitant look irritated the owner of the voice, but the other person said again: "Can't you just find a place to lock these memories? You've been nagging here all day."

Ai Liang was now sure that he had no auditory hallucinations.

He seized the opportunity and asked, "Who are you? What is this place? Why am I here?"

Everything here is too real, not like a dream at all.

After finally catching someone who might understand the current situation, Ai Liang would not let him go easily.

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about? Your brain is so smart. Isn't this your inner world?"

Even if he didn't see the real person, Ai Liang could make up an idiotic expression from the other person's voice.

"I said, can you sort out those junk memories quickly? Isn't it comfortable to have them swirling around in your mind like paste every day?"

The owner of the voice said impatiently: "I've long been tired of looking at that little thing over and over again."

"Then you are..."

Ai Liang was about to continue asking questions when a feeling of weightlessness suddenly enveloped him.

Before he could ask the question, his consciousness fell into darkness.

However, the weightlessness and unconsciousness were only temporary. It wasn't long before Ai Liang heard other voices coming from his ears.

Ai Liang slowly opened his eyes and narrowed them under the stimulation of the light.

"... There are no disgusting tumors in the child's body, and all physical indicators are very healthy. Apart from physiological reasons, I suggest that it is better to see a psychiatrist..."

The faint smell of disinfectant water made Ai Liang quickly recognize the current situation.

He tilted his head slightly toward the source of the sound, an action that immediately caught the caregiver's attention.

"Dad, Xiao Liang is awake."

Feng Yue shouted behind him.

The doctor who was still discussing the condition with Feng Chengfu heard Feng Yue's cry and immediately walked to the bedside as if he was amnesty.

The reason is simple. If the cause of the disease cannot be found, we have to find a way to give Feng Chengfu an explanation.

If we continue talking, I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it up.

Ai Liang's sobriety is undoubtedly the best reason to escape.

"Is there any residual feeling of dizziness in the brain? Is there anything wrong with the body?" The doctor leaned over and asked.

The nurse on the side is holding a small notebook, ready to record the conversations between patients.

"I am fine."

Ai Liang raised one hand and made a fist. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that his strength had become much stronger.

"Better than ever."

"Is there any incoordination in the body? For example, the hands are shaking and unable to exert strength." The doctor asked again.

Ai Liang did not answer immediately, but sat up from the bed without relying on his hands.

Seeing this, Feng Yue subconsciously reached out her hand to help, but she only touched Ai Liang's shoulder after Ai Liang sat up straight.

Ai Liang tilted his head and looked at the palm on his shoulder, and said politely to this familiar yet unfamiliar mother: "Thank you."

Feng Yue was obviously stunned when she heard the word "thank you", but she didn't say anything more and just retracted her hand silently.

Feng Yue has very complicated feelings about Ai Liang.

In Feng Yue's eyes, Ai Liang is a combination of blood ties and stupid past.

After Feng Chengfu's persuasion, she considered accepting Ai Liang's existence, but it would take time for her to mentally build up.

But Ai Liang's thoughts grew too fast.

Three years seemed to have magnified ten times on Ai Liang.

In the blink of an eye, the other person transcended childhood and adolescence and became an adult.

Aside from his body shape and childish voice, Ai Liang's behavior and speaking style are almost the same as those of a normal adult.

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