At seven o'clock in the morning, the head maid knocked on Ai Liang's door on time. After entering, she went straight to the closet to match Ai Liang with the clothes she would wear today.

Ai Liang himself sat on the edge of the bed and waited quietly.

"No special arrangements for today, right?" Ai Liang asked abruptly.

Normally, someone would tell Ai Liang his schedule for the next day the night before.

But after all, he just came back from the hospital yesterday. Before that, no one knew how long Ai Liang would be in coma, so his schedule for the next few days was completely empty.

"No special arrangements for today."

The maid subconsciously paused in her work, but soon she continued to look for clothes while thinking.

Go to the side hall for breakfast at 7:30. Free time is from 8 to 9. After 9 o'clock, I go to the racecourse with the master.

Ai Liang nodded and whispered, "I understand."

The head maid took the clothes and turned around and walked to Ai Liang: "Today's activities are mainly with the master. He is very worried about your health.

At half past seven, we go to have breakfast with the master. Dessert is chestnut cake. After breakfast, you have free time for an hour. At nine o'clock, you go to the racecourse with the master. "

Ai Liang frowned and took the clothes handed to him: "Didn't I just say that?"

The head maid showed a surprised expression: "Did I just say something?"


Ai Liang's expression was even more surprised than that of the head maid, but he changed his mind and said seriously with a straight face, "Didn't you keep mumbling in a low voice when you turned your back to me just now?"

Do I still have this habit?

The head maid seemed to be frightened by Ai Liang. After all, it is difficult for people to notice their own small movements when they are thinking seriously.

However, Ai Liang, who was opposite him, was far less calm inside than on his face.

After quickly recalling his memory through hyperamnesia and confirming that the head maid had not spoken just now, his mind raced and he immediately made up a cover.

Just now, the head maid had her back to the surveillance camera, so there was no need to worry that the surveillance camera would see that her mouth was not moving.

Ai Liang came up with this idea almost subconsciously.

Of course, this investigation of surveillance video was based on extremely serious suspicion.

Most people will just think that they just accidentally said what they were thinking.

Ai Liang was more worried about her own changes than the head maid who was worried that she had a bad habit of speaking her mind and checked the monitoring system.

Knowing in advance that the head maid was going to speak, was this some kind of precognitive ability or was it a way of spying on the other party's thoughts?

Ai Liang doesn't know.

When he focused his attention on the head maid again, or thought about what would happen next, nothing happened.

It was as if it was just a coincidence that he had just learned in advance what the head maid was going to say.

Is it really a coincidence?

Ai Liang walked into the bathroom with heavy worries and started to wash up.


Going downstairs to the side hall, Feng Chengfu had already eaten breakfast and was listening to the news with the TV on and passing the time with an economic magazine.

After hearing the footsteps, he raised his face from the magazine: "You didn't get a good rest yesterday. Do you have another headache?"

Ai Liang knew that Feng Chengfu was referring to the incident where he was tossing and turning in bed and unable to sleep last night, so he shook his head and said, "No, I slept for too long yesterday and couldn't sleep at night.

In addition, the headache problem has indeed disappeared. I no longer have headaches due to memories. "

A trace of relief flashed in Feng Chengfu's eyes, and he said softly: "Eat first, then go to the sunroom later. I have a gift for you."


Ai Liang responded and jumped onto the custom-made seat, and then the head maid helped adjust it to the appropriate height.

Today's main course is crabmeat porridge and a small plate of pickled vegetables. Dessert is honeydew melon and chestnut cake.

These are not rare ingredients.

Although Feng Chengfu is rich, he is not like the imagined rich people who always spend tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands on top-quality ingredients.


The actual situation is exactly the opposite. If you want to say that there is any difference between the fruits and vegetables you eat in daily life and those in the vegetable market, then it is only high quality, freshly picked, and air-shipped.

However, this does not mean that Feng Chengfu is very simple in his food. Most of the food he eats has not particularly precious ingredients, but the production process is very complicated.

Take the small plate of chestnut cake in front of Ai Liang as an example.

Chestnut cake needs to use both glutinous rice flour and stem rice flour, soak them for 40 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. After soaking, grind and knead them with a mixture of 7:3 to achieve the best texture with distinct layers. Just this small plate of rice Dessert takes a lot of effort.

The chef at home is often busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast at around four o'clock in the morning. Not long after breakfast is made, he needs to deal with the ingredients for lunch non-stop.

Sometimes you even have to prepare the ingredients that have been marinated for several days in advance. It takes a lot of brainpower and effort in a day, which is more laborious than moving bricks on a construction site.

After a few words of concern, Feng Chengfu returned his attention to the magazine and said nothing. Ai Liang didn't talk nonsense either, listening to the news and sipping the porridge in small sips.

Due to age and family restrictions, Ai Liang does not yet have his own mobile phone. TV news programs are one of the few ways for him to understand the world.

"...After discussions between the parliament and the public security department, bounty hunter Lai Yong-ming will be officially awarded the Medal of Honor tomorrow. He is the only non-establishment personnel to receive this honor since the creation of the bounty hunter system. Regarding this, various units expressed ..."

Bounty Hunter? Is there such a thing in this world?

Ai Liang's attention was attracted by the news reports, and he turned to look at the TV without even bothering to eat.

This unethical behavior caused the head maid to remind: "Xiao Liang, it's dinner time now. If you are interested in the news, I can call up the replay during the free time after the meal."

Ai Liang returned his attention to breakfast: "I know Aunt Mei... I was just a little curious when I suddenly heard the title bounty hunter, which only appears in stories like this."

"After breakfast..."

"I'll talk to you later. Now that your headache has improved, it's time for you to get in touch with some social things."

Feng Chengfu suddenly put down the magazine and said.

The head of the family had already spoken, so naturally the head maid wouldn't say much.

When Ai Liang developed a headache, the family immediately reduced all activities except for necessary cultural courses. At the same time, Ai Liang was blocked from contacting the outside world to avoid being dazzled by the large amount of information in the Internet age.

In the manor, TV news, books, and adults' chats are all the ways for him to understand the world.

Now that the headache is gone, you should be able to ask for a mobile phone or computer at home, right? Hmm... I guess there should be a time limit for use every day to prevent myopia.

Ai Liang thought to himself.

After breakfast, Ai Liang, accompanied by the head maid, followed Feng Chengfu to the sun room outside, where he saw the gift from Feng Chengfu's mouth, a beige Angelus mink.

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