The most reckless man in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 180 Qingzhou is shocked! The ferocious Marquis Zhongshan is here!

Tang Mu and Zuo Yidao did not hesitate.

In fact, they are holding a breath in their hearts now.

At first, they couldn't quite understand why the Marquis would choose to send troops.

It is obvious that their targets are those corrupt officials and gentry who colluded with the Japanese pirates for smuggling and profit, which led to the increasing corruption of the Japanese gentry. They only need to act according to the plan and find these bastards, confiscate their homes and exterminate their clans. Then half of the task is completed. There is no need to get involved in this matter.

Only now did they finally understand that the Marquis did this not for himself, but for these innocent people!

Suddenly, demons from the White Lotus Sect gathered in Juzhou to cause chaos. In less than half a month, it swept through the entire Qingzhou Prefecture!

After a brief moment of astonishment, they all hurriedly knelt down on the ground. Tang Hao's nose felt sore and he ordered everyone to stand up again.

Hearing this, Tang Hao felt a little guilty and was speechless.

Then, under Tang Hao's reminder, everyone began to bury the bodies, while Tang Hao held the child and sat at the entrance of the village, holding a blood-stained sword in his hand.

The remaining people didn't dare to sleep. Even though they had just experienced life and death, they were already exhausted physically and mentally. They wanted to fall asleep immediately, but they still gritted their teeth and waited, gathering around the old village chief, just like that. Standing behind Tang Hao.

Qingzhou Guard Commander Gao Lu, Bian Xiong's adopted son, was also Bian Xiong's absolute confidant.

"I've seen this general before!"

"These are all orders from above. You can only obey the orders, otherwise the above will not..."

This choice is actually not difficult to make, or it should be done by anyone with some conscience.

All the subordinates screamed in fear, and Baihu finally let them go.

The old village chief had to bite the bullet and walk out for the sake of the remaining people in the village.

"Don't be a beast!"

Finally, under the firelight, Tang Hao saw the faces of Tang Mu and Zuo Yidao.

"I want to ask you, each of you, do you have any parents or relatives? If your parents and relatives were slaughtered and humiliated by bandits and bandits, how would you feel in your fucking hearts?"

Baihu took a deep breath, then stepped forward and spoke bravely.

And this is exactly the result that Gao Lu and Bian Xiong want to see!

"This is Widow Liu's child."

Upon hearing this, all the soldiers immediately accepted the order, quickly got on their horses, and then galloped away in the night.

The old village chief and the surviving people stared blankly at the property and food in front of them, then hurriedly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed in the direction where Tang Hao and the others left.

The leading man was a little excited when he saw the property on the ground, but when they noticed the heads hanging at the entrance of the village, they were so frightened that they almost fell off their horses.

Tang Hao deliberately changed the topic, otherwise he would not have the face to face these innocent people.

Chang Kuohai's remaining 1,000 soldiers immediately formed an array to protect Tang Hao behind him. Now in Qingzhou, there are too many people who want their own marquis to die!

Just when Gao Lu was dreaming about getting promoted and getting rich, the next moment someone grabbed his neck and lifted him up from the chair.

What he saw was a murderous and ferocious face, coupled with the obvious sign of "shaving his hair and removing his beard". Gao Lu was so shocked that his hair went numb for a moment, and he was unable to even struggle.

"The property looted by the bandits will also be left behind for the common people!"

"Leave no one behind!"

This strategy is so insidious and vicious that it can even be said to be unscrupulous!

The old village chief and the villagers were overjoyed. They thought it was Tang Hao who led his army and returned. However, when they took a closer look, they found that they were also officers and soldiers, but they were not Tang Hao's army.

That's right, they were ordered to come here to make up for the damage, or to work as animals.

No one thought that this kind-hearted general would turn out to be a marquis!

"It's true that Bian Xiong is the commander of the capital, but he is nothing in front of the Marquis of Zhongshan!"

As soon as these words came out, these people all panicked.


This is completely impossible at any time!

Because the Ming Dynasty set up military guards in various important military locations across the country, and under the military guards there were inspection departments that guarded the key roads and key areas of Guan and Tianjin, which were under the jurisdiction of local states and counties. The inspections commanded a corresponding number of Archers are specially responsible for checking people coming and going, combating smuggling, and arresting thieves!

In other words, according to common sense, the sudden outbreak of the White Lotus Rebellion in Juzhou would have been defeated and suppressed by the Juzhou Guards. Even if it could not be suppressed, it would have been suppressed by the guards at these key points. The inspection department was put to death in Juzhou to prevent the rebellion from spreading and harming local people.

"Old man, on behalf of these common people, thank the general for his great kindness!"

"This child, on the other hand, is his family still there?"

"We don't want to be beasts!"

After hearing Tang Hao's words, everyone thanked him profusely, and then settled the matter under the arrangement of the old man.

The old man spoke with tears streaming down his face, and the people behind him also began to sob softly.

But he still muttered unwillingly: "This is the order of the commander-in-chief. If you don't obey it, my lord, the commander-in-chief will investigate after the incident. I'm afraid..."

Baihu asked impatiently, and the old village chief nodded solemnly.

"Then what else did Marquis Zhongshan say?"

"Spare your life!"

"I will take the child away and treat him as my own."

After all, this sudden rebellion, in a sense, started because of Tang Hao, and it was because of Tang Hao that these people suffered these unreasonable disasters!

"Old man, I assure you that the military turmoil will be over soon!"

The commander of the Shandong capital, Bian Xiong, asked them to watch indifferently, and even to make a last-ditch attack afterwards.

The bandits and gangsters deserve to be killed, the demons of the White Lotus Sect deserve to be killed, these officers of the Inspection Department of the Guard Station deserve to die even more, and the Shandong Commander Bian Xiong standing behind them deserves to be cut to pieces with a thousand swords!

Among those heads, there were those of bandits, guards officers, and even the heads of the Senhu-sama he knew!


"The Marquis said that all the inspection departments of the health stations will immediately send troops to encircle and suppress the rebels and bandits. If there is another village or town near them that is massacred by the rebels and bandits, he will personally slaughter the entire inspection department of the guards, leaving no chickens or dogs behind. !”

When all the officers and soldiers heard this, they couldn't help but tremble.

But things are getting better now. In less than half a month, rebels and bandits are all over the entire Qingzhou!

The most craziest thing is that the inspection department of the guard station did not send troops at all. They just stood aside and watched helplessly as these bandits ran around, plundering and killing the people everywhere, but they did not care at all!

"Don't forget, when the Marquis of Zhongshan puts down the rebels, he will definitely kill Bian Xiong next. At that time, if you and I really follow the orders of this beast, Bian Xiong, massacre these innocent people and slander the Marquis of Zhongshan, If good deeds are used, then all of them should be prepared to die!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

Afterwards, the two of them finished chatting about what happened. Baihu finally breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that Tang Hao went straight to Juzhou.

"I dare to ask General, this is all going well, why did the army suddenly break into chaos?"

Baihu yelled at his men, and the scolded guys all lowered their heads with guilt on their faces.

Tang Hao hurriedly reached out and helped the old man up.

The originally turbulent Qingzhou Mansion was completely stabilized because of Tang Hao's order.

"Leave some food!"

The two of them got off their horses and knelt down in front of Tang Hao.

The sky gradually became gloomier, and night fell quietly.


Why do these officers and soldiers do this?

Everyone is waiting!

Tang Hao is waiting too!

He's waiting to kill!

Finally, there was a formation of horseshoes ahead, followed by fire.

"These bastards are officers from the Inspection Department of the nearby guard station, including those from the Qianhu Station!"

After Tang Mu and Zuo Yidao left, Tang Hao ordered the remaining soldiers to treat the wounded people and put out the fire in the village. He then found the village chief, the old man just now, holding the baby in his arms.

Before he finished speaking, Baihu slapped him in the face and cursed angrily: "Are you really a fucking beast?"

"Fuck you, you're handsome!"

"The Marquis of Zhongshan can control the local army and horses. This is the order of His Majesty the Emperor. Now the Marquis of Zhongshan has spoken, asking us to protect the people in the villages and towns and kill the bandits and rebels with all our strength. Who do you think we should listen to?"

"The man in her family was forcibly conscripted into the army last year. He has not come back until now. He is probably dead. I don't know which mass grave he is buried in."

About half an hour later, just as the village was about to return to calm, there was another sound of horse hooves.

Only then did the old man notice the child in Tang Hao's arms, and then shook his head with sadness on his face.

"Master Hou, please spare my life!"


However, Zhongshan Marquis Tang Hao asked them to immediately send troops to kill the rebels and bandits, otherwise Zhongshan Marquis would lead his troops to come and massacre the entire Guard Inspection Department.

Gao Lu casually picked up two small leaders of the White Lotus Sect from the county prison, gave them some money and food, and asked them to go to Juzhou to plan the rebellion. Then he, the commander of the Qingzhou Guard, was not idle either. Immediately mobilize the army to "quell the rebellion."

"Well, your village was attacked by bandits?"

Not only the bandits, but also the officers of the Inspection Department of the Guard Station, one by one, no one can escape!

Baihu sighed after hearing this, and then waved his hand to signal the withdrawal of troops.

Then why, these officers and soldiers could not protect their kind people, why did they allow the bandits to slaughter their own villages?

This time, it was because Marquis Zhongshan arrived with his army in time that they were saved, but what about next time?

But they couldn't figure out what kind of big shots these people were referring to by "high-ups", and why they had to have trouble with good people like them?

Tang Hao held the baby and got on his horse, then ordered.

After all, one side is a regular army of the imperial court with complete weapons, and the other side is just a bunch of bandits and bandits. They don’t even have decent weapons in their hands. They fight with hoes and sticks, let alone swords, guns, bows and arrows. What kind of combat effectiveness can they say?

With screams and screams, hundreds of officers from the inspection department of the guard station were beheaded on the spot.

The purpose, of course, is to throw dirty water on Tang Hao, the Marquis of Zhongshan, and prevent Tang Hao from quickly putting down the rebellion and achieving military success. By then, the entire land of Qingzhou will be empty, and a large number of innocent people will be killed by the officers and soldiers, even if Tang Hao is not dead. The skin will also peel off!

"Master Hou, have mercy on me, have mercy on me!"

The old man witnessed with his own eyes what Tang Hao had done for everyone, and he also understood that the general was a good guy and not a bad guy, so when he saw Tang Hao coming over, he immediately led the lucky people who survived to kneel on the ground.

Because a Tang Sai'er rebellion broke out in Qingzhou, a large number of ignorant people in Guizhou still believe in the White Lotus Sect and worship it secretly.

This Qingzhou Prefecture is the quagmire dug by the three Shandong giants for Zhongshan Hou Tanghao!

As long as Tang Hao dares to step into the Qingzhou Mansion, he will be trapped in this quagmire for life and death. Even if he finally escapes by luck, he will be covered in mud, and naturally he will not be able to investigate other things. Got it!

This strategy is a bit vicious!

Because of this rebellion, I don’t know how many people in Qingzhou Prefecture will die!

Only the Qingzhou Guards, who were still fighting against the White Lotus Sect rebels in Juzhou, still turned a blind eye to Tang Hao's orders.

The surviving people were suddenly frightened, like frightened rabbits, with panic written all over their faces.

Of course he saw Widow Liu's body, which was in a state of disgrace.

Dahao's head fell to the ground. This Qianhu didn't understand until his death. He was just following orders. Why did he end up like this?

Tang Hao glanced at the other officers of the inspection department of the guard station coldly, then turned and left.

"Leave immediately for Juzhou and deal with the source of the rebellion first!"

What are you waiting for?

They are waiting for an answer!

Obviously they have never paid less of the exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes every year!

Obviously the Inspection Department of the Guard Station is nearby, but they will be dispatched by the military masters from time to time to farm crops!

At this point, the old village chief couldn't speak anymore, and tears began to fall uncontrollably.

Why have evil cults such as the White Lotus Sect been banned repeatedly throughout the ages?

Isn’t it because these White Lotus Sect monsters are so good at deceiving people that they spread too easily!

What's more, with the indulgence of these officials, the spread of the White Lotus Sect was even more unstoppable, sweeping across the entire Qingzhou Prefecture in an instant!

Of course, it is only limited to one Qingzhou Prefecture.

And as the news spread, Zhongshan Hou once again led his army to massacre four guards and thirteen inspection departments. At this moment, all the inspection departments of Qingzhou Guards Station could not sit still. They finally understood that Tang Hao was not here. Just kidding, Tang Hao really dares!

For a time, the bandits who were still massacring villages and towns were dealt a fatal blow in an instant. Some patrol inspection departments even took the initiative to pursue and kill these bandits in order to gain military merit and protect themselves. All of them will be killed in ten days.

"If you have the ability, stand up. I will lead my troops to massacre your village, kill your parents, and rape your sisters. Let you try it too!"

So when Bian Xiong's order came, Gao Lu immediately took action.

"We are just following orders..."

"Do you really want to be a fucking beast?"

It's just that the two sides have been in a confrontation until now, occasionally coming out to fight, but quickly stopping when they see fit. Instead, it's because Gao Lu mobilized troops from the inspection departments of various guards and secretly released some White Lotus rebels. This premeditated rebellion quickly swept across the entire Qingzhou land, and it became increasingly fierce!

"Here comes someone, ride up immediately and tell the Marquis of Zhongshan about Bian Xiong's evil plan. I also want to hook up with the noble man!"

If it weren't for the timely arrival of these officers and soldiers, their village would have been razed to the ground today.

"Widow Liu has to do farm work and raise children, so she is just looking forward to the return of her man, but now..."

This Zhongshan Hou is absolutely crazy!

How dare he really dare to kill someone directly!

"This is what we soldiers should do."

This little flag was suddenly hit by a big mouth, and his face turned pale with fright.

The ferocious Marquis of Zhongshan really deserves his reputation!

This time he is afraid that he will fight his way through!

"If one day his father comes back alive, ask him to find me in the capital. I am Tang Hao, the Marquis of Zhongshan in the Ming Dynasty!"

As a result, Xiaoqi beside him reminded in a low voice: "Sir, are we withdrawing our troops like this? What Bian Commander means is..."

Therefore, now we only need to wait until the Marquis of Zhongshan enters the urn, and when the imperial court orders to take away Tang Hao's military power, he can immediately send troops to wipe out these rebels. This will be a great contribution to countering the rebellion!

Unfortunately, the ideal is full and the reality is cruel.

Baihu couldn't help but curse loudly: "He Bianxiong wants to fight with the Marquis of Zhongshan. What does it have to do with us bastards? Does it have anything to do with these innocent people?"

Tang Hao took a deep breath and then made up his mind.

The old village chief looked at Tang Hao and couldn't help but ask.

"Old man, please get up quickly!"

The military generals of the Ming Dynasty adopted some adopted sons, but this was a habit inherited from the founding of the country. For example, Lan Yu, Duke of Liang, had hundreds of adopted sons in the army, and all of them held important positions and were in charge of the army for him. power.

Before he finished speaking, Tang Hao didn't bother to listen to his nonsense and just whirled his head away with a knife.

"Reporting to the Marquis, we encountered several groups of bandits during our march and killed them all."

"Who is the village chief? Come out and answer!"

Seeing this scene in front of them, the sorrow and anger in the hearts of the old village chief and these people finally resolved a lot.

That beast Bian Xiong had given a death order a long time ago and allowed the rebels and bandits to massacre the people in the villages and towns. Not only were they, the Inspection Department of the Guard Station, unable to send troops to protect them, they also had to continue to massacre these people afterwards to ensure that no one was left alive!

"These common people have provoked you, but you must drive them away and kill them all? Aren't you afraid of retribution in the future, your descendants will be cut off, and you will be struck by lightning?"

"That's it, father-in-law."

Following their gazes, Tang Hao walked up to the Qianhu with his knife in hand.

Baihu laughed and said, "Go with a few more people and tell the inspection departments of the nearby health stations that if anyone dares to follow Bian Xiong and act like a beast, I will definitely report him to the Marquis of Zhongshan!"

In this way, each health inspection department made a choice.

These thousands of households looked at the murderous Marquis Zhongshan of the Ming Dynasty. Even though their hands were tied, they still struggled hard to beg for mercy.

"Everyone, please get up quickly. Stop kneeling. Treating the wounded is the most important thing."

Bian Xiong even wanted to achieve the situation of "ten rooms and nine empty rooms", so that he could give Zhongshan Hou Tang Hao a fatal blow!

Gao Lu was still sleeping leisurely with his eyes closed. He didn't have to worry about the White Lotus rebels not far away. If he really took action, he could wipe out these rebels with a snap of his fingers.


"Spare my life..."

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