The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates

Chapter 125: Meeting Each Other

"Breed, who's that?"

The green mask covered the upper half of his face, and the expression of the 'phone worm' with a long tongue in his mouth was frozen, as if the man opposite the phone worm didn't expect his right-hand man to ask this question.

"It's... the pet fruit ability user who sits on the fighting beast island."

"terribly sorry,"

The blond-haired and silver-eyed boy Ricardo seriously apologized to the phone bug in his hand,

"I've never been able to remember the names of trash."



"Don't worry, Ricardo,"

"As my right hand, you are already very good. There are only a few flaws, I forgive you."

The long tongue in the phone bug's mouth flicked wantonly, imitating the expression of the caller vividly: seven points of arrogance, three points of ridicule.

"Okay, enough gossip."

The phone bug's expression turned serious.

"Although Breed is a piece of trash, he is still carrying my flag, not everyone is qualified to move!"

"It was a group of guys called the 'Don Quixote Family' who just entered the Great Line from the North Sea. Don't underestimate them, Breed has two cards of 'Little Chestnut Hat' and 'Rowdy' in his hand. trump card."


"Little chestnut and Roddy?"

The blond-haired and silver-eyed boy was thoughtful,

"I remember those two fur warriors. Their strength is definitely not something that ordinary fish can defeat."

"Beihai... Are those people subordinates of the Vinsmoke family? Or people from the Luo Xiuwang Kingdom? Or are they related to Avaro Pizarro?"

Avaro Pizarro was nicknamed "King of Evil Government".

Beihai is notorious, and even led the army to plunder the mad kings of other countries.

However, he was arrested by the Navy two years ago and has disappeared from the sight of ordinary people.

Newcomers who have just entered the great route can defeat those who "remember their names" in Ricardo.

Ricardo would be the first to say that such a family does not have the guidance of a "famous teacher" behind them.

"The information I received indicated that the 'Don Quixote Family' had indeed been in contact with the 'Vinsmoke Family'. But... in short, you go and see what they are."

After finishing speaking, the phone bug added a sentence.

"be careful,"

Although the CP0 who came to the door represented the Tianlong people, he asked Carmenio to attack the Don Quixote family. But they will naturally not reveal all the information:

It will not reveal the identities of Rossi and Dover who used to be "Dragon People", so as to prevent Carmenho from being afraid to do anything;

Nor did he inform Rossi and Dover of the information he had trained in cooperation with the dragon: it was better to prevent Carmenio from daring to do it.

And from the information concealed by the CP0 members, Carmenio on the other side of the phone bug also felt abnormal.

After 'testing' the Don Quixote family with Breed, he decisively dispatched his confidants:

Ricardo, known as the "Silver-eyed Lion King"!

"Leave it to me, my lord."

The boy with blond hair and silver eyes took out a white glove from his pocket and put it on, at the same time he took out a recording pointer and looked in the direction.

"Has the boat to Gourmet Island just left for a day, then—"


The young man made a slight squat to accumulate energy, followed by a ring-shaped air ripple that exploded close to the ground, blowing away those unconscious pirates like pieces of paper, and the whole pier buzzed and vibrated.

The pier next to it suddenly exploded with huge waves several meters high!

And the boy's figure has long since disappeared in place, and only a lookout with sharp eyesight can see a black dot falling towards the distant horizon.

"I'm leaving now!"

Go catch up and take a 'fun boat' to the gourmet island.


Beast Island,

Don Quixote.

"Let's go, we're also starting our journey."

After taking over the entire island, naturally there is no need to wait for the recording pointer to accumulate magnetic power; just an order, and a large number of "recording pointers" with stored magnetic power will be presented for the Don Quixote family to use.

After carefully checking the record pointer in his hand, Rossi turned his head and nodded to Dover.

everything's ready,

"Fufufu, family members!"

"Come on, let those guys who offend us pay the price, the target—Gourmet Island!"

With a big wave of Dover's hand, Pica hoisted the sail, and Pique lowered the anchor... Then Dover went to the helm and steered it himself. While Rossi looked at the record pointer in his hand, he looked up at the gradually receding island:

Above the stretching city walls and the tallest building in the city: the Colosseum, the double dragon flag belonging to the Don Quixote family is flying!

Once the flag is hoisted, according to the "rules" of this world, this island is "covered" by the Don Quixote family.

It can be regarded as officially declaring war with Carmenio, one of the "Seven Martial Seas"!

"During this journey, everyone, hurry up and practice domineering—"

Rossi clapped his hands. The "Qiwuhai" he was about to face was not those "acquaintances" in the future. Rossi didn't know how strong the other party was, so he had to urge the family members to practice domineering hard.

However, the ideal is skinny, and the reality is cruel.


A few days later, Rosie rubbed her temples.

On him, a group of fur kids crawled around.



The so-called "Karuqiu" is a kind of friendly etiquette of the fur tribe, that is, intimate rubbing.

To put it simply, it's 'stickers'!

And Rossi, who was "posted", looked at the sky, regretting why she had nothing to do and chose to tell stories to these children...

"Fufufu, did you catch the fur kid's heart so quickly?"

Dover, who was at the helm next to him, could see the gloating expression on his face even if he was wearing sunglasses.

"Not bad, very energetic!"

It's not bad, I regret it~~

"I didn't expect Rosie to be so popular with children," she said.

Fortunately, at this time, Jorah came out of the kitchen with Bainisarna and Xiao Limao: Xiaolihao was also pushing a huge dining cart.

In addition to the Don Quixote family, the child of the Fur tribe and the two warriors also boarded the boat.

"Okay, kids."

After all, he has been the director of the orphanage for more than ten years. Jorah clapped his hands, and the gentle but unquestionable voice made the fur children who were leaning on Rossi obediently slide down.

"It's time for lunch,"

"After eating, Brother Pique will lead you to practice basic fighting."

"Yes, Aunt Jorah!"

A group of fur kids answered in unison,

For children, Chora and Pique are the real 'professional counterparts'.

In fact, when he agreed with Chora to join, Rossi was going to hand over all the training of the family's descendants to Jora.

"Hey, I'm a bit ignorant of children~~"

Finally relieved, Rossi leaned against the mast, feeling more tired than fighting.

"terribly sorry···"

After distributing food to the children, the Maltese girl Xiao Limao came over to apologize to Rossi and asked Rossi to wave her hand.

"It's okay, just casually."

Although there are real "bear people" among these fur children, they are not "bear children" at all. Not only is he very obedient, but also polite, and he is also very active in doing things.

Apart from liking Nian Rossi, there are almost no shortcomings.

After all, the fur tribes themselves are well-educated, and these fur tribe children have truly seen the 'dangerous world', so naturally they don't have any princess disease or young master disease.

"Rosie... may I call you that?"

After getting along with each other for a few days, Xiao Limao gradually got to know a lot about everyone in the Don Quixote family:

Although they were not considered 'good people', they valued their own people unparalleled. The members are all partners who can truly trust their backs.

This made Xiao Limao both envious and at ease. As long as they didn't run counter to the other party's pursuit, then they had no reason to deal with their own people. In this case:

"Although our race is endowed with the 'Moon Lion' technique, you humans cannot learn it."

"But you can actually try to learn the 'electrical' skills."


"The principle of this technique is to use hair friction to generate electricity, because I have half of human blood, so I can only use hair and tail to generate electricity."

"If you are interested, I can teach you the technique of using hair to generate electricity."

? !

Hair power generation...Although it sounds nonsense, it is a real skill in this world!

And the power is even far superior to the natural thunder, Rossi's eyes lit up when he thought of the thunder and lightning that made him suffer so much.

"I'm interested, of course I'm interested!"

"...Well, won't this violate the rules of your fur clan?"

Facing Rossi's words, the Maltese girl smiled and shook her head.

"I developed this technique from the original 'electrical' technique. I don't know if you can learn it. Maybe it might just be a waste of time..."

"No, no, even if you can't learn it, at least it can be used as a reference."

Rossi became interested. As the saying goes, "stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade", the more skills you master, the more likely you are to develop your own unique skills.

After learning 'electricity', it is not impossible to become a Saiyan~~

In this way, everyone on the Don Quixote exercised while moving towards the next island.

A few days later, the gourmet island is far away!

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