"problem occurs!"

"Something happened!"

Minister Fujiwara, who was in the Student Affairs Office, looked at the international students who were filing in from the entrance. He couldn't help but frowned, sighed softly, and said in his heart.

The first day he saw Bai Gui, he felt that he was a difficult person to deal with. Hmm... He treats people sincerely, handles things in an orderly manner, and urges students to study. He can be said to be a perfect deputy minister, and he will not compete with him for power.

But because of the blood and teachings passed down by the Fujiwara clan, he still keenly sensed the abnormality.

Today, I finally saw it.

Fujiwara is his real surname, and his family name, Miao, means Fangmae family, and he comes from the Wushe family of the Chinese ethnic group. After the Meiji Restoration, the Wushe family was listed as the first of the Chinese family and received the title of Duke...

This is also the reason why he became the minister of the student department of the first high school.

It has a lot to do with his origin.

"What do you have to do when you come here? Don't worry, the student department will consider it for you and will definitely give you a satisfactory answer..."

Minister Fujiwara thought for a moment, and decided to reassure the people in front of him that nothing could happen to him. The position of Minister of Student Affairs seemed ordinary.

But you must know that this is the best high school in Japan. Being able to serve as a minister here and become an official in the future will be a rare experience.

During his tenure, if something like this happened and was not handled properly, it would be looked down upon.


Liu Mingda didn't say much. He bowed and saluted Fujiwara Yata, then moved forward and presented this challenge note, "Brother Miwa said that in ten days, he will challenge all the kendo halls in the First High School and even Tokyo University." , Judo Hall, if he wins, Japan's kendo clubs and judo clubs must recruit Japanese students from now on, and cannot turn them away because of their differences..."

"Toka? Challenge all kendo clubs and judo clubs?"

Minister Fujiwara and the thirteen deputy ministers beside him couldn't help but exclaimed. This tone was really loud and surprising, because Tokyo University is the number one university in Japan, and the samurai who teach there are not just excuses. Nobody.

Even students, there are many highly capable people.

"Not just the students, but also the samurai who teach!"

Liu Mingda replied.

"Brother Meihe is really that powerful in martial arts?"

Saburo Tohei was a little surprised. He knew that Bai Gui had practiced martial arts, but to teach the samurai to challenge him together was a bit exaggerated.

Some calligraphy, painting, and tea art skills passed down from China to Japan, when they arrive in Japan and add their own content, they will be called calligraphy, painting, and tea ceremony.

Martial arts is called martial arts.

For example, some cooking immortals and sushi gods in later generations actually have similar names to clay figurines Zhang and Brush Li.

"I don't know, but Brother Meihe said that his master is one of the Three Heroes of Yannan, his surname is Huang Tao and Lin Biao."

"Study as the chief instructor of Yanjing Green Camp!"

Liu Mingda calmly replied with these few words.

This is the portal for martial arts practitioners, the reporting portal!

Not everyone is qualified to challenge the kendo club or judo club, otherwise the people in the kendo club and dance club wouldn't be busy to death on a whim? !

But does Bai Gui, who is a disciple of the Three Heroes of Yan Nan, have this qualification? He definitely does!

"Okay, I will inform the seniors of the Kendo Club and Judo Club about this."

Minister Fujiwara stood up, his expression a little more solemn.

He took the letter of challenge handed over by Liu Mingda, returned the gift seriously, and bowed.

This matter no longer involves personal grudges, but involves the martial arts dispute between the two countries!

The implication of Bai Gui's words is very clear. Since you consider the differences between schools, then I will use martial arts to defeat your kendo club and judo club. I don't believe you still have the nerve to shut out international students!

After writing the letter in the afternoon, Yi Gao spread the matter, but it only limited to Yi Gao and some students of Dongda University.

After all... how far this matter will go depends on the competition in the gym ten days later!

Is this a joke?

The next day, early in the morning.

This day is the Sunday of the lunar month, which is Saturday.

Not only Japan, but China also used Qiyao to count days. For example, in the "Book of Changes" it appears: "Nine stars hang in the sky, and seven rays swirl around." "Shang Shu Shun Dian" also says: "In the Xuanji Yuheng, Qi Zheng is unified." Qi Zheng is also related to Qiyao.

Bai Gui got a height, got on the carriage, and headed to Bunkyo District in Tokyo.

Half an hour later, Bunkyo District, Hakusan Town.

"This is the first time we meet, please take care of me."

As soon as Bai Gui entered the office of the Democratic Progressive News, he met the person who welcomed him. So he followed the Romans and saluted the middle-aged man in front of him with "Nobuo Nakajima" written on the nameplate on his chest.

There are two lines on the nameplate, the bottom line is the name, and the top line is the position, which reads "Proofreading Editor".

"Is it Editor Bai?"

Nobuo Nakajima also returned the courtesy politely.

"Yes, Mr. Liu asked me to come here. I wrote a letter seven days ago, and you also replied."

Bai Gui replied casually.

After he came to Dongying High School, he replied to the Minjin Newspaper office.

While he was talking, he also took the opportunity to look at the scene in the newspaper office in front of him, which was very tidy.


He couldn't help but frown slightly. At this time, most newspapers used lead movable type layout and platform-type embossed printing. Therefore, a newspaper with good sales would not be very clean, at least not so clean. Ink stains are common.

At this time, he believed Liu Xueyu's words, this was really a newly founded newspaper.

Newspaper sales are probably miserable.

"This is your office."

Nobuo Nakajima led Bai Gui to a remote small room.

The overall structure of the newspaper office is a traditional Japanese He family residence. The office is separated from the living room by a paper partition, which is about 20 square meters. There are wooden cabinets against the wall, which should have bedding. The floor is tatami, and there are long low tables with stacks on them. Holding some newspapers from previous years.

As he spoke, he took out an envelope from his arms.

"This is Editor Bai's salary for this month, totaling thirty-five yen."

Nobuo Nakajima said, with a flash of envy in his eyes.

He has received such a high salary without even working. Judging from the age of this person, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old. His monthly salary is only twenty yen.

"Thank you..."

Bai Gui was slightly startled. He didn't expect that he had received his salary before he even worked. But he soon realized that this was probably due to the care given to him by his elders.

He didn't refuse and accepted it.

Nobuo Nakajima talked about some newspaper matters and the editor-in-chief's responsibilities, bowed and left, closing the paper partition.

Taking out the yen from the envelope, Bai Gui stuffed it into the lining pocket of his suit, then opened the large hard leather black lacquer schoolbag he brought from a high school, and took out the manuscript he had written long ago.

He is not very good at running a newspaper, and he is not very good at handling the responsibilities given to the editor-in-chief.

But predecessors also have successful experiences, such as Mingpao.

Writing novels is the fastest way to become famous. He had already made preparations before coming to Japan.

I saw the four characters "Great Qin Empire" written on the leftmost vertical grid.

It is not impossible to copy works such as The Rise of Great Powers, but everything must have a source, and the same is true for knowledge. He had just arrived in the East not long ago, how could he have knowledge about various countries? But today's countries are different, but the countries of the past were different.

Feng Menglong, a man of the Ming Dynasty, had long written a novel in classical Chinese about the countries of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, called "Chronicles of the Countries of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty".

Since his classics were about the Spring and Autumn Period, and he was from Qin Province, writing a book called "The Qin Empire" is not too much, right?

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