The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

383. Catching a son-in-law under the official list, Zhang Zeduan (please order the full version)

After Zhao Gou finished awarding Bai Gui, he waved his hand and told Bai Gui to step aside and return to the examination table. Google search reading

Then he selected some candidates who performed amazingly in various examinations and asked them to go to the front examination. If they answered the test papers well and the performance was correct, they would be rewarded.

The favor is very generous.

Every little thing can win over the hearts of the people in Jiangnan.

Most of the candidates for this scientific examination are from various prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River. As for the northern border, they have already fallen.

The answer sheet arrived in the afternoon.

The exam is over.

Bai Gui left Chui Gong Hall.

Before coming to the palace, he was dressed in plain clothes and white robes. But when he left the palace, he was already wearing a green robe, a futou, wearing climbing shoes, and had an official status.

Futou is an official hat. Because the silk used is mostly green and black, it is also called Wusha hat.

Every year for the scientific examination, the palace will prepare the official uniforms of the child prodigy department. Most of them are in the age group of ten to fourteen. Although Bai Gui is younger, there are many clever women in Lin'an and there are many weavers in the palace. After a little modification, the tailoring will be decent.

However, at this time, Bai Gui was no longer as happy as he was when he passed the imperial examination and came first in the Taoist examination. In the Tang Dynasty, he had already won the first place in civil and military affairs and the first place in the child prodigy department, but he was really lackluster.

But when the imperial army was about to open the palace gate.

Some candidates walking side by side with Bai Gui suddenly took a step back.

Bai Gui was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted. He took a few steps back and hid beside a group of Jinshi subjects.

Outside the palace gate, the crowd was bustling.

There are many dignitaries in beautiful red clothes, and there are also some servants with title plaques, which say that a certain family in a certain house has appointed a son-in-law. The specific dowry is how much, and some title plaques even specify who the ancestors are. Officials, who is an official nowadays? They are extremely philistine.

"The Li family is looking for a son-in-law, and he will be given a dowry of sixty-four tons and a thousand acres of fertile land as a gift."

"The Zhang Mansion is looking for a son-in-law, and he will be accompanied by a dowry of one hundred and twenty-eight pounds. The head of the house is the Minister of Taichang Temple..."

"My young lady has just reached her hair age and is a famous beauty in Lin'an Prefecture..."

A person shouted to all the candidates in the palace.

See this situation.

Bai Gui still doesn't understand that this is to catch a son-in-law under the official list.

Although the announcement of the rankings has not started yet, the palace examination does not select candidates. The palace examination is only used for ranking. No matter whether you are a first-class Jinshi, a second-class Jinshi, or a third-class Jinshi, your future prospects will not be the same. Limited quantity. Compared with the fierce competition when the results were announced, today's candidates still don't know their rankings. They are easily confused by the temptations outside the door and are more likely to accept flowers and candles in the bridal chamber.

In short, for the various palaces outside the palace, no one in the third class would be at a loss. After all, there are so many branches in each government, and they are all wealthy families. There are not ten but eight young ladies. It is a good thing for the family to catch a Jinshi. Moreover, the dowry belongs to the daughter's family and can be used by the husband's family. , it is not necessary to discuss it with my wife.

However, the excitement of these people outside the door was limited to the Jinshi candidates.

Candidates in other subjects were a bit bleak.

Among all the subjects, Jinshi subjects are the most expensive.

"In the eighth year of the Taiping and the rejuvenation of the country, Jinshi began to test various disciplines and laws and righteousness... Jinshi began to be divided into the top three." - "History of the Song Dynasty·Electoral System"

As the noise outside the door became louder and louder, the Jinshi candidates standing in the front row became a little excited.



A dozen or so people, with a slight hesitation in their steps, walked to the servants of the mansions with the highest bids and agreed to the marriage, one of the three great joys in life.

One after another, more than 20 Jinshi candidates walked out.

The remaining Jinshi candidates are waiting for a price.

Have confidence in your own achievements.

Although the current prices offered by various prefectures are high, they are only roughly equivalent to the prices above third-class A in the past. This amount of money is not worth first-class or second-class A.

After so many years of imperial examinations and so many years of catching a son-in-law, there are already unspoken rules.

First class A, second class A, third class A, the specifications for recruiting a son-in-law are all different.

The people of the Song Dynasty were such philistines and had a strong business ethos. Not to mention that it was a small court in the Southern Song Dynasty, and more people from the south were engaged in business than people from the north.

The noise outside the door gradually stopped.

They knew that these Jinshi candidates in the palace did not plan to get married now and had agreed to the marriage, so they stopped one by one.

"That young man, the young man in the green robe, must be a child prodigy who passed the exam. Come, come to my sister, I will give you some candy..."

Suddenly, the eyes of a maid from the palace lit up and she looked at Bai Gui, who stood out among the crowd. She quickly squatted down and waved to Bai Gui.

These servants and maids came to the palace gate to recruit a husband. If they recruited a husband, they would be rewarded after returning to the palace. Moreover, some of the maids were the personal maids of the ladies of various palaces. If they were chosen as Jinshi, they would be equivalent to Jinshi. Later, she fell in love with her husband and became the concubine of a Jinshi scholar.

However, there are many monks and few rice porridge, so it is not easy to choose a Jinshi.

But it is not easy to pick a Jinshi. It is still possible to recruit a child prodigy. Basically, prodigies are given a Jinshi background. Although they are given a third-class first-class scholarship, they are younger in age and their future prospects may not be as good as those of ordinary second-class or first-class students. Jia Jinshi is poor.

The prodigy subject is different from other subjects. The prodigy subject is in the palace examination. After the emperor's assessment, if it catches the eye, he will be awarded an official and a birth certificate immediately. Therefore, the scholars are still in plain clothes, but Bai Gui has become an official.

"Little prodigy, come to sister. There are cherries here. Newly picked cherries are very sweet."

The beautiful maid from another mansion also spoke up, arguing.

She immediately took out a handful of freshly picked purple cherries from the food box and held them in her palm as a sign of temptation.

"Little prodigy, come to big brother, I will ride on you as a wooden horse..."

A man dressed as a housekeeper shouted.

"Sister can also be a Trojan horse for you to ride on..."

Individuals scrambled to make offers.

Bai Gui: "..."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Although Bai Gui was granted the title of a Jinshi by Zhao Gou and was given the title of Secretary Lang, how could they be jealous of a boy? Moreover, at worst, they could get someone with a Jinshi background, so there was no need to be jealous. In addition, they had just left the examination room, and when they saw this scene, they suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

"Thank you for your trouble... I am the son of the Bai family from the Buzhuang of the Bai family on Qinghe Street."

"It is your parents' orders and the matchmaker's words. If you want to talk about marriage, please go to Bai's Clothing Village and talk to my parents. I can't make the decision."

Bai Gui stepped out of the queue, took three steps forward, cupped his hands, and bowed again.

Getting married is a happy event, and baby kissing is even more enjoyable in the eyes of the world. Whether he accepts or rejects it, it is inappropriate. It is impossible for him to accept, but if he refuses, how can others take a child's words seriously? Who knows if he is not willing at this moment, but will be willing at the next moment.

So the best way is to blame this troublesome matter on his parents in this life.

Even if his parents want to cling to the rich and powerful, the important matter of getting engaged cannot be completed in a moment or two. When the time comes, they can easily resolve it by knowing the stakes.

"Qinghe Street..."

"Bai's Cloth Shop."

Everyone secretly wrote down the name and left quickly, preparing to go back home to find someone to go to Bai's Cloth Shop on Qinghe Street to propose marriage.

"You little boy, you have such a clever mind."

"Sister, these are the cherries I just picked and give them to you to eat."

Seeing that everyone had dispersed, Bai Gui walked out of the palace gate and was immediately blocked by the beautiful maid just now, who gave Bai Gui a handful of fresh cherries.

"Remember, I am Zhang Di's maid, my name is Xiaolian. The master of my house is Hanlin Daizhao, my surname is Zhang, and my name is Zhang Duan. When Zhang Di goes to your Bai family to propose marriage, you must persuade your mother Qin and Daddy agree..."

This beautiful maid said with a smile.

During the Song Dynasty, the servants of the mansion generally addressed the master as the master, rather than the master.

"Yes, sister."

Bai Gui had no choice but to accept the cherry from this beautiful maid and said thank you smoothly.

This beautiful maid is also smart.

Knowing that so many people went to the Bai family, I had no advantage, so I blocked him here. If it were an ordinary young man, he would have been moved by such a caring elder sister.

But he has already turned a blind eye now.

But when he heard the second half of the beautiful maid's words, he was stunned for a moment. Zhang Zeduan, isn't that the same person who painted Along the River During the Qingming Festival?

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