The national school idol is a girl

Chapter 586: Holding hands and giving out sweets (revision)

Qin Mo, who was standing not far away, looked at the two people hugging each other.

The hand holding the pen tightened involuntarily.

I thought it was just a little time.

But when the young man turned his head and said something into Li Mengran's ear.

That scene made Qin Mo start to take action.

Li Mengran nodded, but he hadn't said the good word yet.

He felt that the boy's arm was suddenly pulled away.

It's Qin Mo.

His hand was still holding the boy's right wrist, with no intention of letting go, but his voice was deep and pleasant: "Walk slowly."

The meaning of seeing off guests is very obvious.

Li Mengran paused and smiled again. This time he really walked out.

Wait until people leave.

Qin Mo turned his head sideways and said in a slightly cold tone: "I asked you to break up, but I didn't let you rekindle your old relationship."

"It's just because we're about to break up that I want to hug you." Bo Jiu said in a decent manner: "Otherwise, how could the reason why I cried all night last night be valid?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo raised his eyebrows and said, "So the hug you just gave was to stop me from talking, not because you couldn't bear to part with me?"

"Both." Bo Jiu has not forgotten that he is a newly lovelorn person.

Qin Mo repeated slowly: "Both of them? It doesn't seem unimportant."

"So I want to know how the prosecution process goes?" Bo Jiu looked at Qin Mo.

The attention in the young man's eyes was real.

This made Qin Mo extremely jealous.

That's right, it's indeed jealousy.

He thought about it countless times.

If he had discovered earlier that the boy was in love, he would have been able to stop it earlier.

But in the end, the seed was planted, right?

"You don't need to get involved in this. After all you have done, just give me the evidence you found before. Don't forget, you still have 20% suspicion." Qin Mo's eyes were still very light.

Bo Jiu lowered his voice and said, "It's really not me. I have never been on any micro forum except the hacker micro forum. You can ask Fatty to check my search records. To be honest, I suspect there is something wrong with that micro forum."

"I will check." Qin Mo only gave the boy two words.

Bo Jiu knew that through Li Mengran's words just now, not only did she catch the phrase "Weitan ID", but the master was also collecting clues.

Therefore, this is the scary thing about the Great God.

It is obviously meant to comfort people, but it is able to gain information while comforting people.

That kind of natural academic instinct is very powerful.

This made Bo Jiu have the idea of ​​​​taking the great god home to raise him.

Bo Jiu, who was lost in his thoughts, didn't notice that Qin Mo's hand had been holding her wrist from the beginning and hadn't let go.

Qin Mo himself noticed it, and also received the surprised look Huang Bureau cast at him.

But what's the point?

It was easy for Qin Mo to pretend not to see it.

Even if there is a seed in the heart, it will not sprout if the water is cut off.

What's more, from now on, this person will only be his.

So, Qin Mo put one hand in his trouser pocket and pulled the boy with the other into the interrogation hall nearby.

Such an indifferent expression made Huang Aihua feel that he was overcomplicating things.

Isn't it just to hold hands after whispering?

This is normal!

Huang Aihua tried hard to convince himself.

But there was one person who couldn't convince himself.

That is Wu Zhen.

Although the person's emotions were not exposed at all.

But she saw his right hand clenching the pen.

For a moment, Wu Zhen thought of those CP topics on the Internet again.

His eyes were a little cold and heavy...

Five o'clock, Ann

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