The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 280: Gianna's concerns

Although the expected scene of direct war with the Horde did not appear, Jaina still expressed anxiety about the future situation, and she rushed to the West Wilderness with great anxiety.

Everyone in the fraternity knew that the female mage and Vanessa had a deep friendship, and no one stopped them when they met and said hello.

Jaina walked into the living room and almost laughed angrily when she saw Vanessa.

I ran around all over the place, trying my best to reconcile the relationship between several parties, and I was too busy, but this guy turned into a bear lying in the room and fell asleep without any hurry.

"Get up! Get up!" Jaina pushed twice. Like Calia a few days ago, she didn't push. Vanessa didn't know what dream was going on. She felt that someone was giving her a massage, and she snorted twice Down.

"You wait, you wait for me..." Facing the giant bear with rough skin and thick flesh, Jaina was going to find a stick or something to wake her up... ...

Look left and right in the room, huh? She found an unidentified object in the corner, and then pulled Fink's lava digger out.

What is this? Rao is a well-informed female mage, and she didn't see the specific use of this thing.

She raised the excavator and wanted to give it to the giant bear, but she was worried that something would go wrong, so she quickly patted her palm twice to try the feel, but she didn't expect Finke's lava excavator to vibrate by itself Yes, the vibration frequency was quite fast, which startled her.

Strange things! Jaina used an ice spell on the lava excavator. The first time it didn't freeze, it was shattered. The second time she increased the mana output, the entire excavator was frozen into a big popsicle.

She took a super big popsicle and tapped Vanessa's head twice, but found no response, so she could only grab Vanessa's ear and yell, "Sylvanas is here!"

"Where? Where?" Facts have proved that someone is still very afraid of the Banshee Queen. She immediately woke up, looked around very vigilantly, and then looked at Jaina, meaning where is the enemy? Why is there still water on my face? What are you holding in your hand?

Ten seconds later, she muttered and regained her human form, and wiped her face by the way...

"Sleep is not honest!" Jaina's words were a bit ambiguous, but neither of them paid attention.

Vanessa pursed her mouth straight: "Narrow mage! You must not know it? After my research, I have confirmed one thing. Sleeping in bear form is the most comfortable, keeping warm, the body is particularly easy to relax, and the quality of sleep It's also very high, no wonder those night elf druids like to sleep in bear form, it makes sense!"

Jaina heard her talk about a lot of secrets that help sleep. I have to say that women are very concerned about sleep. This is something that is directly linked to their appearance and has to be treated carefully. Although she cannot change shape, she can learn some theories. Many theories are figured out.

Too many things to worry about, plus staying up late to study and meditate, this has led to her poor sleep quality. Vanessa showed her a few movements in human form to help her sleep.

The two talked about the quality of sleep for half an hour before Jaina remembered her reason for coming...

"Thar accepted the idea that the Dreadlord was secretly manipulating, but I could see that he was dissatisfied with the result. We must be prepared." Jaina said cautiously.

It's okay to be dissatisfied, and it's okay to be satisfied!

Vanessa finished talking about her sleep problem, and now she is sleepy again.

She yawned a little: "Don't worry, although I haven't known Thrall as long as you, I can guess some of his thoughts. The orcs are his core interests, and the Horde is after that. As long as you don't move If he stays with the Frostwolf clan in Alterac Valley, we can continue to live in harmony with him."

"And what if we go ahead and attack Stratholme?"

This time Vanessa thought about it carefully: "I guess it will not have any impact. Without the commander of Sylvanas, the remaining Forsaken are now divided into four parts. The two thousand elites of Orgrimmar, The 3,000 remnants of Stratholme, the polluter troops left behind by the Banshee Queen on the Arathi Highlands, and finally Galen Trollbane, who occupies a part of Stromgarde."

Jaina thought about it again: "Are you sure to destroy them?"

This time Vanessa smiled wryly and shook her head: "The soldiers are too tired, and we have no strength to continue the attack. And we don't have a reason to attack the Forsaken in Arathi Highlands, which is not the territory of Lordaeron."

In fact, she didn't tell the truth, and she could find a reason for wanting to fight. She just wanted to cool down the troops.

Now that the Lordaeron army has experienced two major victories, the frenzied hostility towards the undead that was born of fear has been reduced a lot, but the pride and complacency are showing a tendency to rise again.

Except for Old Fording, who was still sober, the rest of the generals were a little overheated, and some people shouted the slogan of Northrend.

Conscience of heaven and earth, what is the difference between the Northern Expedition and courting death now?

Some generals even shouted that ten human soldiers can defeat a hundred undead.

Vanessa's response is to arrange a lot of physical labor for them, so that they don't have time to think about it. After a while, when the natural disaster invades for the second time, they will be able to wake up a little bit.

Jaina didn't see so many real problems, her eyes still stayed on the surface: "It's a pity, the morale of the soldiers is so high now."

Vanessa also pretended to be a pity, but she actually felt that she was not a pity at all.

Combining the study during this period and the knowledge of her previous life, she can be regarded as having a little experience.

The first priority in war is to fight more with less! She used 20,000 to fight 3,000, and 30,000 to 20,000, all based on this starting point.

The second priority is simpler, knowing the strength of the troops.

Try to lower the combat power of your own troops and raise the combat power of the enemy as much as possible in your heart, and formulate a battle plan based on this premise.

The most taboo thing in marching and fighting is bragging. You can’t say that ten Lordaeron soldiers can defeat a hundred undead. If you really believe this, arrange ten Lordaeron soldiers to deal with a hundred undead. There is a high probability that the entire battle situation will collapse from point to surface.

Vanessa asked her subordinates to seek truth from facts and speak as much as they can.

Don't say my army is invincible, what my army is indestructible, I don't believe it.

A lot of **** lessons in her previous life have taught her not to brag about the unsinkable Titanic, the invincible Bismarck, the invulnerable Pearl Harbor, and the impenetrable Maginot. Don’t brag about many things. …

If you blow it to the point where you believe it, you will harm others and yourself.

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