The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 310: Coronation (2)

The division of labor between Calia and Vanessa is very clear. Although they did not expressly state it, the two still found their own positions.

You are in charge of being beautiful, and I am in charge of earning money to support the family! Probably this way...

Jia Liya is kind, gentle, and polite to others. It cannot be said that these qualities are bad, but these qualities are not suitable for a monarch.

In the previous thirty years of her life, no one had ever said that she could be a monarch, and she herself had never thought of becoming a monarch, so now she is completely trying to catch the ducks on the shelves.

A monarch who is too kind is actually not conducive to the development of the country. If he should be tough, he should be tough, and if he should be killed, he should be killed. We can't say that he is so pitiful. Let us let him go? This is a country, not a shantang. Every day we talk about forgiveness, this country cannot continue to operate normally.

A monarch with the highest status in name conveys his image of being tolerant and caring to everyone in the country, and a rational regent who can distinguish right from wrong acts as the representative of the country. This is the current state system of Lordaeron.

Both Jialia and Vanessa are very busy today. Although it is a formalism, this form must still be there.

"Your Highness! Hurry up, hurry up! It's about time!" Those who didn't know thought it was a fire, Vanessa's maid, the former non-famous thief of the Scarlet Crusade, Lilian Voss, as her maid leader, was walking around Zhang Luo left and right.

This young lady is dressed in palace attire at this time, and she looks pretty good-looking, but there are still a lot of daggers, grappling hooks, and throwing knives hidden under her skirt, and her professional habits can't be changed at all.

She is arranging the rest of the maids to make various preparations.

Vanessa, one of the parties involved, was also pressed in front of the dressing table to make up. This makeup will increase her actual age by a few years, making her appear colder.

She will enter the city at the same time as Calia, one in the south and the other in the north.

Entering the city also has the particularity of entering the city.

Calia's throne comes from blood, from the former kings of Lordaeron.

She will enter through the north gate according to Alsace's ceremony of entering the city, and those rose petals are all prepared for her.

Her crown was inherited from the former King Terenas II, so there will be more or less touching the scene, but according to the research of several historians and royal etiquette experts, this is the most suitable way to enter the city for her status.

At exactly nine o'clock, Calia officially entered the city through the north gate. At this time, she was still wearing the costume of the eldest princess of Lordaeron. She would enter the city as the eldest princess, and rose petals fell on the holy white silk body. On the robes, the citizens cheered one after another at the right time.

Walking around among the citizens, and finally going to the palace to be crowned, from Princess of Lordaeron to Calia I, this is her whole day's itinerary.

Vanessa will not be titled as the I, II, or XVIII, but the royal families of Lordaeron and Menethil will not obliterate her achievements. Gained the title of 'The Restorer'.

From then on, her name in the history books was Lordaeron Regent, Restorer, Hope Vanessa Struy Menethil.

Her way into the city refers to this title.

At the same time that Calia entered the city, Vanessa landed on a boat in accordance with the tradition of Lordaeron's first monarch, Lordaeron, and set foot on the pier just south of the capital from Fenris Island. embarked on his own coronation road.

At this time, Vanessa was wearing the military uniform of the Union Marshal, with a stern face and a dignified temperament. She was riding a steed, and accompanied by military music, she drew the sword of the Brotherhood, and the soldiers raised their spears at the right time.

With a soft sound of "咔咔咚", she galloped on her horse and kept tapping the soldiers' spears with the spine of her sword.

Vanessa then rode through the entire military zone, a symbol of the unbreakable bond between the royal family and soldiers.

After that, she hurriedly got into the golden carriage beside her.

The horse-drawn carriage departed from the military camp and passed through the East Market and West Market where merchants gathered, and the trading area where bulk commodities were traded. This was mainly to demonstrate the country's emphasis on merchants.

This carriage is a product of technology provided by Vanessa and constructed by dwarf craftsmen.

There is a lot of space inside the carriage, a bit like the 32 people in the previous life carrying a big sedan chair. Eighteen horses are used to pull the carriage alone. Vanessa has to maintain a dignified posture and sit in the carriage, sticking her head out to the common people from time to time. Waving her hand, three maids in the carriage helped her take off the Marshal's uniform, and quickly changed into the second of the five sets of clothes needed for today's entire ceremony.

The carriage drove slowly, left the trade area, and entered the mage area. She wanted to accept the allegiance of the court mage. This court mage was no longer Jaina. According to the usual practice, she was the second mage, the founder of the former Scarlet Crusade, Arcanist Duane. .

The brand-new King of Lordaeron is divided into nine areas according to the plan.

The palace is in the middle, starting from the holy light area at one o'clock in the north, and clockwise are the embassy area, civilian area, artisan area, dock area, military area, trade area and mage area.

After Vanessa landed from the dock area in the south, she walked clockwise through the military area, trade area, and mage area, and then changed into a third dress. At this time, her task was to entertain guests from all over the world.

But Jia Liya has more arduous tasks than her in this In order to reflect the characteristics of being close to the people, she has to walk half of the city with her feet. First, he was blessed in the Holy Light District, and then went eastward through the embassy district, the largest civilian district and the artisan district.

Facing countless cheers, she will return to the civilian area again, stay in the civilian area due east for a while, and then pass through the dark corridor in front of the palace alone, which symbolizes that the king must go through hardships, and then quickly change into the king's attire. Wipe off sweat, put on makeup, and walk into the palace.

Regarding the direction of entering the palace for coronation, Vanessa has also discussed with many scholars.

From south to north, directly entering the palace, this is the treatment of the first king Luo Danen, and the descendants of later generations did not do this again.

Vanessa is just borrowing a beginning, half a circle around the city is the end.

From north to south, in one step, directly into the palace, this is the way Alsace enters the city, and it turns out that this is also very bad.

Calia, who was not so strong in character, advocated using the practice of Terenas II's succession, from east to west, passing through the civilian area, and entering the royal city, which symbolized that the common people chose the Menethil family again to obtain the crown.

"Wake up, Calia is coming, hurry up and get ready!" Jaina touched Vanessa with her elbow.

This ceremony took a very long time. Calia walked around half of the city for a full three hours. Relatively speaking, Vanessa's half circle around the city was easier than her, at least she had a horse to ride, She has a car, and her physical strength is far more abundant than Jia Liya. Even so, she is still tossed enough. Now she seems to be entertaining guests from various countries, but her eyes are dull, and she is in a state of half-asleep and half-awake... ...

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