The total number of the combined fleet of the five countries is 16 warships, including 45,000-ton destroyers, 9 2,000-ton corvettes, and 3 anti-submarine ships

“Report to the commander, our ship and the combined fleet have met on the west side of the Taiyang Sea, and it is expected that the reorganization will be completed in three hours, and the joint operation will officially begin!”

Wang Xuan, the captain of the Guangcheng ship, was the commander of this front-line operation. During this period, he would report all the details to the commander-in-chief Qin Yuan.

“Received, I wish you all the best!” Qin Yuan said inside the base.

Soon, under the integration of the Huaxuan fleet, the combined fleet of the Five Kingdoms was integrated. And followed the Navy’s two-carrier formation toward the central waters of the Taiyang Sea.

Over there, there are the spheres of influence of the seismic countries, the stick south countries and the free countries. It is collectively referred to as the N defense chain, and has a decisive military significance of “three zeros”.

After the combined fleet, there were a total of 43 maritime warships.

If anyone can look down on the whole ocean from above. Then he would see a fleet as magnificent as the vast galaxy, resting on the surface of the magnificent sea.

The two giant warships led by the ship are the Ning and the aircraft carrier Guangcheng.

The tonnage of the two motherships, combined to 165,000 tons, directly transports nearly half of the tonnage of the total fleet.

“Report to the headquarters, the sea ahead, and discover the fleet of other countries!” At this time, the captain Wang Xuan sent a report.

In the combined fleet, when sailing to the vicinity of the seismic country’s waters. The warship formations organized by the Northern Alliance began to appear on a large scale and lined up.

This time, there were many Northern Alliance organizations and countries involved.

In addition to becoming an earthquake country of sweet potatoes, the country of the stick south. The Navi Navy, the Lee Navy, and even the Y Y Queen’s Daughter class aircraft carrier fleet have all been dispatched.

Plus a Zini-class aircraft carrier and a Chick Eagle-class aircraft carrier urgently transferred by the free country.

The interception fleet organized by the Northern Alliance has a total of three aircraft carriers of 50,000 tons or more, three helicopter carriers, four amphibious assault ships, plus destroyers, frigates, minesweepers, anti-submarine ships, and underwater submarines.

The total number of warships is 63, and the total tonnage is 476,000 tons.

At this time, the Zini-class aircraft carriers and the Chick-class aircraft carriers led by the ship radio shouted to the Huaxuanguo Combined Fleet.

“Attention ships ahead! You have entered our joint military exercise area! Please turn back quickly or you will do the same! ”

“Repeat, pay attention to the ships ahead! You have entered our joint military exercise area! Please turn back quickly or you will do the same! ”

See if the Northern Alliance sent a fleet of this size to intercept it. To tell the truth, the few small countries in the southeast land that accompanied them were really quite worried.

However, the above has already made a decision, and these executors cannot choose. If you flee at this time, you will absolutely be dealt with according to military law and tried in a military court.

“Command, now what our fleet should do, instruct!” Captain Wang Xuan and a crew member also experienced big scenes.

Although the current situation and the size of the fleet are much larger than N’s. There are also many more participating countries.

But as soldiers, especially the Huaxuan soldiers, Wang Xuan would definitely not be timid. Even if you are facing death.

Qin Yuan was in the command center, looking at the multiple warships on the screen, listening to the language of the other side. Then calmly and calmly said, “Everything remains unchanged, sail as originally planned.” ”

“Yes! Yes, sir! ”

“Attention all units, the route of travel remains unchanged, and everything sails according to the original plan!” Captain Wang Xuan immediately conveyed the instructions of the headquarters.

“14 ships received!

“Ship 163 received!

“Ship 056 received!


All the captains and crew members shared the same hatred and did not hesitate or flinch. They have a strong motherland behind them, and as a dependence, it can be said that they are fearless.

Perhaps it was influenced by the Huaxuan Navy, or perhaps it was such an atmosphere that stimulated the bloody Fang Gang of other countries’ navies.

Only to see that the warships of Malaysia, Xinguo, and Binguo also sailed with the Huaxuanguo fleet, and their speed did not slow down.

The firm will of the combined fleet of Asia and Land made the Northern Alliance fleet on the opposite side somewhat shaken.

To put it bluntly, they are all improvised rabble-rousers. Don’t look at the huge scale, the number is large, but it lacks the main backbone like the Huaxuan Navy.

Even if the Six-Sided Building of the Free Nation has urgently drawn two aircraft carriers, plus some warships to fill the number… But the army had just experienced a bitter defeat a few days ago.

Military discipline has not yet been completely rectified, how can it be a team fighting a hard battle.

However, just when the Northern Alliance fleet felt a little shaken.

Only this time! In the northern waters of the Taiyang Sea, several H-56 class destroyers suddenly sailed at full speed, plus dozens of H-380 frigates!

Not only that, in the clear blue sky, four small goose-class supersonic bombers also roared towards the Northern Alliance fleet.

This is the Navy and Air Force of the Bear Nation, and they have come to meet the division!

“Not bad! Sir! Discover the Woolly Bear Nation fleet in the northern seas! ”

“Sir! In the northern sky, there are the supersonic strategic bombers of the Woolly Bear Country! ”

“Report sir! In the direction of Hua Xuanguo, there are Swan-class supersonic bombers! ”

Not only was it a long-range bomber with a great power weapon in the Mao Xiong State, but Hua Xuanguo now had it. And the performance is better and more deterrent.

This sudden appearance caused chaos within the Northern Alliance fleet!

Captains of many countries, at the same time emergency exchanges. Moreover, it is necessary to report this situation to its own country. It’s really flustered enough.

On the contrary, Hua Xuanguo’s combined fleet, after seeing the commander Qin Yuan, arranged this scene. Instantly encouraged!

Narrow roads meet, and the brave win.

Moreover, in command center 4.6, there is also a god-level commander who is strategizing and winning thousands of miles away.

This combined fleet of Hua Xuanguo can be said to be overwhelming, and it is not even afraid.

“Sir, what shall we do!?”

“Captain, in 4 minutes and 7 seconds, our fleet will enter the range of the Little Goose bomber!”

“Report sir! The Swan class strategic bombers are speeding up towards our fleet! My ship has been locked by the other side! ”

Within the Northern Alliance fleet, chaos was still spreading, and even intensifying.

Bang Nan country, earthquake country, Na country, Li country, Y country navy, one by one like ants on a hot pot, anxious to turn.

They have been following the big brother Free Country, and the fox fake tiger is used to it. Everywhere you go, you bully other countries. Who has ever seen such a big scene of being frontally hardened. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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