With Qin Yuan’s order, the gates in the two 300,000-ton docks were opened at the same time.

Turbulent water, pouring into the dock one after another. Then two brand-new “hole-97 amphibious assault ships” were floated up.

Soon, the tugboat team waiting outside tied the cable to the bow of the attack ship. Then drag the two behemoths slowly out of the harbor.

The media waiting at the distant dock, as well as the people, held up their cameras, mobile phones, and took pictures!

The strength of the country and the contribution of the Qin Group are obvious to all.

The Huaxuanguo Navy, in a short period of time, had the news of two more quasi-aircraft carriers. Soon through the Internet, spread throughout the country, abroad.

Military strength is a concept of this and the other. Hua Xuanguo’s side is becoming more and more powerful, and the 60,000-ton amphibious assault ships are like dumplings, and they have set sail for 2 ships in a row.

Such an efficiency, it is estimated that the third nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is not far away!

“Aaa In this life, there is no regret in entering Huaxuan, and in the next life, I am willing to plant flowers! Qin’s military industry is also too cattle! In such a short period of time, two quasi-aircraft carriers set sail? Is it really infinitely open? ”

“Great! I’ve been talking to friends lately that if you want to fight XX, it’s not enough to rely on two aircraft carriers. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the Qin Group produced two more 60,000-ton attack ships! This paired with the Sword-20 fifth-generation aircraft can single-handedly attack an entire aircraft carrier fleet of the country! ”

“2333, it is so good to see the motherland getting stronger and stronger! Never felt so secure. Thanks to the Navy, thanks to the Qin Group…”


Unlike the domestic and online applause, the free countries navy and the northern alliance countries are very headaches. But there is no way to contain it.

After all, in terms of technology, they had already blocked Hua Xuanguo. However, Hua Xuanguo still realized it on his own.

To be precise, it is Qin Yuan of the Qin Group who led a group of scientists and engineers with backbone and perseverance to develop it.

Several successive military confrontations, military assistance. The mighty performance of Hua Xuanguo’s military has also made the domestic military enthusiasm rise in all directions.

Many aspiring young people, full of *cavity* hot * blood devoted to military schools, military industry professional. A large amount of new blood* was delivered to the military.

With the running in and training of the Navy.

Soon, the “Hole-97 amphibious assault ship” officially set sail. Go to the waters of the Ocean Bay to perform a guardianship mission.

Near the bay over there, Hua Xuanguo built a new one, the port base. Air Strike -10 anti-aircraft missiles, large phase array radars, sonar matrices and other defense equipment have also been deployed around.

Used to guard against Kryptonian warships, submarines sabotage along the way.

The process of deploying these didn’t take much time. After all, Hua Xuanguo is known as an infrastructure demon. Even without using the military’s construction forces, it can be easily handled by a few companies that often cooperate.

This series of layouts, as well as the “arrogant” Dong-79 amphibious assault ship, made the Kryptonite side of the pressure mountainous.

They want to move, but they don’t dare to move. The reason is that I am afraid and beaten and have no power to fight back. I can only watch Hua Xuanguo’s large oil tankers, carrying a large amount of crude oil with full loads.

“Qin Yuan! Thanks to your help, our army has finally gained a firm foothold in the waters of the Yangtze Bay! Admiral Feng Huai, seeing that the situation was relatively stable, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Qin Yuan had wanted to casually reply with two polite words. After all, his help is not selfless. The group made a profit, a reputation.

But at this moment, an encrypted text message was sent to his mobile phone again.

“As far as I know, the Turkish side is secretly in contact. Prepare to sell a large amount of armaments to the Kryptonian military. ”

The signature of the encrypted text message is, Leah. This mysterious woman who Qin Yuan had only called once, but had never met.

Trafficking in military equipment, which is free trade between countries, is generally not subject to interference.

But in such a sensitive and sensitive stall, the Turkish country wants to quietly support the Kryptonian country and seek the war *blessings* profit. The meaning of this is obvious, I want to deliberately stir up trouble and not make Hua Xuanguo feel better.

As for why it is the land of the earth, jump out as this nail. Instead of the more powerful Y countries, the logging countries, the free countries.

This involves the concept of “command behind the scenes”.

Oil is a global energy source and is used in every country. There are thousands of interests involved. They will not open their eyes to Hua Xuanguo, the family is exclusive.

And Tuguo has always been known as the “husky” in the country. It is described as this kind of personality, crazy and husky have a fight.

The original aircraft carrier interception, if not Qin Yuan predicted in advance. Otherwise, until now, the Ning ship is still trapped in the Black Ocean Sea and cannot come back.

“Received, thank you.” Qin Yuan replied simply.

“You’re welcome.”

The aircraft carrier of Mao Xiongguo has found a reason to send it to the dockyard of the Qin Group for maintenance. This excuse is a “long-term friendly visit” to Hua Xuanguo.

To tell the truth, although the Mao Xiong country is also an energy power, it exports a large amount of oil and natural gas every year.

But in terms of the quality of its crude oil, it cannot be compared with the countries of southwestern Asia. The best oil in the world is over there. And it’s easy to mine.

“Admiral Feng, just received the news that the Northern Alliance side is likely to secretly sell heavy weapons to the Kryptonian country. Even send professionals to train and guide the Kryptonian country. Qin Yuan said judgmentally on the phone.

He carefully calculated that the sale of weapons and ammunition alone would certainly not be enough to turn the situation in the southwest. The Northern Alliance must have also sent secret forces to provide tactical guidance to the Kryptonian state.

These great powers that do not see the good of others are disgusting tricks.

If everyone makes their own contribution to human development. If you can’t get the current human beings, you can go to Mars to explore and go mining on the moon.

“Is it the Northern League again?” A lot of simple things, to them that makes it complicated. Admiral Feng said, ringing the alarm bell.

The situation in southwestern Asia has just begun. Under the secret command of the Northern Alliance, the troops of the nations also seemed to be stirring.

There is a faint feeling of mountain rain coming and the wind is full of buildings.

A month later, two giant tankers of the Qin Group, carrying a full load of crude oil, set sail from the bay of the ocean and returned to Huaxuanguo.

However, it is about 600 kilometers away from the port. I saw the outer circle of the tanker’s radar, and suddenly 6 or 7 red flashpoints appeared.

This means that there are other ships nearby, approaching, and fast!

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