Between the country of Lap and the country of Turkey, it can be said that there has been a hatred for a long time. In recent years, the two sides have made great efforts to issue Sentar Island.

The Turkish Air Force mentioned earlier made a fuss and blew up three of its own warships. It was on the issue of Sentinel Island that it was triggered.

At that time, the Lap State Navy made false news, saying that it would send warships to retake Senctah Island.

However, when the Turkish Air Force received the information, it immediately sent fighter jets to cruise the surrounding waters.

But at this time, the Turkish navy, also received intelligence, sent five warships to support.

The Air Force and Navy did not communicate in advance. And the pilots of the Turkish Air Force are really bad in training. Even the national flag and military flag on the warship have not yet been clearly seen.

It was directly mistaken for the warship of the enemy country, and then fired torpedoes, aerial bombs. On the spot, 3 ships were sunk.

Since then, it has the resounding name of the husky in the country.

“Mr. Qin Yuan, the three battles between your country and the Kryptonian country are really beautiful!” We, the military of the country, really admire your country! Especially the battle on the border of the treaty…” said Marshal Luo Haofu, giving a thumbs up in praise.

Although he is in his 60s, he has eaten more salt than someone has eaten. But in the real world, whoever has the biggest fist is a cow.

Even Marshal Luo Haofu, he had to laugh and shoot a rainbow fart. Increase goodwill for both parties.

“It’s over, Marshal Luo Haofu. By the way, this time I invited you to come here to introduce you to a newly developed Dong-76 conventionally powered missile submarine in China. Presumably, it should be helpful to the issue of your country’s outpost island…”

Qin Yuan said lightly.

However, as soon as his voice dropped, he saw Marshal Luo Haofu standing in front of him, as well as the officers of the Wax Kingdom, all of whom were surprised.

“Hole-76 conventionally powered missile submarine? Helpful for the Sentinel Island issue? Especially against Turkish warplanes? Marshal Luo Haofu asked hesitantly.

The reason why they have never been able to regain the right to the lord of Wat Tower Island. That’s because the Turkish navy, the air force, are stronger than them.

The Air Force, in particular, is very difficult to deal with.

Because if you want to send troops to the island, you have to use warships. For fighters, warships are equivalent to slow-moving live targets.

If they can’t grasp the air supremacy, then Sentinel Island, they don’t want to take it back.

You can only watch as the rich resources of the sea area of Senta Island, such as oil reserves, natural gas reserves, and marine fish, are occupied by Turkey.

This is the sadness of the weak and the small, and no one is doing justice to them.

“Mr. Qin Yuan, why do you say that conventionally powered missile submarines are helpful to the issue of Sentinel Island?”

Marshal Luo Haofu, thinking about going. Nor can they figure out how submarines in the sea threaten fighter jets in the sky. To say that the Turkish fleet threatens the sea surface is still a little reasonable.

Under the common understanding of the military, these two are armaments that cannot be beaten by eight rods. As long as the submarine is hidden in the sea, it has no way to take a fighter.

But to surface and attack, you will be discovered by the enemy and then destroyed. This is the problem of the century, and there is no solution at all.

Instead of recommending missile submarines, it is better to recommend the M-29 to the fourth generation of aircraft, the S-27 heavy fighter. This one they liked.

However, for Qin Yuan’s respect, Marshal Luo Haofu would not be like a brain cripple, a burst of ridicule, contempt and so on.

“Guys, go with me somewhere and you’ll understand.” Qin Yuan said lightly.

Regarding the M-29 to the fourth generation of aircraft, the S-27 heavy fighter, Qin Yuan will not sell it to Laguo. Not even the castrated version.

The reason is the relationship between the two sides, which has not yet reached this point. Their kingdom was only a tool country used by the Huaxuan kingdom to balance the earth kingdom.

If you sell offensive equipment such as quasi-fourth-generation fighters. The other side’s ambitions then swelled and they wanted to intervene in the situation in southwestern Asia. Fight against Hua Xuanguo. That’s really called lifting a stone and hitting your own foot.

The free nations of the past life have suffered a great deal on this issue. They give arms support to the weak countries, and then the countries that are being supported rise up and feel that they can do it again.

Then all kinds of anti-water, turning the face and not recognizing people. With the munitions provided by the Free Countries, and the tactics they taught, they attacked the local garrisons of the Free Countries, as well as the oil fields of their allies.

Qin Yuan had a super brain awakening, something like this sand sculpture, he wouldn’t do it.

Marshal Luo Haofu and the officers of the Laguo around him could only nod their heads in disbelief after listening. One after another sat in the convoy, and it was better to respectfully go to the base of the East China Sea Defense Area.

In the base port, several corvettes were parked. They would carry the crowd to the open seas to the designated areas that the military had laid out in advance.

An hour and a half later, Marshal Luo Haofu and others, led by Qin Yuan, took a light convoy and sailed to the waters of the Eastern Ocean.

The long process made Marshal Luo Haofu and the officers of the Wax Kingdom really confused. But it is not convenient to ask directly.

Only occasional whispered discussions were made to guess what Hua Xuanguo’s military meant.

“You say, what exactly is this Mr. Qin Yuan trying to show us?” What about the missile submarines he said? ”

“I thought about it for a long time, but I still didn’t understand. How conventionally powered submarines threaten the air supremacy of fighter jets. Even nuclear-powered submarines, if they hide in the sea, can’t find fighters, right? ”

“If you want to find it, you have to surface. In this way, the submarine will be completely exposed…”

Just as the officers of the Rador were whispering in the captain’s room. Only this time! In the clear blue sky, three Fighting Falcon S-1 jet drones flew from the distant sky!

“Alert! Spot enemy aircraft! Directions to the southeast, the number is 3, the flight speed is Mach 1.15! ”

Hua Xuanguo’s fleet, Magma sounded the alarm. This is their sudden event drill. Various actions taken in response to enemy drone sneak attacks.

According to Lieutenant General Qin Yuan, drone warfare will be the main mode of warfare in the future. Countries are currently actively developing this area.

Hua Xuanguo’s jet drone, although leading the world. However, we must not be complacent, and we need to give full play to the experience of confrontation as soon as possible. To target the rise of drone tactics in other countries.

Sudden piercing alarm. Marshal Luo Haofu and the officers of the Wax Kingdom were all shocked at once. Those who don’t know think there really is an enemy attack.

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