With the information provided by Qin Yuan, it was carried out by the proud countries.

Subsequently, some official media also took advantage of the situation to expose. The uproar caused by this can be called the strongest ever!

“Big news! Free Country garrison soldiers involved in * suspected 4 murders, strong X case! Who gave them the right to commit such a heinous crime? ”

“There are many civil society funds, backed by the free country intelligence department. It was they who secretly instructed and pretended to be borrowing from the people, brainwashing the youth, and disrupting our order! ”

“The evidence is solid, and many online social communication platforms have also been controlled for a long time.” They spread all kinds of people’s opinions, and for those rational voices, they suppressed and restricted the flow. Among them, Gu Pigeon, Facebook, YouTo video, the most rampant*! ”

Such “white bones” of criminal evidence has made many people finally recognize the so-called illusion of freedom. They poured into the streets to protest against them.

The angry crowd rushed to the Free Country Consulate at the TU Shi Pavilion and held aloft the sign of getting out of the Deyi country.

Including the garrison headquarters of the Free Country, a large number of people who were not afraid of death came to the door to protest. Shouting for them to get out.

Inside the Six-Sided Building, the military’s top brass and the newly appointed intelligence minister looked at the news from the proud nation with a headache.

“What’s going on here? How was the intelligence leaked!? Is it the Qin Yuan of the Hua Xuan Kingdom again? The army admiral, angrily tapping the table.

Nor are they fools. Knowing the capabilities of the intelligence services of the proud countries, it is impossible to do so. Even if it is a bear country, I am afraid it will not work.

The only possibility was Qin Yuan. And the timing of the event is very subtle. It was exactly half a month after their free country announced to the outside world that it had convened 10 countries to hold joint military exercises.

As for what method to use, they have professional analysis, which is cracked and identified through quantum computers and big data regional chains. Of course, it does not include routine methods such as internal infiltration and dispatch of agents…

The newly appointed free country intelligence minister had a cold sweat on his forehead. Before he took office, he knew that this was not an easy task.

But he didn’t expect it to be so difficult! It’s hellish difficulty!

Qin Yuan’s haunting haunted him, so that he had not slept well since this time. Every day I came to the intelligence department to see that everyone looked like a spy, and there was no one to trust.

“Should, it’s him… The intelligence leak is likely to be a local associated agent, and they have instigated it! We have taken it under control and started the interrogation. The intelligence minister, said in a cold sweat.

To say that the two agents controlled by them were really wronged. Halfway through the execution of a good task, I was suddenly kidnapped by my intruding colleague. If this is caught by the enemy, it will be fine, but their own people will also come to deal with them…

“Your Excellency, General, there is a call from the White House…” At this time, the senior adjutant carefully knocked on the conference room door.

Such a big thing happened, and the white house certainly couldn’t sit still. It should be known that the joint military operation of 10 countries will begin soon.

Now this scandal is being committed, and countries all over the world are watching. The younger brothers must have a lot of ideas as well.

However, just as the white house called. Another piece of news coming from the other side of the ocean instantly shocked everyone’s eyes!

“Report sir! We have received information that the government is ready to announce to the outside world that it will stop paying for the garrison of our army. Stop all related supplies. ”

And they also announced that they will use Hua Xuanguo’s 5G communications. And permanently ban the business of Gu Ge, Facebook and YouTo in the proud country, and use Huaxuan Communication’s products instead…”

When the adjutant finished the message. I saw the high-level free country in the conference room, and his expression was like being slapped by someone, and he was a little confused!

“What? How dare he? Outrageous!? ”

“Hurry up and answer the call from the white house, things are urgent!”

The military leaders of the Free Country did not expect that the proud country would be so rigid. So everyone was surprised.

In fact, this is their habit of doing things. They always think that in today’s world, as they are familiar with, any country will bow down to them.

But there was a Huaxuan kingdom in the east, and it showed a trend of transcendence.

In this way, the proud countries that were not originally selected have the opportunity to re-take sides. The superpower in the key East is showing more than just strength. And his great power.

When the call from the white house was answered, the first thing that happened to the other side was to split the head and cover the face, and then it smashed over, “What the hell is going on with you?” How do you do it? First it was an intelligence problem, and now it’s a garrison scandal! ”

“My phone is about to be blown up by allies, do you know how many countries are watching our jokes!? Is this what Hua Xuanguo did again? That Qin Yuan? “The white house is on the gas, and in more than two years he has not been doing well.

N Yanghai was punched in the face, and Taiyanghai was punched in the face again. The Six-Eyes Alliance, which had been established for 70 years, was now half-dead in his hands and was about to be destroyed. The military strength that was originally proud has also been challenged by opponents.

The army general did not dare to catch his breath loudly to answer the phone. Then he said the latest information he had just obtained, “Leader, just before, there was another thing that happened. The proud nation is ready to declare…”

As soon as the voice dropped, the leader of the free country on the other end of the phone was suddenly confused!

“What? How dare the proud nation do this!? Who gave him the guts? “The free nation, led by the Allies, felt betrayal. This made him both shocked and angry.

However, he did not think carefully about why the original allies had made such a fuss now. It’s not my own death…

Two days later, in order to calm the anger of the people in the proud country, the government officially announced the use of restrictions on the garrison of the free country.

That includes ending spending $3 billion on military spending this year. Stop stationing troops on the Free Nation, with special resources.

As for network security, Deguo will cooperate with Huaxuan Communications to join hands to eliminate Gu Ge, Facebook and YouTo, which are poisonous to their cyberspace. Also a really clean internet environment, for all citizens.

As soon as these sanctions news came out, it instantly caused an uproar in the world!

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