The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 33: witness

Longing for nature, don’t say too much, which slave does not yearn for freedom, does not want to walk freely on the ground, breathe freely, the first two are nonsense, the reason why they yearn for freedom is very simple-no one holds the skin The whip drove them to work, able to eat a full meal and sleep well.

The fear is because they have been away from the mountain for too long, especially the mature slaves like Archer, who don’t know anything about the mountain and the survival skills in it. If they are really thrown into the mountain, it is still unknown whether they will survive. , Archie had seen the brutality of the wild beasts in the mountains. There was a teammate who caught a small wild piglet. He thought he was a blessing, but his parents came to him. He had never seen it before. The big wild boar is taller than a war horse, and its black hair is like an awl, especially the pair of fangs, which are two scimitars.

   Although the wild boar was eventually killed by their combined efforts, their hundred guards also lost 13 of them, including a regular knight.

   A wild boar is ferocious to such an extent, not to mention those giant tigers and giant bears with more reputable names, they encounter a fate that is not alive.

Especially after a group of unscrupulous ghost slaves have emerged in the past ten years, these familiar slaves have completely fallen into the role of grandma and uncle. The Byrons use them as livestock, and the Andeans in the mountains take them as enemies. Kou, in his father’s generation, there are still people in his father’s generation who fled back to the mountains when they found a chance. By his generation, they basically disappeared. Even if they did, they would reappear outside the Bastille in a short time and be taken as The ghost slave performed the stake punishment.

   Archer originally thought that he would be the same as his father in this life. With good luck, he would meet a good master, allow slaves to combine, and give birth to the next generation. With bad luck, he slowly died in endless hunger and fatigue.

   The trajectory of his life changed drastically overnight-the Bastille fell.

When he heard the news, Archer’s jaw was almost shocked. Not only the lord of the city, but even the ordinary Bastille soldiers all day long, braggingly show off how strong they are and how strong the defense of the Bastille is. How abundant are their supplies? Even if the mountain people in the mountains gather tens of thousands of troops, they can’t do anything about Bastille. This is evidenced by history. Fifteen years ago, Bastille was called Andy. Derrick, the King of Sis, led thousands of troops to besiege. The two sides staged a tragic offensive and defensive battle on the Bastille. As a result, the King of Andes was not prepared enough to sustain him. He had no choice but to withdraw his troops and was led by the city owner. Pursuing and killing not only the death of the King of Andes, but also sent thousands of strong slaves to Bastille.

And now the Bastille changed hands overnight. Before their slave barracks could be dispatched, they were jammed in the barracks. Listening to those chiefs, there were tens of thousands of Andis mountain people who attacked the Bastille, resourceful sly foxes. Sir Klester flees for the first time. They go out for nothing, so it is better to surrender directly. Maybe the other party will still recite fellowship and give them a way to survive.

In this way, the slave barracks where Archer was in a silly surrender surrendered. In fact, there were no weapons to surrender. Their slave barracks did not have any serious ordnance. The most commonly used were wood axes, stone picks, and iron shovel. They are still kept in a unified way, and only when they are working, they are allocated, or under the supervision of regular soldiers. The Byrons are even more wary of them than ordinary slaves.

During this period, no one came to recruit them. They just summoned the former chiefs, held a short and long meeting, and then ordered them not to leave the camp without authorization, otherwise they would be responsible for their lives and deaths, and no one would care about them. There was no gruel and black bread in the past, but listening to the chaotic fighting outside the camp, hunger became less difficult to bear. I was anxious and stayed up until noon. There was less sound of various fighting, but there was noisy outside the camp. Up.

Later, the officer who had a good relationship said that those slaves who had been imprisoned in the Bastille were blushing, saying that they were all ghost slaves and were preparing to slaughter them together. They were stopped by the young army who surrendered them, saying that they were also suffering. People, they should be given a chance for a fair trial. Archer didn’t understand what a fair trial is. He still had a slight affection for this young army. After all, the other party saved his life and treated them as human beings. He thought so, and most slave troops should think so.

   Therefore, when the youth army came to ask them to help clean up the dead bodies on the battlefield and prevent the epidemic, Archer was not so resistant to work for the first time.

   young, clean, neat and gentle.

This was the first impression left by the young men on Archer. That kind of heroic self-confidence made him secretly ashamed. That kind of self-confidence is completely different from the confidence of the Bastille soldier. The confidence of the Bastille soldier is more based on arrogance. And above the whip, and the youth army's self-confidence is not shown by trampling on others, but from the bones.

   He also wants to be such a person.

   Archie didn't know when he was born.

   When did you see the first junior army?

   Or when the young army boy who was sweating and working together in the night handed himself a piece of dried meat?

Still listening to them singing Faetvo while working, this song is really good, although he can't understand most of the lyrics, he is still boiled with enthusiasm for that melody. Later, after listening to their discussion, this is a description. The story of the hero swearing to the death and resisting the slave hunters is the war song of the Andeans. Archer made another decision in his heart. He wants to learn this song. He has memorized two sentences. The melody is always in his Flowing in his heart, I believe he will be able to learn after dozens of nights.

   Archie has not made as many decisions in his life as he has made in these two days.

However, it was the commander of the Youth Army who had the greatest impact on him. He had never seen a commander who would shed tears for his subordinates in battle, and had never heard such a heartfelt eulogy. What do other people think, Ah Kyle didn't know, if someone did it after he died, it would be worth it.

The impact of what he saw and heard day and night on Archer was too great, even if he later learned that the Andean army that had captured the Bastille was far from as many as he had imagined, he couldn’t raise any other ideas. He still wanted to see. Is there any other difference in the other party? It is estimated that there are many people who have the same idea as him.

When he returned to the city, Archer found that Bastille was almost unrecognizable. The young soldiers who shuttled back and forth, dressed in linen robes and wrapped in linen, showed only a pair of piercing eyes. These guys will Fly? At night, they buried their bodies together outside the city. When did they come here?

Archer will not admit his mistakes. The young man standing at the front with a beautiful smile is the one who handed him the jerky, and he has been secretly observing that there are not many young soldiers, only three or four. The appearance of a hundred people, as for the big men and the mountain people, their words and deeds are fundamentally different, even if they are wearing the same clothes, they can be distinguished at a glance.

Bastille is now sprinkled with a layer of white lime inside and out. This is a building material that has only become popular in the past ten years. It is obtained by calcining various types of stones. It is said to be an Andis mountain. It was invented by civilian slaves, and Archer made this skilled worker. They cut wood and quarry in the Bastille. Except for their own use, most of them did this, which is regarded as a sideline of the Bastille.

   Lime is not a rare thing, but it is time-consuming to transport it to the capital, and the price is good. Now it is used as paving ash to be scattered everywhere, is it a bit too extravagant and too prodigal?

   However, in view of the various performances of the Junior Army, Archer decided to watch the changes and not jump to conclusions in his mind.

   On both sides of the gate of the city are a dozen puddles, which are mostly half a person deep. Everyone who enters the city needs to throw away his original clothes and soak in a half hourglass.

The original clothes are lost if they are lost. Anyway, they are all unclothed. They are in rotten linen that I don’t know for many years. I don’t feel distressed. I jumped into the puddle and soaked a half of the hourglass. The problem is a bit It’s big, it’s a lime puddle, and the lime puddle just not long after adding quicklime, the top of it is steaming and steaming, and it looks like it is about to If people jump in, even if they don’t die, they have to Delamination skin.

The people in the Junior Army just said that this thing can disinfect and prevent epidemics. Archie's doubts have greatly increased. If this thing can disinfect and prevent epidemics, those noble lords would not have long regarded this thing as a gold and silver lump and hid it in their castle. Are there other things in this world that noble lords don’t know?

But Archer’s thoughts were no longer on this in an instant, instead, he looked at the big pot in the Bastille with eyesight. The taste of this meal is really **** fragrant, especially the white flower, which is called steamed bun. I don’t know how it tastes, but it smells no worse than freshly baked white bread. Even if it is hundreds of meters away, it can be clearly smelled. There is also the salty soup, which should be harvested just this year. The cabbage and salted beans are stewed together. The most important thing is that Archer also saw the meat and bones in it. Although not many are distributed to everyone's bowl, there are only one or two pieces, but it can't hold it up, it's half of it. A fist can't stop dripping just by smelling the saliva.

   No, you can’t wait any longer. If you wait any longer, you’ll be ruined by the foodies who took the first step. You’re burping all the **** food. Why are you still coming around before the rice cooker? I don’t know if there is anyone who hasn’t eaten a full meal in many years?

Let alone soaking one-half hourglass in the lime puddle, even after drinking two sips of Archer, he recognized it. He just saw the young officer and the fierce Skullcrusher McGee also enter. Soaked in lime water for enough time before entering the city.

Archer quickly took off the rotten sackcloth that he had worn for years and threw it into the fire pit. It didn't hurt for a while. He pinched his nose and jumped into the lime puddle. With great perseverance, he didn't feel as miserable as others. Scream because it sounds embarrassing, like howling a domestic pig when it is slaughtered.

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