After some selection, I finally found a cute hat suitable for Lizi style.

In order to ensure that I can wear them properly, I directly bought 20 different styles. After packing them, I hung a bunch of bags on my hand.

Fortunately, there are few passers-by on the streets in the early morning, otherwise, I would definitely be regarded as a shopping otaku.

Although it is not a shame to be regarded as an otaku, after all, I was an authentic otaku in the previous life, but this is the second life. I don't want my second life to look the same as the first.

When they got home, most people hadn't gotten up yet, but Lizi had already got up early, wearing a maid suit and cleaning the yard.

Seeing me back, she first rubbed her small hands in a panic and stammered: "Little, brother Xiaoyi early."

"Morning" I said, and waved at her: "Come, show you something."

She ran over, still holding a broom in her hand.

I put down the bag, took the broom from her hand, leaned against the wall, opened the bag, took out a beautiful and lovely hat, put it on her lightly, and concealed her sharp ears.

Taking a step back, I watched from a distance, and couldn't help but praise: "Well, it's not bad, very cute."

Then, he took out another hat from the bag, replaced it, and stepped back and looked at it again: "Well, that's good, it's totally another cute way, very good."

Then, I tried all the twenty hats in one breath, all of them fitted well, and they were all very cute.

I can't help but admire my vision and aesthetics.

Just at this moment, the three women walked out of the room with a sigh of relief. Their sleepy eyes were originally full of sleep. After seeing the cute and charming girl wearing a hat, they immediately gleamed like searchlights in the dark. general.

"Wow, Lizi, is this Lizi?" Barbara covered her small mouth and said with an incredible face: "How do you feel, good... good..."

"So cute!" Phoenix finished talking for Barbara the words she wanted to say but couldn't remember.

"To be honest, it's cute" Kagali stepped forward slowly, knelt down, trimmed the brim of Lizi's hat, and winked at me.

I knew it, and asked Lizi to take her hat back into the room, and I followed Kagali's three daughters into the room.

When the door closed, Kagali asked me, "Why do you think of buying a hat for Lizi?"

Although the tone is very ordinary, but outside the words, I can smell a sour taste.

"Yeah, I never saw you buy me a hat!" Barbara sulked.

Phoenix pouted, and looked at me with a pair of big watery eyes.

The three of them are jealous.

I sighed and said, "I didn't buy it for you. It's mine. I will definitely correct it in the future. However, you really missed my original intention of buying Lizi hats."

"Actually, it is like this..."

I brought out my thoughts from last night one by one. After the three women listened, they all looked at me quietly. After a while, Kagali said, "Xiao Yi, you can finally consider the players from the perspective of a guild leader. I am very pleased."

Barbara said: "Although you buy Lizi hats for kindness and love, I still won't forgive you easily, unless you give me too, no, the three of us each buy a hat!"

Phoenix kept nodding from the side.

Haha...That said, things are much easier.

I readily agreed to Barbara's request, and decided to take them to buy hats after breakfast.

The three women immediately became happy.

When I got out of the room, I suddenly remembered that the outer armor I took back from Old Paige yesterday had not been given to them, so I went back to the room and took the outer armor out of my cabinet.

When he passed by Jackson's bed, he was still asleep, his mouth was smashed from time to time, and a few vague words appeared.

Although vague, as a roommate resting, I already knew that the vague words he chanted from time to time were nothing but the three characters for "Boss Lady".

As the so-called lover sees beauty

Although I don't know where the sturdy boss lady fascinates him, I believe that in Jackson's eyes, the boss lady must be the most beautiful woman in the world.

When I left the door, I went straight to the third women's room. Barbara saw that I was holding a pile of clothes-like things and opened the door to let in.

I threw the outer armour on the ground and said, "This outer armour is made for you."

As I said, I turned my head to Barbara and said, "Sorry, you and Florence, and Lizi, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that you don’t care about you, but you and Florence are not fighting monsters in the dungeon. , I don’t need it, and Lizi joined the guild after I made the Outer Armor.

Barbara snorted and pinched a pair of fingers on my arm, grinning in pain.

Kagali picked up one piece easily, stretched it hard, broke it twice, and then picked up the warhammer from the side, knocked it twice, but the outer armor did not move.

She thought for a while, and a few words in front of the Phoenix on the side. Phoenix's tender white index finger pressed against her chin for a while, and then whispered back a few words. Kagali nodded and waved at Barbara. A posture of holding a knife.

Barbara rolled her eyes, nodded, ran to the head of the bed, took off the dagger she usually carried, and handed it over.

I watched all this. Just as Kagali wanted to draw the sword, I couldn't bear it, and the exit stopped: "Stop, keep the armor under the sword!"

Kagali let go and looked at me puzzled.

Phoenix and Barbara have the same eyes.

I was covered with black lines and said, "I said, what are you doing?"

"Try the toughness of the outer armor."

Kakali said it for granted.

"You use it... to test the toughness?" I pointed to the Okaz dagger and said with shame: "This is a magic weapon level. Its sharpness can easily cut through the plate armor. You have to use it to test. The toughness of this light armor...Is there anything wrong with it!"

Kagali looked at the dagger in her hand, and suddenly said: "Oh, I forgot, hehe, sorry~"

As she spoke, she still stuck out her tongue.

This is definitely intended to avenge my buying hats in the morning. It seems that as long as they don't buy them a hat for a moment, their jealous state will continue.

I was a little helpless, sighed, and said: "Okay, I see, today we are eating out, and I will buy you hats after eating, OK?"


When the three girls' eyes lit up, Barbara pushed the door and jumped out, ran into the yard and shouted: "Get up, all get up, Xiaoyi wants to invite us to dinner, Xiaoyi treats, hurry up, all get up!"

I was shocked by her sudden behavior.

Jackson, who was still sleeping soundly before, suddenly slammed the door of the room open, raised his arm and shouted, "I suggest, go to the cafe to eat!"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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