"What year did you come here?"

Mr. Lin was drinking the warm tea soup, but what he asked made Zhang Qi feel as if he was in the north wind of the three-nine days.


The tea bowl in Zhang Qi's hand burst into countless pieces, and the tea soup was sprinkled on the table with broken pieces of porcelain.

"Ah, don't be so nervous, fortunately, I have the foresight to change you a cheap tea bowl. If it is my favorite set of purple sand, I will lose a lot of money here."

Mr. Lin looked at Zhang Qi and said with a smile.

"How did you know?"

There was silence in the room for a long time, only the whistling of the north wind outside and the sound of boiling water in the copper pot could be heard.

In the end, Zhang Qi spoke first. His voice was calm, but a little hoarse.

"Have you heard of the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

This time, Mr. Lin picked up his own purple sand tea bowl and poured a cup of tea for Zhang Qi.

"Are you talking about the one in traditional mythology"?

Zhang Qi asked with a frown.

"That's right, there is some connection between traditional mythology and reality. I can tell you responsibly that the Temple of Reincarnation really exists."

Mr. Lin poured himself a cup of tea, ignoring the shock to Zhang Qi caused by what he said just now, and continued:

"However, there is no white-haired Madam Meng to feed you soup, but a huge alchemy device, which can absorb the spirituality between heaven and earth - according to Western parlance, it is magic, and then put the energy into it. Each soul is purged, erasing the memory of their previous life, and reincarnating that one as a new life."

"But if I remember correctly, this thing can only erase the memory of the past, and it can't do anything about things that haven't happened yet."

Mr. Lin put the tea bowl that he had taken a sip on on the table and made a crisp sound.

"what do you mean"?

Zhang Qi didn't quite understand what Mr. Lin said about the past and the future...

"Let me tell you, this alchemy device will search for your memory. If your memory has already happened, He will erase it, and if it has not happened"...

"Then the device will malfunction, and the memory will not be erased by default, and then I will be reincarnated with this memory"?

Zhang Qi frowned and said slowly.

"That's right, and you don't have to worry, you're not the first person like this."

Mr. Lin clapped his hands very happily, and then said something that shocked Zhang Qi even more.


Zhang Qi jumped up from the chair, Chengmu asked tongue-tied:

"I'm not the first to come from the future"?

"It's true, you're the second person I've seen in my life."

Mr. Lin spread out his hands and said to Zhang Qi:

"But don't bother asking me who he is. I promised him not to reveal this, but I think that one day, you will know his identity sooner or later."


Zhang Qi was still standing there in a daze, not recovering from the shock just now.

"However, this alchemy device is always broken now. After all, it is the age of the end of the law, and it is getting harder and harder for machines to gather energy"...

Mr. Lin said helplessly.

"Then now that you know my identity and you called me here alone, what do you want to do? President Lin"?

After recovering from the shock, Zhang Qi cleared his throat and asked Mr. Lin expressionlessly.

"Yes, I do have some things, but I just want to ask you a few questions."

Elder Lin looked at Zhang Qi's extremely cautious look and nodded with satisfaction.

"It has the style of your grandfather."

After speaking, Mr. Lin stood up, took out a pure white jade stone from the cabinet at the back, and put it on the table.

"Do you know what this is?"

Mr. Lin asked Zhang Qi.

"The polygraph jade seems to be about two or three hundred years old, and it is estimated that it will be very accurate."

Zhang Qi glanced at the jade stone, and answered slowly.

"That's right. When a person is talking, he puts his hand on this piece of jade. If the jade emits white light, then it proves that the person is telling the truth; but if the jade emits red light"...

"Then it proves that this person is lying."

Zhang Qi finished the following words for Mr. Lin.

"That's right, that's true."

Mr. Lin nodded, then pointed to the jade stone:

"Put your hand up, and I'll ask you three questions. If all the jade stones emit white light, then I will keep this secret for you until I enter the coffin."

Mr. Lin looked at Zhang Qi and said lightly.

"Hey, you can ask whatever you want, just don't ask something that makes me embarrassed."

After hearing this, Zhang Qi put his right hand on the piece of jade very simply.

"Okay, then I'll start asking."

Mr. Lin also seemed to have expected Zhang Qi's refreshment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he nodded.

"The first question, what did you do in your last life?"

"Shenzhou Teco is relatively low-level office staff, and occasionally participates in arrest operations. I will be promoted to team leader soon before I come here."

Zhang Qi replied very calmly, the jade held in his right hand emitted a soft white light.

What Zhang Qi said was actually not wrong, it was just a little misleading.

His team usually deals with very dangerous cases...

"Okay, second question, what was Shenzhou like in the era you lived in?"

Zhang Qi heard it, and Mr. Lin's voice seemed to be trembling.

"The military and the people's livelihood are very good. The specific manifestation is that our naval fleet walked around the Rihe Islands several times before, and the opposite side was a turtle with a shrinking head, and he didn't even dare to breathe. As for people's livelihood"...

"There used to be several major international grain merchants who wanted to increase grain prices by purchasing soybeans in China, thereby threatening China's food security. However, there will always be a certain gap between ideals and reality. At the same time, we are constantly releasing food to balance prices."

"Finally, China Grain Reserve used that bottomless grain reserves to make those international speculators understand what it means to lose everything."

"Good! Good!"

Looking at the soft white light from the jade in Zhang Qi's hand, Mr. Lin's words were slightly choked up.

The old man lived from the Shenzhou Empire to the new Shenzhou, and he is unforgettable about the hardships the world has endured.

Now hearing the news that China will be safe and peaceful in the future, and the mountains and rivers are safe, my eyes can't help but get wet.


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