The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 181: Welcome to the world of hybrids

The punching power of a normal strong man is about 50 kilograms, but those who have undergone special exercises can increase this number.

Boxing champion Tyson can punch up to 224 kilograms, while Asian men can reach 150 kilograms after training.

In other words, Astoria's punch just now was enough to beat down a battle-hardened officer and soldier of the Shenzhou Reconnaissance Company.

Moreover, according to Zhang Qi's description, the power of the Dragonborn will increase exponentially after lighting up the golden pupil.

And Astoria's eyes were quite normal when she punched just now.

What Zhang Qi said before about being able to punch through the security door with one punch is not nonsense, but he really tried it himself.

"This is still not the power when the golden pupil is turned on, so what will happen if it is turned on?"

Xu Lin turned her head and asked Zhang Qi.

"I don't know very well, after all, everyone's strength limit is different, but in that state, I can leave a handprint on the barrel of the tank with my bare hands."

Zhang Qi thought for a while, and then answered the question.

"Forget it, let's practice first, I have left beforehand."

Xu Lin pondered for a while, then said goodbye to the two and walked out of the training hall.

"Unlike traditional wizards in the West, Dragonborn cannot suppress the desire to fight due to their own blood, so our fighting style usually takes progress rather than the previous wand shooting."

Zhang Qi turned his head to Astoria again.

"Mr. Filch should have taught you some fighting methods before, I'm going to check it out today."

"Use all the means you can to hold in my hands for three minutes. If you can succeed, you will be considered qualified."


As soon as the voice fell, before Astoria could react, Zhang Qi had already stepped up and rushed to her side.


Zhang Qi grabbed Astoria's arm, twisted it around and kicked the socket of his knee with his foot, pressing her directly to the ground.

"You lost the first round, get up and prepare for the second round."

"Fight with all your strength, you can't hurt me for the time being."

Zhang Qi looked at Astoria, who was hesitant to get up from the ground, and reminded aside.

Astoria was a little reluctant at first, but after hearing this, she took a pose and prepared to fight.

"It's pretty standard, but it's not enough to just memorize one."

Zhang Qi looked at Astoria, who had entered a state at this time, and looked at him on guard, and shook his head gently.


This time, Astoria actually punched first, punching Zhang Qi in the face.


Seeing this scene, Zhang Qi shook his head, turned his body slightly to avoid his fists, and then tapped the opponent's knee socket with his toes.

Astoria fell flat again, and fell to the ground face down.

"Sometimes don't be too reckless, you are not Harry Potter, you still need to bring some brains"...

Zhang Qi said helplessly.


"Sometimes staying still and passive defense will delay the fighter. When you take a breath or blink, you have already lost"...

This time, Astoria never made a move, but in the end, she still did not escape the fate of lying on the ground.




After falling over an unknown number of times, Astoria was a little wobbly when she walked.

The handsome young man across from him is like a solid wall that cannot be bypassed no matter what.

"Tired? Let's rest for a while."

Zhang Qi looked at Astoria's panting appearance, turned to the table next to her, and wanted to get her a bottle of water.

"It's now"!

A shrewd light flashed in Astoria's eyes at this time.

She first followed Zhang Qi swayingly, as if she wanted to fetch water.

Zhang Qi didn't think much about it at the time, he stretched his right hand to the mineral water bottle on the table.


Taking this opportunity, Astoria jumped up directly, lying directly on Zhang Qi's back, and then wrapped her legs around Zhang Qi's waist from behind.

The slender, white and tender arm was in a V-shape and stuck to Zhang Qi's throat. Then Astoria passed his right hand behind Zhang Qi's head and firmly stuck his left arm!

Naked twist!

This is the blood twist in the naked twist, which evolved from judo.

This move can jam a person's carotid artery, preventing blood from flowing to the brain. People will be in shock in about a minute, and they will be sent away in two minutes.

Zhang Qi also never expected that Astoria would use a dirty trick, and was caught off guard by his throat.

Then, as Zhang Qi struggled, the two fell to the ground together.

Of course, with Zhang Qi down there, he didn't dare to let a girl be a meat pad.

Astoria's face was tightly attached to Zhang Qi's head, and Zhang Qi could even feel the girl's breathing.

But Zhang Qi isn't in the mood to feel what it's like to have a skin-to-skin blind date, because if he feels it for a while, he may faint.

But this move is basically unsolvable. If the opponent is standing behind him, he can break free by stepping on his feet. But Astoria's legs were now tightly wrapped around her waist, and there was no way to break free unless she twisted her knees hard.

Zhang Qi doesn't think he has the ability to break this girl's thigh now.

His vision was getting blurry. Zhang Qi put his hand into Astoria's arm and tried to break it apart. Astoria also squeezed his arm even tighter.

The two were fiercely entangled on the ground, rolling over and over trying to get rid of each other.

But it has no effect. Under the condition that the power of the two sides is balanced, being hanged naked is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

The two continued to roll and struggle on the ground, knowing that whoever let go first would lose.

"Forget it, I lost this game."

Zhang Qi let out a long sigh helplessly in his heart, and then lightly patted Astoria's arm.


Seeing Zhang Qi finally begging for mercy, Astoria immediately let out a sigh of relief, let go of her arm, and then collapsed to the ground.

She never knew that Zhang Qi's strength was so strong, and he almost let him break free just now.

"Ming play can't make play yin, it's not very honorable for you to do so"...

Zhang Qi also fell to the ground. The two of them lay side by side, gasping for breath, recovering their strength.

"But you clearly said just now that as long as you can win, you can do whatever you want."

Astoria answered somewhat innocently, her voice still sounding breathless.

"It is indeed the truth."

Zhang Qi was also panting there, his face flushed.

Just now, Astoria's naked strangulation really almost made him faint. In a short while, Zhang Qi was very sure that he would be lying on a stretcher in the hospital.

Even the hearse of the funeral home...

Zhang Qi complained silently in his heart.


All moves and various other types of knowledge appearing in this book do not advocate practice. If there is any injury caused by imitating the plot in this book, the author will not be held legally responsible.

If you want to learn, please go to a regular martial arts gym to receive training from regular coaches.


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