The Periodic Table of Words and Spirits at Hogwarts

Chapter 17: The speeding little train (Part 1)

"The joys and sorrows of people are not the same, I just think they are noisy." ——Lu Xun

When Zhang Qi was in college in his last life, he read a lot of Mr. Lu Xun's books. (mainly for bashing people)

Closer to home

"My dad"...

"My dad"...


While listening to Draco bragging about how Lucius responded to the last sentence "too great" from time to time, Zhang Qi cautiously observed the surroundings, alert to a little red-haired girl.

In my last life, I watched the seven Harry Potter movies and bought the tickets with my pocket money. Naturally, I remember the plots very clearly.

If I don't remember clearly, I'm sorry for the expensive movie tickets.

Zhang Qi is sure that Hekmedia absolutely saw Lucius put the black diary into Ginny's cauldron yesterday, but for some reason his mother didn't expose him in person, but instead put Lucius Pulled aside and made some unspeakable deal.

And Zhang Qi also judged from Hekmedia's mouth that she mentioned her name, and it seems that there is the word "marriage".

Thinking of his mother's usual tendency to be a rotten girl, Zhang Qi suddenly felt a chill go straight to his forehead from his tail.

Shouldn't it be for me to marry Draco?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qi's look at Draco instantly became dangerous. .

Please stay away from me.jpg

"Why do you carry such a big bag like a Muggle? Could it be that you got too close to the Weasleys and stained their stupidity?" Little Malfoy said with some disdain.

"Maybe it's feelings"? Zhang Qi took off his huge backpack, threw it on the shelf where the luggage was placed, and stretched his body comfortably. "After all, when I was in Shenzhou before, individuals were not allowed to hold space expansion packages."

"You are from Shenzhou"? Draco was immediately interested, "Tell me about what the wizarding world in China looks like"?

"Well, the wizarding world in China is in a semi-open state"...

"how is this possible"? Draco called out directly, and then realized that his behavior just now was rude, and then quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, but what you just said is that the wizarding world in China is basically semi-open to Muggles"?

"Yes, there are 310,000 wizards in Shenzhou, and there are about 800,000 people who have lost their veins, which is what you often call the squibs. Such a huge crowd cannot be hidden, and Shenzhou has had wizards to help ordinary people since ancient times. People's traditions, so the wizarding world in China has always belonged to a semi-open state."

"Incomprehensible". Draco lowered his head and muttered. "My father also considered sending me to China to study abroad."

"The traditional witchcraft in Shenzhou is very powerful, but the forward swing is too slow. Therefore, the wizards in Shenzhou basically choose to practice martial arts as a supplement to combat." After all, Zhang Qi raised his hand and made a seal. With the golden light, a huge Tai Chi gossip chart flew towards Malfoy's face, and then slapped firmly on his forehead.


Following Malfoy's frightened screams, wisps of faint black gas burst out of his body, and then vanished into ashes under the sunlight.

"There must be a lot of black magic items at home, right?" Zhang Qi clapped his hands gently and said seriously.

"How do you know? And what kind of magic did you use just now?" Malfoy just felt a lot more comfortable all over his body, and his whole body felt warm.

"You are called Evil Invasion. It means staying with black magic items for a long time and being infected by their evil aura. What I just cast is an exorcism spell to drive those disgusting things out of your body. out".

"You were talking about them just now"?

"Yes, black magic items mostly have their own consciousness. I think what Mr Weasley said makes sense, that you should never trust a thinking magic item unless you see where his mind is. "?

Draco remained silent. He didn't laugh at the Weasleys as usual, and even secretly decided to tell his father what he said. It would be best if he could persuade his father to get rid of all the black magic items in the family.

"Can this spell teach me?" After a while of silence, Draco suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Qi expectantly.

"of course". With a kind smile on Zhang Qi's face, "I'll teach you when the train leaves."

"Little Qi"! Hekmedia's shout came from outside the car window. "There is something in the company, I will go back first"!

"OK"! Zhang Qi waved at Hekmedia through the car window, and then watched the conspicuous white suit disappear into the crowd.

"your mother"?

"Yes, she is quite busy." Zhang Qi sighed softly, turned around and said to little Malfoy, "Come on, I'll teach you."


The white-haired "little boy" stood blankly in the passenger compartment, looking around at a loss.

In the morning, I was delayed because I went to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries for a re-examination. As a result, the "two siblings" who were anxious to get on the bus were separated by the surging crowd.

"Alito" - Greengrass can't find "his" sister.

"Alito" remembered that her sister said that if you get lost when you get into the car, go to the front. There is a gathering place for Slytherin students. My sister said that I could find a Slytherin student there and ask where Daphne is to find my sister.

My sister also said that Slytherin students are basically friendly, except for a group of **** named Marcus Flint who looks like an orangutan.

"Alito" took a careful look at a Slytherin boy blocking the front aisle.

Looks like a gorilla.

"Hey, little one, where do you want to go?" Marcus Flint showed his charred teeth and said with a malicious smile.

"I, I'm looking for my sister Daphne." "Alito" said with some fear.

"Oh, Daphne's little brother, you must be the illegitimate child of the Greenglass family." Flint laughed along with his pals.

"I heard that all the women of the Greenglass family were sold to the Malfoys"?

"Alito" stood there dully, full of puzzlement.

Why do they speak ill of me?


"Your sister should be courting the young master of the Malfoy family in Malfoy's carriage ahead." Flint squatted down with a smile, and patted "Alito" on the face with his hand, "Hurry up and find your sister, I don't want to hear a strange sound from the Malfoy family's box later."

There was another burst of loud laughter.

"Shut your stinky mouth"! A boy in a yellow Hufflepuff uniform and an Asian girl in a blue Ravenclaw robe ran from the end of the train.

"Apologize to the freshman"! The male Hufflepuff voice drew his wand and aimed it at Marcus. "Immediately now".

"Nosy again, Cedric." Marcus Flint sneered, wrapping his arms around his chest. "It's you who actually found a half-blood wizard to be your girlfriend, and she's still squinting. The glory of pure blood has been lost by you scumbags."

"you"! The Ravenclaw Asian woman also pulled out her wand.

"One point for Ravenclaw." Marcus Flint let out a wild laugh, "Don't forget, Cedric. I'm a Slytherin prefect. Although I can't deduct points for you as a prefect, I can give you that Points for sleazy girlfriends".

At this moment, there was a sharp whistling sound. A long silver-gray shadow passed through the crowd, rubbing against the air and releasing a shrill sound like a ghost crying. Then I heard a loud bang, and a strong steel pipe hit the inner wall of the carriage. No, it should have penetrated the inner wall of the car and got stuck on the car. The sharp-eyed Zhang Qiu saw at a glance the seven characters on the steel pipe that were soaked with blood.

"Shandong Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory".

"It's a pity that I'm a freshman this year and haven't been sorted yet." With the sound of the box door being pulled open, an Asian boy came out. "Then I'm afraid Senior Marcus Flint can't deduct points for me, so I'm sorry for hurting your ear, Senior Marcus Flint."

"Tick Everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound of water droplets, and saw that Marcus Flint's left cheek was full of blood. The sound of water droplets just now was blood dripping down his chin. voices from the ground.

"My ears"! Marcus Flint then covered his left ear and let out a shrill scream. Half of his ears have been rubbed off by the steel pipe that was flying fast in the air just now.

"You are courting death"! Marcus Flint, who had lost an ear, pointed his wand at Zhang Qi.

"I am going to kill you"!

"You used your left hand to hit someone in the face just now, and you used your right hand to pull out your wand and aim at me," Zhang Qi said calmly. "You used your broken mouth to insult my sister and my brother-in-law."

Zhang Qiu's face turned red when he heard the words "brother-in-law".

"I'll take off all the parts you won't use today."

Having said that, Zhang Qi slowly raised his fists to the height of his collarbone, then turned his fists into palms, and at the same time stretched out from the midline of his chest to the front, with his right hand in front.

Wing Chun · Asking Hands

"This is... Kung Fu"? The Weasley twins, who were lying at the junction of the carriages to join in the fun, looked at each other and saw the eager light in each other's eyes.

After all, everyone knows that Chinese Kung Fu is attractive to foreigners.

"you wanna die"! The irrational Marcus Flint saw that the other party didn't even pull out his wand, and suddenly felt a huge humiliation. So he also dropped his wand and rushed towards Zhang Qi.

Marcus Flint didn't believe that he couldn't beat a first-year freshman with his physical quality of practicing Quidditch for so long.

So he rushed over without hesitation.


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