The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 367 Katakuri's Growth

After entering the Navy headquarters, Ms. An began to show her star-level acting skills, pretending to be miserable, crying, and begging, hoping that the navy soldiers would let her go. Unfortunately, the soldiers had no right to question the general's orders and could only pretend not to hear them.

The soldiers of the branch handed them over to Rebecca, Weiwei's assistant. Because of Princess Dressrosa, Rebecca was in a much better situation than Nami. Salute and say hello under the leadership of the leading officer, and then retreat one by one.

Rebecca was also very busy here, so she nodded and motioned for Miss An to just open the door and go in.

I am about to face the admiral of the navy? I heard that all of them are monsters! Ms. An swallowed hard, gathered her courage, and knocked on the door. After getting a response, she opened the door and walked in.

At this time, Weiwei was eating pineapple with the duck Karu in the office, and Miss An automatically ignored them. This kind of cute person is definitely not an admiral!

She looked at the desk directly opposite, through the pile of documents, there was a figure vaguely behind...

"General, you... are you looking for me?" She asked tremblingly.

Da Siqi pushed her glasses, saw the person coming, and found that she didn't know her. Hearing that she was looking for a general, she pointed the pen in her hand to the side, which meant that the general was the one who was eating in the office without doing business. …

Weiwei clarified her intentions, and after hearing that she was not going to be arrested, Ms. An finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She hated the navy's rough work style, but she didn't dare to say it, let alone show it. .

Hastily expressed willingness to cooperate.

Ms. An's devil fruit ability is very interesting. She can express the things in photos and pictures in the form of phantoms.

Weiwei took out a photo of the aunt, she stretched out her hand to activate the ability, and a phantom of a lifelike aunt who would look around and hold her stomach and say she was hungry appeared.

However, Ms. An put very little energy into fruit development. The duration of the phantom is very short. Using the ability once can only last for a minute at most. After that, she needs to rest for 30 minutes. This time is too short! Weiwei directly threw her into the navy's training ground for exercise. How can a person who lacks physical strength become a star! Let's practice!

Ms. An just lacked exercise. When she was forced to practice for three days, one activation of the ability lasted for three minutes, and the rest time was shortened to fifteen minutes. After that, Weiwei ordered all the actors to be in their positions, as if they were filming a commercial. Everyone, took five scenes for different moods of the aunt.

The actors are all innocent and lovely little girls with sweet smiles and soft voices. They form a circle and play games with their fat friends. The whole scene looks very warm.

Weiwei reckoned that with this holographic image, coupled with her domineering hypnosis, it should be enough for her to strike out a "slaying soul".

Quietly leave a backup, give the finished product to Da Siqi, and ask her to go to Lieutenant General He to communicate.

Weiwei left Marin Vanduo, now everything is ready, set off to the new world, Cake Island!


Katakuri has gone through a whole year of hard training, and through more than ten life-and-death fights, he has successfully mastered the skills of overlord-color winding. The arrests from the World Government and the World Government have increased from 1 billion to 1.6 billion.

Back in the Kingdom of Totland, I saw Daifuku, Bree, and Katakuri who I thought were dead, but now appeared alive and kicking, and I had mixed feelings.

He expressed his gratitude to Perospero, who advocated the redemption of Daifuku, and paid out of his own pocket to compensate his brothers and sisters. Good guy, in order to collect the ransom, a group of foodies from the Big Mom Pirates have been saving money in the past month. Instead of eating six meals a day, I lost ten catties on average.

After Dafu returned to the family,

Compensated a small amount to his brothers and sisters, but he really didn't have much money in his hand, and his strength was not too strong. He was just old, and his strength was not as good as that of Baron Dandan. He didn't know what to do when he went out to rob. who to rob.

Katakuri is easy to handle. In order to compensate his brothers and sisters, he stayed up all night and ransacked the treasury of the three kingdoms. This is the kingdom of the new world. The soldiers are very powerful, and many captains of the palace guards are armed. Sexual domineering, knowledgeable and domineering, even Katakuri is exhausted, but anyway, after getting rich, the days of brothers and sisters losing weight will be completely overturned.

This time when he returned to the Kingdom of Totland, he did not seize all the rights as before, but allocated most of the work. Not only the older family members such as Perospero, Daifuku, and Owen, but even the sand crocodile part of the rights.

Although the rights are scattered, everyone has benefited, and the cohesion of the family has increased by a bit.

Katakuri also changed his mentality of using sand crocodile as a son-in-law. It coincided with the birth of Sand crocodile and Lola's eldest son. The aunt didn't care about her grandson at all. There was no family ranking, but it didn't matter. Everyone just used this In the name of connecting with each other, early in the morning, a bunch of foodies gathered on Lola’s chocolate island to celebrate. All kinds of desserts, cakes, and chocolates were offered without money.

It was at this time that Weiwei and Yamato quietly entered the Kingdom of Totland.

The Kingdom of Totland is dominated by Cake Island, surrounded by 34 small islands.

The aunt and several older children in the family, the chef team, and the long bread are stationed in Cake Island all year round, and the 34 small islands are handed over to the remaining family members for management.

Most of the Big Mom Pirates family celebrated in Sand Crocodile and Lola's chocolate island today, which is when the main island of Cake Island is at its emptiest.

Aunt has no interest in grandchildren. The sand crocodile has "increased" in power and strength, but it is not brave enough to allow aunt to condescend to celebrate for herself. Brothers and sisters in the family can come and let everyone have fun Hehehe will do.

He didn't have any money at first, but when he heard that he was holding a banquet today, his right-hand assistant Mrs. 0 asked about the time, place and number of participants, and immediately sent someone to send him 20 million Baileys. Good man!

Katakuri came to Chocolate Island early in the morning. As soon as Sand Crocodile saw him, he knew that his brother's strength had become stronger again.

This kind of strength is physical, but more spiritual.

Katakuri, who returned to the Kingdom of Totland, did not wear the iconic scarf. He no longer deliberately maintained that perfect, cold, and powerful image in front of his younger brothers and sisters.

At this time, the traces of stitches on both sides of the cheeks were exposed majestically, and there was no intention of covering them up in front of many brothers and sisters.

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