Weiwei looked at the gloomy Gilder Tezolo, and said pointedly: "I'm not interested in money, so I'll leave these Baileys to Sisi and your people to count them. The marshal ordered me to bring the gold back. , Mr. Tezolo, where is our gold?"

The veins on the back of Tezolo's hand were bulging, he clenched his fist, wanting to argue, is that your gold? That's my gold! But he also knew that his arms couldn't twist his thighs, and when the navy and the world government attacked him together, he had no power to resist.

Even if he can defeat the admiral and cp0 agents today, stronger enemies will come tomorrow, endless, exhausting him, he can't beat all the masters of the navy and the world government, not to mention, the one in front of him... ...he thought he had little chance of winning in a fight.

Tezolo glanced at Stussi. According to the private agreement between the two, Bailey should make the navy and the world government square. If the navy needs it, they can give more Bailey. When they went back to do business, the two of them shared the remaining 40% of the gold. Now Weiwei didn't even look at the pile of Baileys, and she aimed at the gold as soon as she opened her mouth. Obviously, she didn't plan to go according to their plan.

"Don't talk? Can't you? Don't you have any gold in such a big Golden City?" Weiwei asked in a flat tone.

Stuci smiled and said nothing, and left the question to Tezolo, as long as her own share was good, she didn't care how much others lost or earned.

Realizing that he was about to bleed, Tezolo gritted his molars: "Of course, but...according to the rules of the Golden City, you want to gamble with me, how about it? Want to play?"

Stussy gave him a cold look, cursed an idiot inwardly, and took two steps back very clearly, expressing that he had nothing to do with the whole thing.

Weiwei pointed at him curiously: "You mean, the world government and the navy want to get back the gold deposited with you, and they want to bet against you?"

Tezzolo couldn't hold back this time: "That's my gold!"

Weiwei looked at Stucey and said nothing, meaning, old woman, it's time for you to stand in line.

Stusi looked at Tezolo sharply: "You are lying, it is the gold of the world government, do you want to see the evidence?"

A staff member in a black suit of the world government quickly raised the ledger in his hand and shook it twice, which meant that this was evidence.

In fact, everyone knows it well, there is evidence of a chicken! It's all fake.

Big-headed Tanaka tried to smooth things over: "Hee hee hee hee...Actually, we can discuss it again, let's..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was pushed aside by Tezzolo.

The Golden Emperor seemed to be really angry, and his tone was firm: "Just take a gamble. If you win, it's all yours. How about it? Dare to bet with me?"

Wei Wei looked at Da Siqi: "Captain, make another note. Gilder Tezolo threatened the agents and admirals of the world government. Judging from his behavior, this person is very violent and has strong anti-social tendencies. "

Tezuolo was already used to her "making accusations" in the past two days, and at this moment his face was expressionless, as if he hadn't heard it.

Waiting for Da Siqi to remember it well, Wei Wei sighed to Stuci, and said like a girlfriend chatting: "Generally, this kind of gambler clamors to gamble, win or lose, and leave everything to fate to arrange." , In the end, they basically refused to accept their account, and they had to do something to understand the situation. I have watched so many film and television works, and I have never seen a single person who admits to losing."

Stucey smiled like a fox: "It seems to be true, Weiwei, you observe it really carefully, maybe it's because the public likes this kind of plot more?"

Weiwei shook her head: "A poor princess like me has never been in a casino in my life.

If Admiral Fujitora is here, I can still play with him, I'll forget it... You can bet with him, I will watch from the side. "


The men in black suits from the World Government left behind to count Bailey, and Vivi, Stuci, Tezolo and others took the elevator to the casino downstairs.

Their arrival broke the hustle and bustle of the casino.

"Master Tezolo?"

"This adult actually came to the casino in person?"

"That young woman is... the Navy's Justice Coat? The Navy!"

The gamblers talked a lot, but they were all winking, and they automatically moved out of the way in the middle.

Stuci and Tezzolo didn't plan to play anything too complicated, they simply bet on odd or even.

A strong man is in charge of opening the dice. The sumo wrestlers on both sides will throw dice weighing more than a thousand catties into the dice Gu. The strong man lifts a five-meter-high metal dice Gu above his head, shakes it violently twice, and falls down. Come over and press down on the ground, and finally use your own head to break open the metal dice Gu to check the points, the whole process is extremely violent.

When a few people walked in, the strong man who opened the dice Gu with his head was looking at his result triumphantly. The metal dice Gu was smashed to pieces by him. He was complaining to the casino staff around him that the metal dice Gu was a little bit Crunchy, ask for a firmer one next time.

The staff suddenly fell silent, and he turned his head in a daze, just in time to see Tezolo and his group.

The strong man didn't care much about Tezolo, the boss, or Weiwei, the admiral of the navy, but after seeing Stucey, his eyes bulged out of fright, his lips trembled, and he let himself to the side of the road like a conditioned reflex, kneeling on the ground , with his forehead pressed against the ground, his butt raised high, and his posture extremely respectful.

Stuci glanced at him, thought about it, and said with a smile: "Hehe, it's Daisy. Without your participation in the death match, many old customers expressed dissatisfaction with me. When will you come to my venue to play a few more games?" game?"

The brawny man who was so arrogant before seemed to have his spine removed at this time. He lay on the ground and said tremblingly: "The villain... the villain is already old and can't play the game... "

Stuci sneered: "Disappointing, get out of here, and don't appear in front of me again."

"Yes, yes! Thank you Queen for saving my life!" The strong man named Daisy ran away without saying a word. The staff of the casino reached out to stop him, but he was roughly knocked away, and then disappeared in a flash. .

"Xixi, you are so majestic." Weiwei said with a smile.

"Just an ordinary person who has met twice, a small person, not worth mentioning."

The dealer was scared away by her, but the game will continue.

Not long after, the person in charge of the casino, a tall woman with chestnut red hair, came out.

She couldn't use the five-meter-high metal Dice Gu anymore, and what she was holding in her hand was just an ordinary wooden Dice Gu and two dice.

The woman signaled to them the dice and the dice Gu: "Master Tezolo, this lady, I am Bacala, the person in charge of the casino, and I will be in charge of the game. The two of you can check the gambling equipment."

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