The Pirate’s Green Bull Marshal

Chapter 306: I Will Kill You Green Bull!

How difficult it is to take the lives of two crew members in front of Roger, Raleigh, Jabba and others.

Vidal knew that the opportunity left for him was only a moment, so he deliberately gave up punches or palms that were more powerful.

Fist and palm seemed more ferocious, but he felt that it would be difficult to kill Langgram and Mu Lian directly with just one punch.

With the physique of people in this world and the strength of the two major generals and lieutenant generals, plus the mysterious and mysterious luck, it is likely that they will survive.

Vidal didn't want this kind of result, he just wanted to kill people!

So he chose to use his self-created finger gun derivative technology, the seed machine gun, to penetrate the hearts of the two, and even in order to give Rayleigh and the others some hope, he didn't burst out and expand the wound.

But the small green seed on his fingertips has already been buried deep in his heart, and this seed will give birth to any type of plant according to his will.

Exploding peppers, poisonous mushrooms, and even a big tree can grow.

In the end, he did not choose these plants, but set them as the most brutal and frenzied sharp stakes, destroying all their internal organs.

This method is the coldest, cruelest, and most vicious, and it is also much more shocking to the outside world.

Since he wanted to kill people to gain fame, it was natural that he wanted to kill people in the worst places!

Vidal succeeded, and his goal was achieved. Just look at the angry and crazy faces of Roger's crew.

Even Lei Li, who has always been gentle, is full of murderous intent at this time, and his eyes are as cold as ice, which makes people dare not look at him.

"Major General Bogart, Raleigh will leave it to you, just hang on, and we will retreat while fighting."

The corner of Vidal's mouth was drawn into a chuckle, his eyes were shining, he didn't care that all the hatred was concentrated on him.

It's just that his attitude is polite, but the words of the instructions are not polite.

At this time, he withdrew from the berserker mode where he was only thinking about fighting Rayleigh, and turned into a commander leading the fleet.

"By the way, take this, it should be useful."

Vidal turned his right palm over, and with the faint green light flashing away, five grape-sized objects appeared in his palm, which were obviously special-grade mung beans.



Bogart took a deep look at Vidal, took the mung beans, and rushed out of the warship without delay, heading towards the murderous 'Pluto'.

Although he can't beat Lei Li, if it's just entanglement, it's fine to intercept for a while.

Although he is only a major general, he is Garp's adjutant and has fought Rayleigh countless times over the years.

"Lieutenant General Edwin, Lieutenant General Humphrey, I will leave Jabba to you. Remember to keep a distance of 200 meters from the fleet."

Vidal produced ten extra-grade mung beans again, and directly commanded the two lieutenant generals with the rank of major general.

"Leave it to us!"

The two lieutenant generals looked at each other, and neither of them said anything at this time. Vidal's performance in killing two of Roger's crew just now can be regarded as making them let out a sigh of relief. They also saw the fierce battle in Yiyi.

Anyway, they feel that they can't do it, so they are convinced in terms of strength.

In terms of identity, as the commander and adjutant of the G-1 branch, it is natural to know that Vidal is a disciple of the general of the Warring States Period.

And judging from the current performance, he will definitely be an admiral in the future.

With so many factors, Vidal quietly and smoothly took over the entire fleet.

After all, Karp is busy now.

Seeing the two lieutenant generals cooperating so well, I was also very satisfied in my heart. Sure enough, in the army, the strong are respected. This strength is not only strength, but strength in all aspects.

Qualifications, identity, background, performance, military exploits and so on.

"The order goes on, everyone is stationed on the warship, rest and treat, and don't move out. Now they are chasing us, don't worry!"

Vidal shouted orders behind him, and he didn't point out anyone in particular. We are all professional soldiers, so we will naturally know what to do at this time.

Sure enough, the navies at all levels on the deck acted quickly and communicated his orders to the ships with telephone bugs.

At the same time, Vidal looked up helplessly at the thick dark cloud of lightning and thunder, and slandered Roger and Garp in his heart.

"Hit it and say goodbye, what kind of domineering color is it, this thing is not even a breeze to you?"

But fortunately, before killing Langram and Mu Lian, he took this situation into consideration when salvaging the fallen navy and overturned warship.

After all, if you kill two of Roger's crew members, it's no wonder that Roger and Rayleigh didn't try their best. Naturally, they have to take advantage of the hot weather to replenish photosynthetic energy as soon as possible.

Therefore, although the energy in his body cannot be said to be abundant, it is more than half of it...


Just when Major General Bogart, Lieutenant General Edwin, and Lieutenant General Humphrey blocked the two killers, Raleigh and Jabba, at the front, Vidal's side was under everyone's gaze. Jump to the top of the mast of the warship again.

【Snapped! 】

Applause sounded, and green fluctuations overflowed from his palms, and he shouted loudly.

"The gift of nature—"


Circle after circle of bright green light is particularly noticeable in an environment where dark clouds obscure the scorching sun.

When these ring-shaped green circles swept across the entire fleet, the navies were surprised to find that fresh grass grew on the deck, forming a thick grass in an instant.

"All the wounded take turns sitting on the grass according to the priority of their injuries. These grasses will heal your injuries!"

Vidal spoke suddenly, his voice was so loud that everyone could hear it clearly even in the sea with continuous sea breeze.

"it is true!"

"Ugh, it's so comfortable..."

"My bleeding has stopped and the wound is itching!"

After experiencing the miraculous effect of the grass, the wounded on various warships immediately relieved the pain on their faces, and the warm green light warmed their hearts.

"Major General Vidal..."

They looked gratefully at the green figure on the mast.

But at this moment, Vidal's folded palms in front of him did not separate, but the green light on his palms became stronger and brighter.

He looked coldly at the Roger crew who had chased the fleet a hundred meters away.

"It's quite arrogant to dare to chase a fleet of 10,000 people with just 20 people."


Vidal shouted violently.

"The Birth of the Tree Realm!"

In the dark sky, red lightning flashed on the sea from time to time. The battle between Garp and Roger caused tornadoes, and the violent sea wind pushed the waves rolling in.

[Bang bang bang...]

At this moment, countless black shadows appeared under the rough sea surface, and first, only ten meters away from the fleet, there were mangrove trees soaked in sea water one after another.

The thick and long root system rolled and pushed forward in the sea like giant pythons, forming more dense mangrove trees along the way, 'swallowing' the Roger crew members who were plunged into rage and rushed in.

[Boom boom boom...]

Immediately, one after another of tyrannical sword light and violent fist wind erupted in the forest. They hit the ground and broke the branches, and the ground waves trembled.

But more mangroves grew out, dragging them to the forest, they could only stare angrily at the green figure on the mast, roaring incessantly.

Eye Dragon, who has the closest relationship with Colonel Mu Lian, kept smashing the sharp branches with the thorny gloves on his hands, his eyes were red and he roared angrily.

"I will kill you!! Navy's 'Green Bull'!!"

He shouted out the voice of the entire Roger Pirates......

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