The Princess of Northern Land

Chapter 289 Whose Threat (6)

"Grandpa, if it's not hot enough, let Lao Yao heat the kang some more." Lin Ziyin muttered.

"It's hot enough. Didn't you see that my cotton-padded jacket is open?" When she interrupted, the old man temporarily put aside the sourness in his heart. "Zi Ge, you are busy every day. Your brother and I discussed it yesterday and we will settle the matter between you and Dayou on the sixth day of next month. It would be too lonely for him to live alone in such a big house. "Although Yu Shaohui and others were asked to live there, the old man still felt that a home cannot lack a mistress.

When Zige heard the discussion about her marriage, her face turned red like a cooked prawn, "Grandpa."

The coquettish tone is not intimidating at all.

"It's time for boys to get married and girls to get married when they're young. In the blink of an eye, you've grown up." The old man was a little sad. "If your parents were still here, they would be very happy."

As he spoke, the old man's eyes showed sadness.

"Grandpa, my parents have passed away, but they definitely hope that those of us who are alive can live happily. My sister is getting married, which is a great event." Seeing Zige's eyes were moist, Lin Ziyin had no choice but to comfort them.

"The preparations are a bit hasty. Don't go to work starting tomorrow. Just stay at home and prepare the wedding items." The old man said.

"Oh." Lin Zige agreed.

"Tomorrow I will make a list of my sister's dowry items. When it comes out, my sister will see what is missing." Lin Ziyin said.

"You don't need to prepare too many things. Sister, you have already given me too much." Thinking of Wu Dayou's magnificent brick courtyard, land, and soy products workshop, Lin Zige was filled with gratitude to Lin Ziyin.

"Although I can't be as grand as a wealthy family, I will prepare everything you need to prepare for you." Lin Ziyin said.

"We have a house, land, shares, and a pair of hands. Whatever we lack, Brother Dayou and I can earn it ourselves. If you prepare everything for us, we will get used to enjoying it and become indolent." Lin Zi Ge said sincerely, "Others don't know how you get the money in your hands, but I know. How difficult it is for you, a girl, to take care of such a big family."

The old man nodded and looked at his two granddaughters approvingly, "Zi Ge, your sister and your brother all know your thoughts. You have given them a stable life, but you cannot take care of them for the rest of their lives. Happiness is earned with your own hands. , they are not lazy children, they will earn what they want in the future."

"Grandpa, I understand." Lin Ziyin said with a smile.

Coming out of grandpa's room, Lin Ziyin was in a very happy mood. In modern times, she only has a few friends and uncles. She longs for the love of her parents, but her mother has died long ago, and her father? It would be better not to have it. sisters? Haha, it was thanks to her that she came to ancient times.

The room was as warm as spring, and Lin Ziyin lay on the bed and fell asleep soon after.

In the quiet night, all the villagers in Shili Village fell into a deep sleep.

In the night that should be a sweet dream, two shadows "fly" in. The target was Lin Ziyin's room.

After finding the room they were looking for, the two men in black took out a pipe and wanted to fly to the second floor to do bad things.

At the same time, Jueming Juehui quietly came to the yard.

"Seeking death." Juehui was impatient. When he saw the man in black trying to do something bad, he immediately scolded him in a low voice, and he rushed to the man in black.

The man in black was surprised by the arrival so quickly and quietly, guessing that the two of them might be masters of the Lin family.

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