The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 481 Chapter 480 Worms

"See for yourself."

As Wei Guangde spoke, he handed the document to Tang Ruji, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip to moisten his throat, but his face showed a very angry look.

"Your Majesty, because Song is old and has been specially kept to serve Fan, he ordered his son Hu to return to Funan on his behalf. Although Fan's reputation in the world is worrying, he is really happy to have a plan. He entertains guests, holds banquets, and attends concubines. He dances and sings many times. Every day, Ji Xi has been disgusted by ghosts and gods and their eyes have been cut off."

As he continued reading, Tang Ruji's expression grew colder. After reading the entire memorial, he couldn't help but curse: "It's extremely shameless."

Hearing Tang Ruji's words, Wei Guangde shook his head slightly, but he was thinking in his heart. He thought Xu Jie would need two days to contact officials and play an impeachment storm. Unexpectedly, only Zou Yinglong was impeached. Is it useful?

Of course he knew Zou Yinglong, he was of the same age as him, and he would visit the Censorate every month. He knew almost all the censors left in the capital by the Censorate.

The reason why I dare not say that I know everyone in the Metropolitan Procuratorate is because the Beijing Metropolitan Procuratorate also has censors outside, and the personnel changes frequently.

Thinking of this, Wei Guangde couldn't help but raise his head and glance at Zhang Juzheng. At this time, he was also frowning in deep thought, as if he really didn't know Xu Jie's plan.

Only then did Yin Shizhen smile and say: "Zou Yushi's impeachment this time seems to be very powerful, but I don't know if it can be taken seriously by His Majesty."

"There are not many contents in Zou Yushi's impeachment, and they are all easy to verify. At least I heard that the Yan Mansion has set a price list for every grade of official position, and I also heard about Yan Shifan's prostitution."

Tang Ruji answered, "As for the fields and houses in various places, I don't know, but it is easy to check. I will directly report it to the local government for a thorough investigation. I believe there will be a reply soon."

Wei Guangde was horrified when he heard Tang Ruji's words.

Yes, Yan Song's future is in the hands of Emperor Jiajing. As long as he approves it, the impeachment memorial is actually just a pretext, and it doesn't even matter whether the impeachment is true or not.

Waiting and seeing, Wei Guangde thought to himself, to see if there are more impeachment memorials to be submitted in the next two days. Today's impeachment of Zou Yinglong may be just a pawn arranged by Xu Jie to cast stones.

At this time, Wei Guangde was neither optimistic about the effect of this impeachment nor pessimistic about it. Instead, he was deeply afraid of Xu Jie.

As I just thought, if more people from the Xu Party do not come forward to impeach Yan Song and his son in the next few days, it can only be said that Xu Jie's understanding of Emperor Jiajing has reached a very high level.

At the same time, Wei Guangde also got to know Zou Yinglong again, and his writing skills are amazing.

It talks about the Yan family's accumulation of wealth and their failure to observe filial piety. At the end of the article, it even mentions the floods, droughts and natural disasters in the north and south in recent years, saying that these disasters are all punishments sent by God because of the presence of unfaithful and unfilial people in the court.

What the hell, heavenly beings are sensing it.

Look at the reactions of Yin Shizhen and Zhang Juzheng after reading the memorial. Who among the officials in this era didn't know that this rhetoric was meant to fool Emperor Jiajing? Maybe even the emperor himself knew that this was fooling, but he couldn't help but make people unaware. Li.

There are also years of disaster and famine in prosperous times, and there are good times in the last days. This is untenable in itself.

Zou Yinglong's memorial has been sent to the cabinet. There is no doubt that it did not appear on the desks of Yan Song and Xu Jie, but was assigned to Yuan Wei.

I don’t know if it’s intentional or not.

However, Yuan Wei found it very difficult after reading the memorial.

Zou Yinglong must have gone crazy because he actually impeached the Yan family.

Even Yuan Wei still doesn't know about the fight between Yan Song and Xu Jie just two days ago.

It can only be said that the group of alchemists stayed in the Taoist temple outside Beijing for a long time, so it was convenient for the confidentiality of this matter. It is really difficult for people who are not closely related to detect such information.

From arresting people to interrogating, everything is handled by Dongchang and Jinyiwei.

However, now Yuan Wei is in trouble.

Although the entire memorial focuses on the illegal activities of Yan Shifan and his family, and does not seem to involve the chief assistant Yan Song at all, he is accused of lax discipline everywhere.

Almost all the blame will eventually fall on Yan Song.

It's like saying that Yan Nian offered tens of thousands of gold to Yan Song on his birthday.

Doesn't Yan Song know that Yan Nian, a slave, shouldn't have such a heavy gift to congratulate him?

Obviously not, Yan Song is not that old and confused.

But he accepted it and didn't say anything more. It can only be said that Yan Nian's money-grabbing was actually ordered by Yan Song. All he did was to help Yan Song make money and then launder it in the form of birthday celebrations.

The cabinet also has cabinet rules. The cabinet ministers involved in the memorial cannot let them know the content in advance. Although everyone may know the memorial when it passes the general affairs envoy, it still needs to be as it should be. This is why. This means that Yuan Wei cannot bring this memorial to Yan Song, which is to avoid suspicion.

Discuss with Xu Jie and vote together?

Or can he decide on his own and send it directly to the palace?

At this time, Yuan Wei was in a dilemma.

There is actually a standard answer to such an impeachment memorial, which is to turn it over to the relevant department for verification.

However, should we inform Xu Jie?

"Today there are frequent floods and droughts, there are many policemen in the north and south, and the people are poor and have no money. The only thing that can't be caught off guard is the greed of the father and son of the world. They are trying to overcome the difficulties of the day. They bribe their way into government and appoint officials with bribes. All officials from all over the world, big and small, have to use up the people's support. , peel off the skin and bones of the people, externally want to respond to their insatiable demands, internally want to pay the fees for buying an official position, in this way the people will not be poor, the country will have endless security, and the natural and man-made disasters will not come one after another. "

This Zou Yinglong would not stop fighting until Yan Shifan and Yan Hu were defeated. Yuan Wei was fighting against their sons and grandsons, and Yuan Wei didn't know what to do.

As for the sentence at the end of the article about beheading "the heads of the world are hanging on the pole as a warning to those who are cruel and unfaithful", Yuan Wei didn't take it to heart at all. If an impeachment memorial had such power, the Yan family would have been beaten long ago. Been down for many years.

Unconsciously, Yuan Wei's eyes slid to the last two paragraphs, "His father Song received the country's kindness and did not think about repaying it. Instead, he doted on his evil son and played for power. He established a party to shield the virtuous and corrupt the law. It is also appropriate for him to retire urgently to clean up his political roots."

Xu Jie?

For some reason, Xu Jie's name suddenly appeared in Yuan Wei's mind.

At this point in the full text, it is finally clear that Yan Song should become an official.

Why did Zou Yinglong write this book? The answer is ready to come out.

Yuan Wei was the last cabinet minister to enter the cabinet. Even if Yan Song became official, the position of chief minister would belong to Xu Jie and he would not be able to grab it.

Who is most beneficial to Yan Song becoming an official?

Of course it's Xu Jie.

No wonder this memorial fell into his hands. It must have been arranged by Xu Jie.

I can think of it myself, and I think Emperor Jiajing could have guessed it when he read this memorial.

"If I say anything that is untrue, please behead me immediately to thank the eight sons of Song, and to give warning to those who lie to officials."

What does it have to do with me whether you, Zou Yinglong, die or not?

However, Yuan Wei knew that he and Xu Jie could not jointly draft this memorial, otherwise the memorial to impeach Yan Song, the chief minister, could easily be assumed to be the work of him and Xu Jie.

Forming a party for personal gain?

Come to think of it, Emperor Jiajing would never allow cabinet ministers to collude with each other in private.

Thinking of this, Yuan Wei wrote a draft and "submitted it to the supervisor for verification." After thinking for a while, he added the words "It is absolutely forbidden to slander the old minister."

After doing this, Yuan Wei did not put this memorial together with other memorials after the vote was drafted, but kept it separately, intending to send the memorial to the Secretary of Ceremony separately.

After doing this, Yuan Wei couldn't help but become suspicious. Xu Jie suddenly attacked Yan Song. Are these two going to start fighting again?

When Xu Jie first entered the cabinet, he fought fiercely with Yan Song, but he was quickly defeated, and he seemed to have made no moves since then.

At that time, Yuan Wei was still in the Hanlin Academy, so he could only watch everything with a cold eye.

Unexpectedly, today, he would also passively participate in the fight between the two.

Unconsciously, a wry smile appeared on Yuan Wei's face.

It's bitter because I'm worried about being affected by the fight between the two.

Smile, no matter who loses in the end, he will be promoted to second assistant.

You know, if Yan Song survives, he will definitely not let Xu Jie go.

But what he didn't know was that Yan Song next door remained silent after hearing the news, while Yan Shifan was surprised at first and then sneered, and hurriedly wrote a few notes and asked someone to send them out.

Xu Jie, who is next door, is still doing his duty and busy with official duties as if nothing has happened, and the memorial is about to be transferred.

When the memorial was delivered to Gao Zhong, the Superintendent of Ceremonies, Gao Zhong just smiled lightly, everything was as he expected.

The Yan family took action to rectify Xu Jie first. It would be strange if Xu Jie didn't fight back. It would have been an exception in the early years.

The Yan family had taken action against Xu Jie many times in the past, but none of them could shake Xu Jie's status. However, Xu Jie still chatted happily with Yan Song as if he didn't know anything about it, which made Gao Zhong sometimes have to admire Xu Jie's Qi-nurturing skills. .

"Read it and sort it as soon as possible so that you can send it to Yuxi Palace."

Gao Zhong put down the memorial in his hand and gave instructions to the people below.


Amidst the series of replies, the movements of several eunuchs couldn't help but speed up a bit.

The sun was setting in the west, and it was almost time to leave the office.

Now that his wife Xu Jianglan is pregnant, Wei Guangde has stopped his habit of going out to eat and drink after get off work and plans to go home early.

In the past two days, he had been late and left early. Everyone in Prince Yu's palace knew what was going on, and they all just smiled at him. Even Yin Shizhen didn't say much.

However, before Wei Guangde had taken a few steps out of the yard, he heard rapid footsteps behind him, which sounded like they were coming towards him.

Wei Guangde slowed down, stopped when the footsteps approached, and turned to look.

He is the little chamberlain next to King Yu, but he is of no rank, just a handyman.

"Master Wei, His Highness Prince Yu has something to ask you."

The little chamberlain whispered in Wei Guangde's ear.

Wei Guangde frowned, unable to refuse. After all, he was an official in Prince Yu's palace, and he had to go when Prince Yu called him.

He nodded slightly to the young chamberlain and motioned for him to lead the way, but he was also murmuring in his heart.

It’s not that he complained about King Yu looking for him, but it was strange that he didn’t come early or late, but he sent someone to intercept him when he was leaving the mansion. It seemed that he was only looking for himself, and no one came into the courtyard to call others. , especially Yin Shizhen.

If Prince Yu was wary of Zhang Juzheng because he had Xu Jie behind him, then Yin Shizhen was from Prince Yu's Mansion faction with Zheng Miaohong roots, just like him.

However, I felt strange that I didn't stop at all, and quickly followed the little chamberlain into the backyard.

A few steps into the door, he turned into a side room, where King Yu and Li Fang were already waiting for him.

"Your Highness."

After Wei Guangde entered the house, he first saluted King Yu.

"Shandai, please sit down and talk."

King Yu stood up and asked Wei Guangde to sit down.

Wei Guangde didn't speak, just waiting for King Yu to speak first and tell him the purpose of calling him.

Before he could wait too long, King Yu had already told him the reason why he was called here this time.

"Shandai, what Mr. Xu Ge said before was not to let us take action. Master Gao also said the same thing before."

When King Yu spoke eloquently, Wei Guangde became a listener and listened carefully, thinking in his heart what King Yu meant by asking him to come.

"When Master Gao got the news, he thought that since Xu Jie already had a plan, let's not make any moves, so as not to ruin other people's plans, but I'm just curious, how effective do you think Zou Yinglong's impeachment alone can be.

This kind of impeachment was not used by young and old in the past, but it was of no use. Most of the ministers who were impeached were still in jail, either being convicted or dismissed. "

Seeing that Wei Guangde had no intention of speaking, but seemed to be fully immersed in the audience, King Yu was a little frustrated, but he continued: "I just want you to help me think about whether this is an opportunity to impeach Yan Song and his son.

You said before that Yan Song may not have much time to stay in the court, but how long will it take?

Gu was so humiliated by Yan Shifan back then, I can't swallow this breath, I must take revenge.

If you think this is an opportunity, I will immediately mobilize everyone to file a memorial to impeach the Yan family and his son. "

King Yu's words reached Wei Guangde's ears, and Wei Guangde's heart trembled.

It’s not that the Yan family is too evil against King Yu. Even if Emperor Jiajing doesn’t pursue them, I’m afraid that when King Yu becomes emperor, he will still settle old and new accounts together.

The fall of the Yan family was only a matter of time. In my memory, Yan Shifan was beheaded. This was how it was played on TV. Moreover, Emperor Jiajing did not wait for Prince Yu to take action.

You can't believe everything on TV, but you can roughly deduce that the probability of King Yu taking action is probably low.

In fact, what touched Wei Guangde the most about what King Yu said just now was that King Yu didn't want to listen to Master Gao Gonggao this time, but asked him to analyze it.

In King Yu's heart, is his status already comparable to that of Gao Gong?

So does Xu Jie.

It is understandable that King Yu avoids Zhang Juzheng when doing things, but he still avoids Yin Shizhen.

Perhaps it was because King Yu didn't want to listen to Gao Gong's words this time.

King Yu was worried that Yin Shizhen would stop this?

In fact, Wei Guangde's guess made some sense.

What he didn't know was that Gao Gong had carefully analyzed the factions of the courtiers during his education to King Yu.

Among them, for people like himself, Chen Yiqin, Yin Shizhen, and even Wei Guangde, they were completely powerless in the court and were completely Yu Wang's faction.

But Xu Jie, who has a close relationship with them, is not the case. He was self-contained during the Jiajing Dynasty, and even when King Yu ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, his strength was still self-contained and would never be integrated with them. .

The relationship with Xu Jie requires both cooperation and caution.

Who are Xu Jie and the people behind him?

It can be said that Gao Gong looked down on the people of the strict party, and he also looked down on the Xu party line, because they were actually the worms of the Ming Dynasty.

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