The Queen of Everything

Chapter 551: Early internship

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Lian Ye's face gradually stiffened.

He was an authentic young master of the family. He was also seen on the cruise ship last time. When Bo Mu also led people to introduce them, Su Cha clearly saw each of them.

She did it on purpose.

Lian Ye felt that the woman's attitude was too arrogant, and it was unclear which Bo Mu had also taken a fancy to her. He was bored in his heart and said with a breath: "I am Lian Chi's brother."


Su Cha looked at Lian Ye and gave an unclear "tuck".

Lian Ye's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he looked at Fu Mo: "Fu Mo!"

Fu Mo shook his body, looked at Su Cha with some flinch, and panic in his eyes, Su Cha turned a blind eye and said directly to Lian Ye: "Why are you calling my assistant, do you know?"

Lian Ye looked at her, suddenly raised her lips, sneered, and there was already some undisguised contempt in her eyes: "Miss Su, Fu Mo's father is my steward."

"Oh? What does that have to do with Fu Mo, she is my assistant, what is your name!"

Su Cha didn't even have to put his hands in his waist to show his arrogance. He rolled his eyes and directly called Fu Mo: "Fu Mo, go with me, I still have a lot of things to explain to you."

Fu Mo glanced at Su Cha and Lian Ye again.

Lian Ye's eyes were murky, like a thick storm was brewing, which made people look scared.

Su Cha took two steps. Fu Mo didn't move. She turned her head and saw that Fu Mo wasn't going, as if she was angry: "Fu Mo, can't you go? Do you want to dry you?"

Okay, the villain's standard line!

When Fu Mo was wronged, there was a woman's soft voice in the car: "Okay, Lian Ye, let her go."

The woman spoke, Lian Ye lifted her chin slightly, and Fu Mocheng followed Su Cha with fear and sincerity.

Before leaving, he even whispered to Lian Ye: "Thank you young master."

The two of them didn't go far. Su Cha's car was waiting there to make a full set of dramas. Fu Mo simply got on the car and went with Su Cha.

"If I'm rumored to be a big name in the future, you have to pay all the responsibilities."

Just now Su Cha saw that several classmates were already staring at her.

Tomorrow, Fu Mo will probably be a pitiful little bullied by her.

Fu Mo was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry Classmate Su."

Su Cha waved her hand, "That's the woman you just referred to? The two of them clearly see your jokes. He wants to treat you sincerely, and he should stop you from seeing my temper."

If you want to know the temper of Yi Su Tea, Fu Mo is absolutely not pleased.

Lian Ye didn't stop it, but was conniving at what happened. He didn't want to see Fu Mohao.

This made Su Cha say something deep, Fu Mo's eyes dimmed and he didn't speak.

"I didn't think you were a family member."

Su Cha chuckled slightly and felt a bit coincident.

Fu Mo glanced at her curiously: "Student Su knows people from Lian's family? I think the young master also recognizes you."

"Not knowing, my boyfriend and the people in the family know each other."

At this time, Su Cha mentioned that even the expression of his family had cooled down, and there was no obvious arrogance.

Even if she is arrogant, she inadvertently reveals naturally, and she will not behave at all.

It seems that in the future, he still has to act, and he is still a weak little white flower on Tang Keruo's side, and then he will become domineering, and sooner or later he will show his stuff.

However, Su Cha is not worried about the stuffing. She is just enjoying the state of acting.

It’s just an internship for acting in advance!

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