Lin Mo also glanced at the woman, but the movements in his hands did not stop. His staff was aimed at the Netherfire Legion Knight, and then he tapped the staff lightly, the light red gemstone on the Sinking Staff lit up, and a spell surged towards the Ghostfire Legion Knight.

It can be said that the ghost knight has made no achievements so far. His extraordinarily tall stature meant that it was impossible to launch an offensive in this forest.

Zhao Shi is also a knight, but he is smarter because he didn't ride his "Black Stone Demon Horse" here, so that he can achieve greater results.

And the low-intelligence Knight of the Phantom Flame Legion didn't seem to realize this, but after being resurrected, he threw out the spear in his hand and stabbed the thief who had just finished his defense skills.

When the thief was exempt from the attack of those skeleton archers, he quietly walked up to the nearest skeleton archer of the Ghost Fire Legion and carried out a suffocation. A dizzy mark appeared on the archer's head, and then he was dizzy and couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.

Sensing the arrival of the long spear that was shining with dark blue light, the thief activated the skill "Forced Concealment". This caused the damage caused by this suffocation to be relatively objective, but it was also relatively speaking.

The team led by Huo Shu used a lot of skills to kill an archer, and even revived the archer of the Netherfire Legion.

At this time, the soldiers shifted their targets under Huo Shu's signal, and launched an attack on the woman. The remaining four people and a summoned creature launched a new round of bombing against the newly resurrected skeleton archer.

Lin Mo's output damage is very high, a single normal attack can take away about 10% of the skeleton archer's HP.

And the combined attacks of the remaining three players are not as good as Lin Mo's one attack. This difference is not just in common attacks. The damage caused by Lin Mo's activated skills can even surpass the one-shot fire of the six-member team.

Lin Mo, who has many skills, can cause far more damage in an instant than the team in front of him, although there are priests who are not good at fighting in the team.

But being able to gain a firm foothold in such an elite team also shows that the priest's attack power is not bad in the priest profession.

When everyone saw Lin Mo's terrifying damage to the skeleton archer, they looked at each other with shock written in their eyes. But the shock was the shock. At this time, they had to harvest the skeleton before the defense methods failed.

After two rounds of concentrated fire, combined with Shang Linmo's skill "Frost Nova", he successfully killed the skeleton archer of the Netherfire Legion.

At this time, the life-saving skills they had applied to themselves had come to an end, and Lin Mo also noticed their strength.

At this time, if you rely on the team for output, it is tantamount to nonsense. Lin Mo thought for a while and said, "Let's hide in the cave first and wait for the skills to cool down... The knights are in the front row!"

Then he stopped what he was doing, turned around and ran towards the inside of the cavern. The speed at which he escaped made the thief secretly speechless.

Although the thief was attacked by the throwing spears of the knights of the Ghostfire Legion before, he successfully avoided the attack by virtue of the invincibility time of a few seconds of the "strong concealment" skill. The long spear with dark blue flames was stuck on the ground and trembled uncontrollably.

The thief smacked a surviving skeleton archer, and then made up for it with a knife. He was not in a hurry to kill the skeleton archer, because he knew that he could not accomplish this goal alone.

So after causing a certain amount of damage to the skeleton bow, he rationally chose to retreat and retreat into the cave. When the rest of the players saw that their skills were about to end, they also agreed with Lin Mo's words.

So they started to retreat, moving towards the cave behind them. Lin Mo has entered a relatively safe area, and then he began to provide fire support to other players.

He successfully attracted the attention of the three skeleton archers, who slowly moved towards Lin Mo. Their attack range is far inferior to that of Lin Mo.

It was because of their relatively short attack range that the players were suppressed by the firepower of the skeleton archers after a long time of fighting with the skeleton knight and the female officer.

There are now six skeleton archers, a ghostfire knight and a female officer on the field.

Lin Mo glanced at the eight hostile units and sighed slightly. The reason is simple. Although their firepower is average, they are numerous and all have resurrection skills.

"This battle... will be very difficult." Lin Mo said softly. During the speech, those players all completed the retreat. Warriors and knights stood on the outer layer for defense, while the summoned creature "Devil Bear" stood at the forefront.

Three skeleton archers came over, and the other three archers took out arrows from behind and attacked the outermost demon bear.

The summoner Huoshu should have poured a lot of energy and money into this devil bear, so although the shape of this devil bear is relatively petite, its blood volume is unambiguous. Should be able to last for a while.

After the three walking skeleton archers walked a certain distance, they also began to attack Lin Mo with arrows. Lin Mo glanced at these skeleton archers contemptuously, waving the staff was a "frozen spell". Because their movements were uniform and close together, Lin Mo successfully controlled three units with one skill.

When this skill was in effect, the players of the Huoshu team also attacked the frozen skeleton archers.

Soon those skeleton archers were killed once, and then revived one after another.

At this time, the knights of the Youhuo Legion also rushed over and attacked the demon bear. And his huge body just covered most of the hole.

"God assists!" Lin Mo said. His words also drew laughter from Zhao Shi and others. Then they took advantage of the time when they could not be harmed to restore their own state as soon as possible.

Lin Mo watched them knocking on the medicine bottle and shrugged. Because of the existence of the "Magic Blessing" effect, there will never be a lack of blue. Cecilia is simply Lin Mo's mobile magic bottle. But this effect will only work after leaving the battle.

As for the problem of blood volume, because of Lin Mo's super consciousness and operating skills, there are really not many people who can cause Lin Mo to lose blood. At least in the early game...

Despite his superb skills, Lin Mo's expression was still serious. This is the most important quality of a game master, that is, never underestimate your enemy.

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