The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 200: Giving pills to the gift

The vision and sensitivity of Baicaotang has always been strong. They were almost at the same time as Jimintang, and they discovered Gu’s pharmaceutical wizard. In the beginning, both of them went to the identity of the little girl "pharmacist disciple." Jimintang has good luck and first obtained the right to cooperate.

Gradually, Gu girl revealed extraordinary pharmaceutical talents, children's medicine, granules, pills and medicines... to bring Jibintang again and again surprises. In time, this young and young girl will be able to grow into the first female pharmacist with the same name as the pharmacist!

It’s a woman, there is always a time to marry! Baicaotang has long been eyeing, and wants to reapply. It is a pity that Zhao Minglin, the youngest owner of Baicaotang, is more than twice as old as the little girl. The little girl is not very cold with him, and she is not hot or cold. In the shopkeeper of Wuming Town, Baicaotang selected the best children who are the best in the family and are similar to the little girl. For unknown reasons, no enthusiasm was applied.

With such a rare treasure in front of him, the White House owner said that he was not tempted, that is impossible. He looked at his two sons, handsome and handsome. Especially the eldest son, a young age, has a homeowner style.

Therefore, once I heard that Gu was running a pharmaceutical factory in Yancheng, he immediately sent his son to the Yancheng branch. I hope that through frequent contact, the two can make a spark. However, at present, there are no signs. Hey... anxious to die!

However, the White House owner also knows that this matter cannot be rushed, and everything goes with the flow, so as not to annoy the little girl, stealing the chicken and not eclipsing the rice.

This meal, although Zhao and Bai have their own thoughts, but in general, they have done their best.

The restaurant of Qingfenglou is novel and delicious. The wine is a high-quality grain wine that is taken out of the space by night. It is not good to drink. Jun Qicheng, Bai Baibai, Jiang Zhongtian four teenagers, drinking a handsome face red, east down, the tongue is big.

The old general is full of praise for this wine. I heard that the winery of Gujia will produce such a wine in the future, and immediately set aside a hundred altars and send them to the county to pass the prize. Although you can't drink alcohol during the war, it's okay to have two drinks in your free time.

Gu night sent the veteran general two altar strong body strong medicinal wine, the old general happy, almost recognized the little girl as a granddaughter on the spot. Gu Xiao sent his medicated oil and medicinal liquor, and the old man used it on time. The problem of the old cold leg was alleviated, and he had not committed it in one winter.

His previous dark wounds on the battlefield, the loss of his body during exile, and the obvious improvement after taking the medicinal liquor. The medicinal liquor has been drinking for half a year, and it is almost at the end. He doesn't know how to open it. This little girl is sent.

The old general took Gu Xiao’s shoulder and praised him for having a good granddaughter. Straight to Gu Xiao to praise the face of red light, and have the honor.

Yan Mufeng looked at Gu night and her mother had similar eyes. She walked over and thanked her seriously. Thanks to her and her master for saving his older brother; thanking her for the medicinal liquor and improving her grandfather's body. In addition, I would like to thank her for the medicated oil. The older brother brought back the capital, and the father’s injured right wrist was used for half a year. Now I can write a pen.

Let the old father who spent the year in the armor be stationed in the frontier, but he can only stay in the capital to be a wealthy idler. His father has always regretted and regretted. The wrist has hope for recovery, and the ambition of his heart has rekindled, and I look forward to one day I can pick up the rifle again and again, and scream at the battlefield!

The white housekeeper listened quietly to the side and got business opportunities. After the family of Jun and his family left, he found the little girl and asked about medicinal liquor and medicated oil. Zhao Jiazhu is also very concerned, quiet and wait for the reply of the night.

Gu Yei gave them two bottles of white wine and smiled and said: "Do not worry, medicinal liquor is a major feature of our winery. When it is time to give it to you two. As for the medicated oil, etc., the production capacity of the pharmaceutical factory is stable. Next, I will retrain a group of people to specialize in topical medicine."

The gold sore medicine on the market has the effect of stopping bleeding and reducing inflammation. In the past life, in the face of fierce mutant beasts, injuries were inevitable. She improved Yunnan Baiyao, hemostasis, swelling, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and accelerated wound healing. She is ready to go into production and specializes in the military!

As for the active oil to alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism, it seems that the market prospects are not bad, and will gradually introduce a batch.

An unexpected move to the wine, whether it is a pharmaceutical factory and a winery, have received a new order, it is also an unexpected surprise.

What makes the night happy is that when Jun Yonglun parted, she specially married her, let her go to the monarch often, and the old lady and Xiao Fangxu mourned her. In the winter, Xiaofang Xu was sick because of her greed. The children's medicine she left left the little guy to benefit again.

The little guy, now sneezing, is going to drink sweet medicine. Sometimes, in order to fool syrup, you will also cough on purpose. Don't look at the age of five, quite a few children's little sister! Because of this, Gu Ye left Yancheng for half a year, and Xiao Fangxu still remembered the young lady who had freed him from the bitter medicine.

Two days later, Gu night prepared a gift and accompanied by Grandpa to visit the Jun family. Gifts, in addition to their own homemade cakes, there are homemade maintenance pills. To the old lady is a bottle of ginseng Rongyang pill, enhance physical fitness, qi and nourish blood, delay aging. To the big lady is "Wuji Baifeng big lady gave birth to five children, the blood is a little vain, and some women's problems, this pill is suitable for her. Grandma is Yulu Yangyan Pills Improves the color, beauty and beauty, whitening and rejuvenation, and the effect is remarkable.

Originally, giving medicine to people is a big bogey. However, when the pill is born, a drug is thousands of dollars, the key to the body. Pills that are hard to find, are sent as gifts. Whether they are sent or received, they are all things that have a face.

Therefore, when the three generations of the ladies of the family of the family received the gift of the night, they all showed a smile from the heart. Especially the big lady, her body has been bad, she has been raised with soup. When the doctor of the Jun family visited her for the last time, she said that Jiwutang’s “Wuji Baifeng Pill” was facing her symptoms.

She was overjoyed and finally got rid of the soup. She took more than ten years of soup, and even the taste was affected, and nothing was eaten. However, when people go to buy, they know that they have already sold out, and their mood is very lost.

Fortunately, her mother's family yelled, grabbed a bottle early and went back to nurse. Daxie told her to her sisters that she knew her illness and sent half a bottle back after buying the pills. There are only five medicines in half a bottle. She has only served three, and the phenomenon of blood deficiency and qi deficiency has been improved. There was strength in the body, and I didn't feel dizzy and weak when I walked around the garden.

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