The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 736: Good or bad!

"Wan Linfang is so brave! Even if I can stand face-to-face with Ning Wang for so long, if I am fainted or scared away! However, Ning Wang is really handsome! Seeing from a safe distance, it is still pretty. Can't bear to blink! "

"Yeah, yeah! Lord Ning, dressed in white, is even more handsome than the fairy goddess in the sky. He doesn't eat the fireworks on the earth, and the dust comes out ... no matter how beautiful the words are, he can't describe his beauty!"

"Shhhh! Keep it quiet! King Ning most taboos people saying he is beautiful. When he hears it, you're dead!"

Wan Linfang grinds his teeth: these guys who don't love friends! Can't you scare her without seeing her? Couldn't come to save her. A group of guys squinted by beauty!

A natural voice rescued her: "Brother Chen, they're raving about your beauty. This baby is not happy!"

It turned out that it was the little girl who was held in his arms by Ning Wang. Her two hands were pinched in a creak, and she made a muffled gesture. Wow! so cute! Wan Linfang inexplicably thinks that the little girl is similar to some kind of cute pet. Isn't ... Ning Wang likes this cute, cute type?

No, there are some lovely girls in Beijing. Why did n’t I see King Ning before and show a difference to whom?

Wan Linfang blinked suddenly and couldn't believe what she saw: oh my god! King Ning actually showed a faint smile, and he was so close to the little girl, biting his ear and whispering!

"Brother Chen, how bad you are!" Wan Linfang saw the little girl and poked King Ning's face with her finger. Oh my god! Do n’t want it on your finger?

However, King Ning was not angry and rubbed the little girl's head pettifully with a look of pampering, and then moved behind her. Wan Linfang turned her head to look at it and found nothing unusual.

Just then, the two little sisters behind her suddenly issued a harsh scream that scared the returning bird in the forest and flew up again. Suddenly Wan Linfang heard the shout, and she stunned.

what happened? How could the two famous ladies in Beijing make such unkind voices in the presence of King Ning and so many roommates. At the sound of the cry, the two seemed frightened. Born at the house of generals, Wan Linfang was born with a sense of justice to protect the weak, and rushed to ask about the reasons.

"Ah! Rats! There are rats-" Zhu Xianjin, the daughter of Pingyang Bo, wearing an onion-yellow jacket, was so scared that she turned back.

Under her feet, a fat, gray-white "mouse" rushed towards her with an excited look. If it weren't for her retreating fast, the mouse would climb on her embroidered shoes. This is the little girl who just said that there is no word to describe Wang Ning's beauty.

Xiaofeifei smelled the long-lost tracking incense and instantly became excited. You have to know that in front of the new owner, there are all kinds of delicious fruits every day, even winter is no exception, it is really a happy rat! However, it never helped the host.

Look at other people's **** meows, can help their masters come back from time to time. Little white bird, can help the host to send a message to the messenger ... what about it? Will only raise meat at home. No way, it is only tracking rats, without tracking tasks, it is also very helpless! Xiaofei couldn't help worrying about whether the new owner thought it was useless and abandoned it.

Today, I finally smelled a long-lost taste. It has to be proved by the owner. It is not just a rat that eats and sleeps. Its tracking technology is very powerful!

Excited, it fluttered towards the source of the fragrance, two screaming guys. The screaming was so awful, the two little girls were disgusted by the flying squirrels gorgeously.

"Go away, walk away!" The flying squirrel shifted his target and rushed towards another little girl in a yellow goose skirt. The flying squirrel was kicked.

Xiaofei hurriedly climbed up to a nearby tree, and "flyed" towards the head of Anping County, and happened to fall on her bun. The host of Anping County was about to faint. She beat her head without a rule and cried, "Help! Who will get it away ..."

But how can a little girl not be afraid of mice? Even Wan Linfang dare to stand by, take a tree branch to brave her, and help her drive away the little mouse that looks clean and looks cute. She must have been scared and confused by King Ning, how could she find the mouse cute?

Several clan children were surprised: Where did the mice come from? Why aren't you afraid of people and still throw them at people? Wan Linfang looked back at them, and finally said to Ji Xianrong, the closest relationship between the two, "Can't you help?"

Ji Xianrong moved a few steps, stopped, and rolled her eyes to see her: Why should Ben Shao listen to you? Aren't you very capable? Go catch this mouse! However, he eventually walked towards the little girls.

"Come back!" Just as he was nearing the little girl, a clear voice came from behind him. Looking back, it was the girl Yeer next to Uncle Ning Wang. Ji Xianrong tangled a bit, looked at Wan Linfang and the host of Anping County, and finally chose to obey Gu Ye's order-Ning Wang Biao Shu obeyed her, what can he do?

The flying squirrel raging on the head of Anping County heard the command and quickly rushed into a big tree, opened its "gliding wing" towards the owner, and flew to his own owner: the owner, the owner How about Xiaofeifei's mission?

Gu Ye stretched out his right hand, and the flying squirrel landed successfully in the owner's palm, beating and beating. Gu Ye "changed" a big fuchsia cherry, the little guy hugged happily-rewarded by the host, oh too!

Wan Linfang, who was beside the woods, looked at two friends, one with hair like a henhouse, and the other with the embroidered shoes on his feet thrown far away. He saw the accidental mouse and returned to Gu Ye's hands. Come over and point to her and say, "It's you! Why are you doing this!"

"It's me, what's the matter?" Gu Ye sent the flying squirrel in front of Wan Linfang and successfully pushed her back two steps, very arrogantly, "Who told them to punch my brother Chen! Brother Chen It's mine !!! Besides, how cute my little Feifei is, they are timid, who are they to blame! "

The flying squirrel heard the host praise it for being cute, holding the big cherry, exposing a pair of large teeth, a pair of small obsidian-like eyes, flashing with cheerful light, and the small ears moved back and forth rhythmically. It's really cute!

"Who hit your brother Chen? Who is your brother Chen?" The owner of Anping tidy his hair, rushed up in anger, saw the little flying squirrel in Gu Ye's hands, and persuaded, and only dared to show his arrogant expression far away. "I am the Emperor's close Anping County Lord. You must kneel and apologize to me. Otherwise, you will not be able to eat and go!"

"Brother Chen, I'm so scared!" Gu Ye used his other arm to wrap Ling Juechen's arm, and quietly wiped the cherry juice on his sleeve.

The owner of Anping County stayed. Wouldn't she be too fake if she passed out now? Raising her eyes and touching those frosty eyes, she felt her teeth are fighting and her legs became weak for a while.

"Kneeling? Are you worthy?" Ling Jiechen's voice, like Bingyan, plunged into human flesh, and the air was filled with a suffocating sense of deterrence. Even Wan Linfang and Zhu Xianjin were embarrassed, not to mention facing the Anping County Lord.

There is no need to pretend this time, the magnificent ground of Anping County fainted.

"Oh! Brother Chen, how do you scare the little girl? Your gentleman's manner? Your pity and fragrantness?" These are all 14- and 15-year-old girls. Gu Ye suddenly felt that she and Brother Chen were so frightened Some people are not authentic.

Ling Juechen turned to look at her, her eyes full of tenderness and petting, as if to say: My compassion and love for jade, my gentleman's demeanor, are only exposed in front of you alone.

Wan Linfang's cousin, Lin Ruoye, looked obsessively at the face that was so cold and beautiful. Man, can be so beautiful! Beauty is not demon, charm is not confusing, beauty is suffocating, but it is not feminine. In particular, the tenderness and tenderness in those twinkling starry eyes make one cannot help but indulge.

The white robe added to his good looks and added a touch of color. But ... the little hand with more white sleeves, why is it so dazzling?

Lin Ruoye looked critically at Gu Ye, who was clinging to the beautiful man: She was too short, too thin, her eyes were too big, and she was too cute ... It turns out that in the eyes of her rival, being cute is also a disadvantage !! All in all, this little girl is too ordinary to be worthy of a male god.

Lin Ruoye touched her cheek, and she was confident that her appearance was better than that little girl. Does it mean that ... she also has the opportunity to get close to the male **** and harvest the male god?

"How can you ... treat a girl like this?" The first step to approaching the male **** ~ ~ is to use his sense of justice to attract the attention of the male god. As long as a man with eyes sees her figure and looks better than that little girl.

Think of a girl like Lin Ruoye who has no ulterior motives to meet, Ling Juechen has seen more, and even her eyes are undeserved, she just spit out a word: "Go!"

Today is because his little girl was around, and before changing it, she did n’t even bother to read a word. She used her eyes and released evil spirits to scare people away!

Lin Ruoye smiled stiffly on her face, and her face was a bit embarrassing, and she kicked her feet: "You, why are you so rude?"

Lin Ruoye's father was the governor of Huguang. In Huguang, no matter where he went, he was held in admiration. Before entering Beijing, his father also told her that Sheng Jing was no better than Hu Guang. In the area of ​​Hubei and Guangxi, Governor Lin was like an emperor.

And into the capital, not to mention the Prince Gonghouhou, the emperor's relatives and relatives, that is, the master of the first and second products are everywhere. Governor Lin also asked her to be closer to Hou's cousin, to know some noble daughters of the Prince Hou family, and to enter and leave with some little girls' poetry fairs, which will help her in the future ...

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