Although due to the mass of the spacecraft, no vibration can be felt inside, such kinetic energy conversion is not trivial.

"Calculate the orbital deviation."

Although this kind of collision does not hurt both sides, the orbit deviation is certain, we just don't know how far it will deviate.

If it deviates too much, the spacecraft will really turn into a rampaging rhinoceros, turning the entire satellite orbit upside down, and something big will happen.

"Master, a deviation of one degree from zero point zero will not have much impact. It will return to the normal route in an hour."

That's good. Yang Qing nodded. If he really wanted to cause a riot in the Heavenly Palace and destroy a large area of ​​satellites, after he established a foothold on the moon, he might not have a chance to establish good relations with several big countries on the Blue Star. .

Because among these satellites, in addition to weather satellites and communication satellites, there are also navigation satellites.

The damage to navigation satellites is obviously much greater than that of other satellites. Land, ships at sea, and aircraft in the sky all rely on satellites for navigation. Only the five major countries shut down the satellites, and the whole world Lost way.

As for the Starlink satellite, a company cannot be compared with a big country after all. At most, it can only compensate a small amount of money. Anyway, the wealth he left on Blue Star is of little use.

Fortunately, the spacecraft quickly left this low-orbit area, and the Starlink satellites did not reach the designed level. Except for a few collisions with abandoned satellites, they quickly flew to an altitude of 1,500 kilometers.

"Master, that is Dongfanghong No. 1!"

Xiao Ai suddenly shouted.

Dongfanghong-1 is the first satellite launched by China. Together with the first atomic bomb and the first hydrogen bomb, it is called two bombs and one satellite. It is a symbol of China's ability to stand in the world during those difficult years.

The design of the Dongfanghong satellite did not have any advanced features. It did not even have the necessary solar panels for the satellite. It relied on internal fuel and lost contact with China after operating for twenty-eight days.

But this does not mean that it was directly destroyed. It continued to orbit the Blue Star according to an elliptical orbit. Until more than fifty years later, it can still be seen, but there is no longer the one called " The music "The East is Red" was played.

At that time, any country that could launch satellites did not throw a lot of garbage in space. Relatively speaking, China still threw little.

The biggest use of Dongfanghong No. 1 is obviously to declare that China has the ability to transport nuclear warheads to any corner of the world, thereby avoiding the possibility of nuclear blackmail by other countries, and has since become a truly great power.

This satellite with historical significance was naturally worthy of admiration, so he and Zhao Yuxi both stood up and looked at the strange-shaped satellite composed of seventy-dodecahedron flying from a distance.

After running in the sky for more than half a century, it has long lost its brilliance and has become dilapidated. The reflective skirt is also in disarray, but it still maintains its general shape.

The perigee is 441 kilometers, the apogee is 2368 kilometers, and the elliptical orbit has an inclination of 68.44 degrees. Now it has been distorted by an unknown amount. It will continue to operate until one day, it will be attracted by the gravity of the blue star, enter the atmosphere, and be burned directly. .

After all, it is just a small satellite with a diameter of one meter, and it has no chance of falling into the ground.

Dongfanghong 1, flying at extremely fast speed, passed over the spacecraft and completely disappeared in the middle of the vast universe in less than a second.

"We can be regarded as inheriting the will of the older generation of scientists."

Watching Dongfanghong No. 1 go away, Yang Qing couldn't help but say.

What he said was correct. Even though Yang Qing had been secretive over the years, even if he landed on the moon, he had never contacted the Chinese nation, his bloodline destined him to have constant contact with the Chinese nation.

As a Chinese base, he can't give up the leadership to outsiders, right? The above researchers will naturally be mainly Chinese.

After comforting the tearful Zhao Yuxi, Yang Qing casually sent her a photo of her standing in the cabin, with the figure of Dongfanghong No. 1 roaring from a distance in the background.

This photo is probably unique. Since Dongfanghong-1 took off, except for the blurry shadow in the telescope, no one has successfully photographed it, let alone taken a photo with it.

Zhao Yuxi burst into laughter and happily saved the photo.

Finally, she was still somewhat conscious and didn't post the photo to Moments.

An hour passed quickly, and the spacecraft quickly adjusted its flight trajectory and returned to the originally planned route.

The higher you fly, the larger the space becomes, the more satellites you can accommodate, and the flight becomes safer. Except for some debris, there are almost no attacks from the entire satellite.

At this time, the speed of the spacecraft has reached ten times the speed of sound, which is still far from the first cosmic speed. However, it is still accelerating, and it is only a matter of time before it exceeds the first cosmic speed.

However, although the speed was very fast, the things that could be seen became increasingly scarce. In other words, space navigation was so boring to begin with. Yang Qing and Zhao Yuxi couldn't help but fall into a sleepy state after eating.

Until night, the spacecraft finally crossed the Blue Star geostationary orbit line, which is an altitude of 30,000 kilometers above the ground.

Although this synchronous orbit is very important for the launch of satellites, it is just an ordinary altitude value for the place where Yang Qing and the others are going. In their haziness, the Blue Star synchronous orbit was quietly crossed. .

From here on, the traces of man-made artifacts belonging to humans gradually decreased. Except for satellites in extremely high orbits, there was almost no trace of any man-made artifacts.

If Yang Qing has some regrets, it is that he was not able to see his own Tiangong Space Station and the International Space Station, two behemoths running in the universe.

After he reaches the moon, they will be his nearest neighbors.

It's just that although their altitude is not high, only more than 400 kilometers, they can circle the Blue Star in a few dozen minutes, but the inclination angle is not 90 degrees. Although they will pass above the equator, there was no launch window at that time. , will destroy many satellites.

Even though this would lead to a romantic relationship with each other, Yang Qing had no regrets, because both space stations were too small and did not meet his standards at all.

When he sets foot on the moon, he can send a small spacecraft back to Blue Star at any time. On the way, he can visit his neighbors.

Yang Qing's ideal space station should be built at the Lagrange point between the Blue Star and the moon, using nuclear fusion and solar energy as the source of energy to build a large airport that can park large spacecraft.

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