Luna 2, which left the lunar surface, was getting faster and faster, and soon it was out of Yang Qing's sight. If you want to see it again, you need to pass the scanning radar in the base.

The reason why Luna 2 has such a fast acceleration is entirely because its gravity control system has been completely perfected.

Inside the cabin, a gravity of g is always maintained. When the spacecraft accelerates, the repulsive force is reduced or even used to offset the overload caused by acceleration. When the spacecraft decelerates, the gravity can also be increased, so that

Passengers inside will not feel floating due to sudden deceleration.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with the fact that the interior of the spacecraft is completely unmanned and the crew are all robots, so they are basically insensitive to overload.

Yang Qing is planning to use Luna 2 as a bus between the earth and the moon. Naturally, he has to worry about the feelings of the passengers. Moreover, these passengers will be ordinary people for a long time. Long-term overload will have a negative impact on the human body. The impact is actually huge, so even if this system consumes a lot of energy and costs a lot of money, it still has to be installed.

The improvement in acceleration ability allowed it to exceed the speed of the second universe in a very short period of time, and the speed is still increasing. The current distance from the Blue Star to the moon is only 380,000 kilometers, which takes less than an hour. time, they directly crossed the gravitational balance point between the blue star and the moon, and now what it bears is entirely the gravitational force from the blue star.

The speed of the spacecraft is getting faster and faster, but at this time, it has not slowed down yet, but the repulsion engine on the spacecraft has stopped working.

In the Moon Palace Base, Xiao Ai had already notified the Chinese side of the takeoff time and route of the spacecraft in advance, in order to avoid misunderstandings.

At this time, it was time to announce the launch. The Chinese satellite from the moon had already transmitted the image of the spacecraft with the words Luna 2 to Blue Star.

So several large telescopes have been staring at this spacecraft. After all, the satellite cannot always stay above the Moon Palace Base. On the moon, although there is also a synchronous orbit with gravitational balance, because there is a huge blue star outside, Therefore, even if the satellite is placed in a synchronous orbit, the satellite will leave due to gravitational disturbances from time to time. It is better to occupy an elliptical orbit as it is now. In this way, although a certain place cannot be monitored at all times, the moon is so small and can rotate in one circle. It only takes ten minutes.

However, right under the eyes of a large astronomical telescope, watching Luna 2 take off and slowly accelerate, in just a few minutes, it suddenly disappeared from sight.

That's right, after everyone searched for it several times, they still couldn't find it. Luna 2 disappeared right before their eyes.

When it appeared in front of everyone again, it was already at an altitude of 20,000 meters above the wine city.

It seemed to appear suddenly without any warning. Even the radar of the military area near Jiucheng did not show any indication. If Xiaoai had not contacted the Chinese authorities at this time and requested to land, no one would have seen it. existence, at best it would be regarded as a strange cloud layer.

However, with Xiao Ai's notice, more and more people began to stare at the sky.

At the same time, an emergency meeting began within the Jiucheng Military Region, and even within the Ministry of Defense in the direction of the capital.

After all, this thing is a bit too scary. In this information age, America's fifth-generation aircraft can dominate the world because it can't be recognized by radar. It can hit others, but others can't even see it.

But this time the Luna 2 spacecraft is flying in the sky. Its size is similar to that of a destroyer. Judging from its appearance, it does not have any structure that can reduce reflected electromagnetic waves. It does not even have basic aerodynamics. , I really don’t know how it floats in the sky without falling.

Its cigar-like shape is reminiscent of the popular airships in the early last century, which relied on filling hydrogen to fly.

But that obviously can't be an airship. There is no airship that can penetrate the atmosphere and come into the universe, let alone one that comes from the moon.

But this thing exists, just like a helicopter or something, suspended in the air at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters. I have no idea how it does this.

You must know that the maximum flying height of rotary-wing helicopters in the world is only more than 10,000 meters. They cannot fly up to this height at all.

In addition to radar invisibility, it also has another feature, which is visible light invisibility, which is even more terrifying.

A radar-invisible aircraft can at least be detected through naked eye observation, but it is invisible to the naked eye, which means that it can appear anywhere in China without the need for nuclear bombs. With its size, even if it is Filled with ordinary high-explosive ammunition, it can easily destroy a city.

At this time, the elders of China suddenly felt a little lucky. Fortunately, they had withstood the pressure of the United States. Although they did not cooperate with the Moon Palace Base at the government level, they did contact them among the people.

The technology they have is really scary. If they can get their hands on it, why should China be afraid of becoming the enemy of the world?

"We have received your request. Please follow our instructions and land at Jiucheng Airport."

"Please prepare a flat and solid site for us. Our spaceship does not need a runway for taxiing."

Xiao Ai replied.

Liquor City does not have an ordinary civil aviation airport. The current airport is also under semi-military management. Of course, the safest one is the satellite launch site, but it cannot be easily developed there, even if the technology here is outdated.

After thinking about it, only the airport is spacious enough and confidential enough.

"We have sent fighter jets to escort us, please follow their guidance to land!"

Fighter escort is already of a very high standard. Although it is hard to say whether it is a precaution or a welcome here.

Soon, two swallow-like fighter jets flew over from a distance, hovering, flying to an altitude of 20,000 meters, and passed by the side of the spacecraft.

It is not China's most advanced J-20, but the J-10, a relatively commonly equipped fourth-generation aircraft.

If a stealth aircraft flies once, it not only consumes more money, but also the preparation work is extremely cumbersome. On the contrary, it is not as good as such a fourth-generation aircraft in terms of combat readiness and duty capabilities.

The latest J-10-E, with its newly improved DSI air inlet and domestic air-to-air missiles mounted underneath, passed by both sides of the spacecraft.

It didn't look like it at first, but now a comparison revealed the hugeness of Luna 2. The medium-sized fighter jet, which was originally not too small, looked like a tiny sparrow in front of it.

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