The entire Blue Star network is basically under Xiaoai's control, including many internal networks.

Therefore, the entire Blue Star has no secrets for Xiao Ai. If there are the latest research results, even if they have not applied for a patent or published a paper, as long as they are stored in the hard disk, Xiao Ai will find them and copy them directly.

In this way, the time soon arrived on the third day. Early in the morning, the airport was under martial law. Dozens of buses, led by police cars, arrived directly at the airport.

A total of one thousand fresh college graduates were recruited this time, generally between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-three years old.

Although this age is no longer the best for cultivation, it is still in the ascending stage of the human body, and the probability of spiritual awakening is very high.

The people who got off the car were all young men with dark faces and short hair. They walked with a somewhat military temperament.

It can be seen that their expressions are a little nervous. After all, this is the first time that humans have migrated to an alien planet on a large scale. Although it has been agreed that there will be a flight every month from the moon to the Blue Star, as contracted students, they Employees only get one month of annual leave each year. Although they have five working days according to Blue Star in normal times, the two-day weekend is not enough for them to go home and reunite.

After all, the only place where Luna 2 docks is Liquor City, and even the quarantine for these people cannot be completely completed in two days.

Although the moon is in the universe and is very close to the Blue Star, it is an alien planet after all. People who live there will have to be quarantined for at least a few days after returning to the Blue Star. Anyway, even if it is a month's vacation, it will be If they take a break together, it may not be enough.

In fact, this isolation can be cancelled, as long as medical nanorobots can be successfully applied.

At that time, the body surface of people traveling to and from Blue Star, needless to say, could be completely sterile after several special cleanings. At least the body surface would not carry any bacteria or viruses.

A large number of nanorobots are added to the body to ensure that no harmful bacteria in the metabolites are excreted into the outside world, thus preventing pollution.

But these will have to wait until much later, when medical nanorobots can be officially used.

When it comes to medicine, it has never been as simple as laboratory preparation, animal experiments, phase I clinical trials, phase II clinical trials, and then final approval. I don’t know how many processes it will go through and how long it will take.

Of course, if there is an emergency, such as the epidemic that just passed, many special drugs and vaccines have been approved for marketing on an expedited basis, but that time has already passed more than half a year.

Along with these students, there are 120 Chinese official staff. Their average age is over thirty years old, and most of them are in their mid-30s. For a scientific and technological worker, It is said that it happens to be the time when one is in the prime of life and has the best working ability.

However, at such an age, there is almost no possibility of serving as a project leader. Most of them are coolies in the project. Although this trip may not be very dangerous, it definitely does not directly lead to any outstanding youth or Dajiang scholars. Logically speaking, unless they stabilize at the moon base and achieve certain results, they will be replaced by the national team.

Although they all played the role of pioneers for the king, the instruments and equipment sent along with them all represented the highest level of China.

In fact, many of the equipment launched from Blue Star into the universe are not very precise, because they have to withstand the seven or eight g overload during rocket launch, which is also a test for precision instruments.

This time is different, because according to reports and observations, the Luna 2 spacecraft uses the legendary anti-gravity propulsion device and does not use working fluids, so it attempts to send some high-precision instruments to the moon. .

The moon has many advantages. In addition to its low gravity, it has no atmosphere, which is extremely convenient for astronomical observations.

Just this, launching a huge telescope on the moon, can prevent the United States from being ahead of the competition.

Before this, only the United States in the world had the ability and technology to deploy deep space telescopes in space.

There was Hubble before and Webber after. Although the United States will share most of the photos with the world, some special discoveries still need to be thoroughly studied by the United States and its allies before they will be made public.

Among the equipment they brought to the moon this time was a super telescope.

Although Webb's performance is advanced, China can also do it. Although it can achieve the same effect, it may be larger in size. A larger telescope will exceed the carrying capacity of the rocket.

However, what China lacks is high-power launch rockets. There is no hope that such a thing can be sent to the sky through commercial launch.

Even if others agree, they still have to be sent to the Space Launch Center in the United States.

Don't think that only China has mastered the art of copying others. After being sent to the United States, it will be disassembled and reinstalled every minute.

There might be more little things inside, making the secrets inside instantly become shared.

Now with Luna 2, the cargo space is huge, and the size requirements are not so sensitive.

And the moon, as a satellite, is actually more effective as a carrier for space telescopes. So this time, their main task is to assemble the space telescope and put it into use. It seems to be easier than assembling it in space.

One thousand one hundred and twenty people walked into the cabin one after another, and were suddenly surprised when they saw the configuration inside that was comparable to the high-speed rail business class.

According to everyone's impression, the spaceship should be small, with only room for one person, who is firmly fixed on the seat by the safety belt. There is no room like this to lie down and rest.

Even so, the 1,200 seats could not fill the entire cabin. Using space expansion technology, the space inside the spacecraft was much larger than what was seen from the outside.

The cabin is divided into more than ten parts to prevent the space from being too large and giving people a sense of oppression. Of course, the cabin with a floor height of more than three meters will definitely not make people feel stuffy.

As the first passenger entered the cabin, the robots standing on both sides began to perform their role of service guide.

It has to be said that Xiao'ai's technology has become more and more advanced now. When she was at Blue Star, she could still see some flaws in this robot. Now she looks like a beautiful stewardess with red lips and white teeth, and a graceful figure. She serves Yue. The flight attendants of Shen No. 2 are all fat and thin, and they are all different, but they all have their own beauty.

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