This time the expansion of the base, in addition to preparing for a large number of spacecraft and several large platforms for the Mars project, is also preparing to continue to accept more students.

After several twists and turns, Zhao Yuxi finally reached an agreement with Huaguo to recruit another 3,000 students from Huaguo.

At the same time, one thousand students at Yuegong Base will also start a family visit plan.

Originally Yang Qing did not intend to trap these people in the Moon Palace, but when the students return to Blue Star, they will face isolation for more than a month.

Although in a sense, this isolation is actually necessary.

Because they live in a spiritual environment all year round, the flora in their bodies will definitely change greatly, which may cause pollution to Blue Star.

After all, there is a large amount of intestinal flora in human feces.

E. coli is also a common pollutant and pathogen. In the context of the abuse of antibiotics, ordinary bacteria have become super-resistant, let alone this kind of super bacteria that has never appeared before.

This kind of bacteria that grow in a spiritual environment are difficult to kill with ordinary antibiotics.

But after all, Yang Qing did not recruit students just to harm Blue Star, so after they set foot on the spacecraft to Blue Star, they would take pills containing nanorobots.

This thing will kill the bacteria in their intestines that are ready to be excreted from the body. As a result, there will be very few bacteria that can survive and be excreted with the excrement.

Only when the number of bacteria increases can it harm the environment and cause infection.

Because the outside temperature cannot be stable between 36.8 and 37.5 degrees.

Moreover, various pollutants are not suitable for the survival of bacteria. Without sufficient quantities, they simply cannot adapt to the changes in the environment.

However, even so, when they return to Blue Star, they will undergo a series of physical examinations and a half-month all-round quarantine.

They will only be allowed to move freely if their physical condition is suitable and they do not carry harmful germs.

On the contrary, this isolation time will be automatically extended until there is no way to detect common antigens of viruses and germs.

Their vacation time is three months. Even if they lose half a month, they still have a long time to visit relatives and play.

In fact, since VR equipment has been popularized by prehistoric technology, even if they are thousands of miles away from each other, virtual imaging video calls have become almost real.

As students at Yuegong Base, the treatment they enjoy is even different from ordinary people.

They are the first to enjoy virtual services that provide five senses.

In other words, even if they are in the virtual world, they can still feel the taste of food and fruits at home.

Although these flavors are all collected from the Internet and restored based on their own memories, maybe the current taste is no longer the same as before.

But it really satisfies the homesickness of most people.

After all, even if these people work on Blue Star and don't earn that much money, most of them are separated from their families.

Even if we are together, we may not spend more time with our family than at work.

In the current environment, not to mention private companies, even some state-owned enterprises and even civil servants, working overtime is an essential process.

The reason why they were put back on the eve of the full launch of the Mars project was entirely because in the early stage, the main focus was on construction sites and the production and processing of raw materials.

Although the Mars platform is large and heavy, in fact, most of its structures are mainly ordinary structures.

The installation is also based on high-strength bolt connections, supplemented by laser welding in a partial vacuum environment.

In other words, even if a few domestic scaffolding workers are sent, it can be easily assembled.

As for the nuclear reactor, there are also the talisman arrays that provide a protective cover for the platform, and most importantly, the talisman arrays that supercharge Mars, all of which are plug-ins and added at the end.

The largest and most important component of the entire platform is the reflector that reflects sunlight, heats Mars, and generates solar power. It is actually the simplest.

On a fixed frame, connect the solar panels one by one. Even if it is completed, the only trouble is that the area is relatively large, which may be as high as fifty square kilometers.

In the future, this large solar panel can replace the fusion reactor and increase the gravity of Mars. With the cooperation of multiple platforms, the gravity of Mars will eventually reach the level of a blue star, or be slightly stronger.

Moderately strong gravity will make future Mars residents' bones and muscles closer and stronger.

This can be regarded as a benefit for the residents of Mars. In fact, it is completely incomparable with the aura that will fill the entire planet in the future.

These things do not require the participation of others and can be completed independently by relying only on Xiao Ai and her robots.

In fact, even the construction of future spacecraft and the assembly of the Mars platform will be carried out by them.

After a few months, when these basic materials are almost ready, it will be time for those students who have entered the Qi refining period to come back to carve and activate the talisman formations.

Yang Qing is actually not worried about these students in the Qi refining stage staying on Blue Star and not coming back.

As a military student who has been educated since childhood, the possibility of them staying is actually very high, but Yang Qing is quite sure.

Because after they return to Blue Star, according to convention, they are not allowed to carry spirit stones.

Blue Star is a planet without spiritual energy. After they return, it will be difficult to continue practicing.

Their physical condition can last for about a year in an environment without spiritual energy.

After one year, their cultivation level will decline and eventually reach the level of ordinary people. This process may last three to five years.

If they have never experienced the state during the Qi Refining Period, when their thoughts are like lightning, their bodies are full of energy, and they only need to sleep for two hours a day, then they actually don't have much resistance to Blue Star's environment.

But they have reached this point before, who wants to lose it?

After all, unlike Yang Qing, they had no way to completely depict the conversion array of electric aura.

Because of their spiritual existence, what they learn is actually different from those students who lack spirituality.

What they learned was how to practice, the interpretation of runes, and the awakening of the runes.

But what others learned was mainly the high-end technology on Blue Star.

Because Blue Star has no aura, their rune technology has almost no use here. Even though it can perfectly explain that some of the things spread from Yang Qing are all realized by runes.

But it is almost impossible for them to do it.

This makes their status actually far inferior to those of ordinary people.

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