There are two kinds of drugs they have researched. One is long-acting, which means that one drug can last for several years and inhibit the production of eggs.

During this period, the ovaries will develop normally, but in the process of egg production, certain steps will be destroyed, so that no complete eggs will appear, and naturally there will be no subsequent steps.

In fact, this process is very complex and involves a series of neural tissues such as the human brainstem, spinal cord, and nerves.

In other words, part of the reproductive and developmental behavior that is originally controlled by human body fluids and underlying nervous tissue is artificially blocked.

In fact, this kind of behavior still has a certain impact. Generally, the development of secondary sexual characteristics is not obvious.

That is to say, the chest will be smaller and the hair will be less.

This is indeed a big pity for those LSPs who like rough waves.

However, for women, they may prefer not to have the trouble of menstruation. As for everything else, it is the icing on the cake. After all, appearance is the first priority compared to body shape.

Another kind of drug is short-acting. One pill is taken a year. It will be in an open state for one month every year. In that month, physiological phenomena such as ovulation will occur normally.

If certain behaviors occur during this month, pregnancy may also occur.

Moreover, it is recommended that girls start taking this medicine after menarche and when the cycle is basically stable, otherwise there may be some troubles in the future.

Of course, as a monk, Yang Qing actually has no idea about contraception for girls. At his level, there is a certain reproductive isolation from ordinary people, and it is very difficult for people to get pregnant.

But the artificial womb he promoted was not meaningless.

Because artificial wombs are the only choice for rapid population expansion in the interstellar era.

It is unrealistic to rapidly expand the population and rely on natural human reproduction.

In almost all developed countries, their population growth rate remains below 2%.

This is especially true for East Asian countries. Almost all of them hover around a few tenths of a percent. In some years, they will even experience negative growth.

Those with high growth rates are without exception poor countries, such as Elephant Country and Africa.

Although the population growth rate in the United States on the other side of the ocean is also very high, its high growth rate is also based on the growth of the population of certain ethnic groups. Really wealthy families will not have too many children.

Unfortunately, many of the populations in some countries do not even have basic education. At least intellectually, they do not meet the standards of the interstellar age at all.

In the interstellar era where robots are completely popular, there is no chance to move bricks. This is very different from those in developed countries where certain manual workers are urgently needed.

The population gained in this way has little use.

And Yang Qing hopes that Mars will be populated by the population of East Asian countries in the future.

According to statistics compiled by someone I don’t know when, the population of East Asian countries actually has the highest IQ.

The population of East Asia has always been relatively peaceful and not so violent. Even now, East Asia is still a monster house full of monsters.

In the small region of East Asia, a quarter of the world's GDP and a quarter of the military expenditure are concentrated. Even the small Tai Chi Kingdom is a behemoth in other regions and can be crushed.

China has a civilization history of more than five thousand years. It has occupied an absolute leadership advantage in East Asia for almost all time.

Although the mainland of China has always been in turmoil, with various dynasties reincarnating like a revolving lantern, the Chinese have traveled to every corner of East Asia in order to avoid war and to open up a place for survival.

Although the main countries in East Asia are divided into four countries, in fact they are all the same race, which is the evolution of the Chinese race.

Not to mention the Taiji Kingdom, as early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties, there was the legend of Jizi Korea. Since the Tang Dynasty, the Japanese country has continued to communicate with the mainland, and borrowing seeds from the mainland has become a temporary fashion.

Coupled with the wars in the late Song and Ming Dynasties, a large number of Chinese people crossed the sea to go to Japan. In fact, to this day, the vast majority of Japanese people have Chinese elements in their blood.

The competition in East Asia is nothing more than the sequelae of China's decline and carving up by the great powers in modern times.

Because the Chinese state is not strong enough, the Japanese state still has American troops stationed there, and the Taiji state is also preparing to equip it with a short-range anti-missile system.

But it is different in the interstellar age. Although China has deliberately refused Yang Qing's help in the space age, in many aspects, they are ahead of other countries. In fact, it is not much. The key population is seriously aging. East Asian countries actually don't have much help to offer Yang Qing.

After the transformation of Mars is completed, it will be at least equivalent to the total area of ​​Eurasia and can accommodate hundreds of millions of people.

If Chinese people cannot fill in, then Yang Qing will have to consider high-quality populations from other places.

The topic returns to artificial wombs. For well-known reasons, East Asia has the lowest population growth rate in the world, and there is even the possibility of negative growth.

High housing prices, equally high education costs, and working conditions all suppress people's desire to have children.

In such an environment, people don’t even want to have one child, let alone two or three.

After the emergence of artificial wombs, girls do not have to worry about the several-month pregnancy period and the at least one-year breastfeeding period, which will affect their work.

Employers don't have to worry about girls getting pregnant, and the phenomenon of only paying wages and not working has emerged.

However, even if children are allowed to have children, how many children will a couple who reproduce naturally have?

Two or three children are already at the top, and no one should be willing to have more children.

The current era is no longer the last century. Every household has five or six children. At that time, raising children was basically just letting them go, and there were even many children who did not even complete basic education.

The number of children that artificial wombs can conceive is almost unlimited, because under the background of industrialized mass production, artificial wombs can have an almost unlimited supply.

A girl will produce 400 to 500 mature eggs in her lifetime, but in fact there are hundreds of millions of immature follicles in both ovaries.

Of course, there is no such big event as human extinction, and the base does not need girls to provide so many eggs, nor does it need to be catalyzed.

Girls who have undergone amenorrhea, when they are exposed to amenorrhea and start to produce eggs, there will be a certain compensatory effect and four to five mature eggs will be produced.

In this way, between two ovulation periods, eight to ten eggs will be preserved.

Needless to mention the number of male sperm, hundreds of millions of tadpoles can be produced in one go, all of which have basic fertility.

Even if a girl can save ten eggs, at least seven to eight can be fertilized normally, except for those that are genetically defective and cannot be used.

As the most populous country in the world, there are still hundreds of millions of women of childbearing age in the country. When contraception, amenorrhea and artificial uterus are bundled together, I believe there will be many of them willing to save their eggs. It also freed me from the worries of pregnancy and childbirth.

Therefore, there is still no shortage of sources of eggs in the lunar palace in the future, and sperm is easier and more convenient.

And the biggest advantage of the artificial womb is that it can more systematically detect defective embryos and make it easier to carry out necessary intervention and treatment during the embryonic stage.

Although B-ultrasound is now available, you can clearly see what the child looks like in the womb, but this is indirect observation after all, and it is easy to miss some minor problems.

Even under the conditions of modern medicine, many mentally retarded children with cerebral palsy are still difficult to diagnose during pregnancy.

These are completely out of the question for babies in artificial wombs.

Adequate nutrient supply will not be affected by maternal-fetal drugs or nutrient absorption, and it will eliminate most diseases caused by malnutrition.

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