Of course, in the past three years, the technological route from Blue Star has also been developing.

It's just that technology has reached a certain bottleneck state. The theory of the technology we are developing now can be traced back to the beginning of the last century, when masters emerged in large numbers and theoretical physics was unprecedentedly prosperous.

Up to now, there has been almost no breakthrough progress, and most of them are still verification of some theories from the last century.

For example, the gravitational waves discovered not long ago are a corollary of Einstein's general theory of relativity and have finally been confirmed.

And Mr. Yang, who is in his nineties, is almost the only remaining master of this century. Mr. Hawking, who we are familiar with, his greater achievements are only conjectures, just like the difference between popular science books and academic reports.

Probably in this century, if there are no major theoretical breakthroughs, such as the unification of the four fundamental forces, then the remaining scientific and technological progress will focus on biology.

Although biochemical environmental materials are still known as the four major sinkholes in China, major experimental conferences abroad still invest heavily in exploring this field.

Although the investment in biology is huge, once the results are achieved, the rewards will be extremely generous.

However, when the medical nanorobots developed by Xiaoai came out, Omi's pharmaceutical companies were suddenly in mourning, because medical nanorobots can treat almost all known diseases, including various terminal illnesses.

In fact, nanorobots cannot directly kill viruses, but they can kill cells carrying viruses. The dead cells will be swallowed by white blood cells and then decomposed.

When all virus-carrying cells in the body are killed, the human body naturally returns to health.

This is why nanorobots can treat various cancers, including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

This is also the reason why the treatment of acute leukemia is ineffective, because it cannot replace the bone marrow and prevent it from producing a large number of immature white blood cells.

However, it can directly kill these white blood cells and then use artificial blood, which is gradually being promoted, to allow patients to obtain nearly normal blood components and ensure that patients have normal physiological functions. After all, the vast majority of leukemia patients actually have the same disease before they develop the disease. Normal people, there is no difference.

Artificial blood was actually made by Yang Qing when he was refining Xiao Ai's body, and then thrown into the group of students for them to continue optimizing. Until now, the cost and efficacy have reached a very high level, which is why Yang Qing Qing started promoting artificial wombs.

After all, even an artificial womb must transport nutrients through blood.

In fact, all kinds of terminally ill drugs are the biggest cash cow for OMI pharmaceutical companies. This time, more than half of their market share was almost directly cut off.

This is because sanctions have always existed and nanorobots have not passed the US certification, so they are only widely used in China.

However, as the effectiveness of nanorobots has been widely verified, more and more foreigners are rushing to China for nanorobot injection treatments.

Although the cost of their treatment in China is ten times higher than that of ordinary Chinese, it still cannot stop their enthusiasm.

After all, you only have one life, and that is what truly belongs to you, and money is something external to you.

However, Yang Qing discovered that sometimes he underestimated the wisdom of the Blue Star people.

Take the Yamanaka Factor, for example, as an obvious example.

Yamanaka factors were discovered very early. In 2007, Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka transformed normal cells with specific functions into stem cells with the potential to develop into cells with any function for the first time.

In other words, those somatic cells have been washed and turned into stem cells that have no characteristics but can develop into any cell.

The process of reprogramming the stem cells took about fifty days and used four key molecules called Yamanaka factors.

Just that, it actually doesn't mean much to the base, because in the prehistoric world, there are many methods that can allow people to re-grow an organ or limb in a short period of time. Monks in the foundation-building stage can do it. What needs to be consumed is spiritual energy and necessary flesh and blood tissue.

However, for ordinary people, such research is still of great significance, because it means that in the future, a large number of human stem cells can be obtained through somatic cells.

Stem cells can also be induced to develop into certain organs for organ transplantation.

We all know that organ transplantation requires not only a suitable match, but also long-term use of anti-rejection drugs to avoid rejection.

However, this kind of organ cultured with autologous stem cells cannot be said to be free of any rejection, but the rejection reaction can certainly be reduced to a minimum.

On the contrary, the methods of Yang Qing and Yuegong Base will definitely be difficult to promote, and ordinary people simply cannot afford the value of spiritual energy.

In fact, spiritual energy can be said to be priceless in some aspects, or not that valuable, but there are tens of millions of people in the world with missing limbs or organ replacements, and Yang Qing has no way to treat them one by one.

Fortunately, with the promotion of medical nanorobots, most surgeries that require organ replacement can be alleviated or even cured.

The cerebral cortex communication used by the virtual magic array can also give blind and deaf-mute people a pair of eyes and ears, including a mouth.

Because it is the most directly connected to the cerebral cortex, unless the cerebral cortex is damaged, regardless of the damage to the optic nerve or auditory nerve, external audio and video signals can be transmitted to the relevant parts of the cerebral cortex through a simple hairband.

Of course, acquired blindness and deaf-mute people can immediately recognize the colors and sounds of the world with little training.

If it is a congenital disease, then you have to re-recognize the world just like a baby.

Even people with damaged vocal cords who have difficulty speaking can still communicate with the outside world through an additional speaker. Probably the only drawback is that they only use monotonous synthetic sounds instead of the original timbre, but it should have Feelings can also be expressed. For them, this is the most important thing, isn't it?

In short, the emergence of this device fundamentally solves the problem of blind and deaf-mute people, allowing them to live normally in this city.

This can be regarded as a gift from Yang Qing to China. After all, among the more than one billion people in China, the blind and deaf-mute groups are also quite large. The reason why they are rarely seen in public places is mainly because the place where they stay the longest is at home.

The physical disabilities that are often encountered in life are much simpler today as artificial intelligence becomes more mature.

An exoskeleton that can support the whole body can allow a high-level paraplegic to restore his or her self-care functions. Naturally, it also includes components that directly communicate with the cerebral cortex.

Its existence truly allows the exoskeleton to keep up with the rhythm of the brain without the need for additional assistance.

As for those that are just amputations, it is even simpler. Adding a nerve receiving converter to the required part can receive the brain signal and convert it into the electrical signal of the exoskeleton prosthetic limb.

This kind of prosthetic limb does not even need power. It can work normally with only the artificial muscles Yang Qing made at Blue Star and the weak current transmitted by the nerves.

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