The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World

309 The end of the Mars weight gain operation

However, whether it is dark energy or vacuum zero-point energy, Yang Qing did not do too much research in the prehistoric world.

In the prehistoric world, the concentration of spiritual energy was too high, which restricted the development of other chaotic energies.

There may be techniques that utilize chaotic energy in other areas, but here, they have never been mainstream. For a person with low quality like Yang Qing, just practicing hard and absorbing spiritual energy is already very laborious.

He was able to restore part of the Blue Star technology while practicing, which was already his best effort.

After all, it is true that these technologies can help his cultivation, otherwise he would have thrown away the knowledge he learned from Blue Star that was incompatible with the prehistoric world.

After all, even a monk is still a human being and has not undergone any essential transformation.

The human brain actually has its limits. The monks just have more parts that they can use and can bear the energy required for highly developed brains.

Only such a brain can remember extremely complex rune arrays and apply powerful spells.

In comparison, although the knowledge from Blue Star also has fantastic ideas in some aspects, it seems a bit thin and does not form a complete system.

Of course, if a complete system can be built, Blue Star Civilization will no longer be a planetary civilization. I am afraid that it will be able to fly out of Blue Star and become a real interstellar civilization.

It's just that Yang Qing's stay in the primitive world was too short, only a mere hundred years.

Even though the ancient land is endless, all kinds of strange techniques emerge in endlessly, and there are all kinds of strange terrains, but as a person who has never been outside the Fuling Sect from birth to growing up, the only thing he is familiar with is the Fuling Sect. .

Then he returned to Blue Star. If he wanted to return to the prehistoric world, there was no chance.

But even if there is no accumulation, the research on new energy sources will still have to continue, but he has left these to Xiao Ai.

As a weapon spirit, Xiao Ai is born with huge spiritual consciousness and the ability to process multiple threads.

The most important thing is that she can also directly see the existence of chaotic energy.

The biggest characteristic of chaotic energy, or dark energy, is that it is inactive and basically has no relationship with electromagnetic force.

The only things that can affect them are weak interactions and gravity.

What Xiaoai needs to do is to find the dark energy and make it a little more active, or to use some method to make it active.

Although vacuum zero-point energy seems to have made some progress thanks to Blue Star's technology, and Yang Qing has not given up on its research, Yang Qing still believes that there will be unexpected surprises in dark energy.

In short, such research will definitely not be successful overnight. There is no controllable nuclear fusion. From the explosion of the first hydrogen bomb to the final success, more than seventy years have passed.

This is because Yang Qing provided the finished product to China. Otherwise, according to Blue Star's progress, success may take fifty years.

Although Yang Qing's fusion reactor is not on the same route as Blue Star, the plasma is the same, and the data obtained from it can basically be used universally.

After all, one of the difficulties in controllable nuclear fusion is the uncertainty of plasma turbulence.

Relying on the observation and research of the finished reactor, the Chinese quickly completed the development of their own reactor.

Although it is still not as mature and stable as the samples provided by Yang Qing, it also ensures that it can enter commercial operations and will not be stuck by Yang Qing.

However, it is obvious that these Blue Star people are somewhat treating a gentleman with a villain's heart.

At the beginning, Yang Qing did have some such thoughts, but with the development of the Mars base, his eyes have been set on the more distant universe, and he no longer bothers to use such methods to limit the development of Blue Star.

He has relaxed his control over the Qi-training students trained in Yuegong Base and can almost let them come and go.

After all, there are so many runes, and he has a natal magic weapon like Xiao Ai. After spending hundreds of years, and the Fu Ling Sect's storage for thousands of years, he still can't exhaust the basic runes.

Not to mention more complicated, the complexity has far exceeded the space geometry of at least eleven dimensions of Blue Star mathematics.

Unlike converting a plane to a three-dimensional space, which only adds a few variables, in dimensional space, the amount of calculation required for each additional dimension exceeds the amount of matter in the universe.

Not to mention anything else, even if the most basic gravity talisman array is used now, at least before they established the foundation, they were not even qualified to deploy it.

Time passes bit by bit, firmly.

Eleven years have passed since the first asteroid fell on Mars. Mars has finally reached the limit of what it can endure, with the landing of the 11,000th asteroid.

Although this number is less than the estimated 15,000 asteroids in ten years.

However, through the observation of neutrinos, after the collision and fusion of so many asteroids, the core of Mars has significantly increased in energy level, and has reached a critical point. Any more and it may explode, eventually leading to Mars. of falling apart.

Another reason is probably that whether it is the asteroid belt or the Kuiper belt, asteroids with a diameter of about one kilometer and a mass of less than 20 billion tons have been swept away by Xiaoai.

In addition to the big ones with a volume of more than five kilometers and a mass of hundreds of billions of tons, the remaining ones are small things with a diameter of only a few hundred meters or even tens of meters.

Asteroids with too much mass will not only take longer and require more effort to tow, but also with the size of Mars, more unpredictable situations will occur after being hit by them.

So although this operation to increase the weight of Mars only added one hundred thousandth of its mass, which was far from Yang Qing's expectation, its diameter increased significantly by one thousandth.

More importantly, this operation pulled enough comets from the outer solar system to bring enough water to Mars.

Although Mars is still experiencing volcanic eruptions, constant earthquakes, and the atmosphere is filled with toxic gases, it has formed an ocean that can communicate around the world.

Because there is enough water, the entire Mars seems to have entered the rainy season, with heavy rain everywhere, as if the million-year heavy rain on the Blue Star has continued here.

Because of rainfall and the existence of oceans, although the overall temperature of Mars is still high, it has dropped to a tolerable level.

Although the ocean here is filled with strong acids such as hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid, it looks a shocking blue-green color.

This is the color brought about by melting a large amount of copper and iron elements in the Martian soil, and there is absolutely no chlorophyll in it.

Instead, organic molecules, such as methane and hydrocarbons, were synthesized as the density of the Martian atmosphere increased and lightning appeared.

Mars now looks very much like the moment when the hot blue star appeared billions of years ago.

In the pristine blue star ocean, a pot of organic matter soup is boiling.

Then as the temperature cooled, these organic matter gradually combined to form the first living things.

If there are no accidents, this process will continue on Mars until life is generated and then continue their unique evolution.

However, evolution on the Blue Star lasted for billions of years before complex multicellular organisms appeared on the Blue Star.

Yang Qing obviously doesn't have that much time to wait for Mars to evolve.

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