On the second floor, there is only a bathroom in the master bedroom, not in the guest room. It is impossible for her to go to the bathroom in the room of her aunt or cousin, so she can only go downstairs to the bathroom.

"Go to bed early, tomorrow is Monday." Ni Lehui got up, patted Wen Zhifan on the shoulder, turned and went up to the second floor.

Wen Zhifan watched her figure, hesitated for a moment, turned off the TV, and went to sleep on the second floor.

Ni Lehui didn't go home, she was the only one at home, she was used to not being alone these days, and living at her cousin's house also had an advantage, her car was at the hospital, and her cousin would get up early to pick her up at her home to go to work.

The next day, at 8:30, Ni Lehui and Wen Zhifan came to the doctor together.

When the colleagues saw them together, they were finally upright and cheered. Colleagues with good relationships, wished Wen Zhifan, and finally kept the clouds open to see the moon. Ni Huile denied the misrepresentation of the two, and Wen Zhifan was silent. It was his silence that gave them a chance to continue.

Ni Lehui told her colleagues that they were cousins, she was married and had a daughter, but unfortunately, no one believed her words, thinking she was lying to them, Wen Zhifan only smiled but did not answer, Ni Lehui gave him a stare and left, It's too much, obviously as long as he comes out to say a word, the rumors will be confirmed, but he still keeps silent, it must be on purpose.

They didn't believe her, and no amount of explanation would help.

Wen Zhifan went to a meeting, and Ni Lehui went to rounds with other doctors.

Ni Lehui and other doctors found a general ward in which there were three expectant mothers, pregnant women No. 20, pregnant woman 21, and pregnant woman 23. The room was not available. In addition to the three expectant mothers, there were also their family members. Every pregnant woman There were at least two family members taking care of them, the air was not good, and they closed the windows.

Ni Lehui and the others walked in, the air inside made them frown.

"You can't close the window, you have to let the air in. If you close it, you can't get the air in. It's not good for the pregnant woman." Bi Yiyao said, walked to the window, and opened it.

"Doctor, it's windy outside, and the wind is about to blow in. Pregnant women can't get enough wind, so we closed the windows." 21 family members explained.

"The air in your hospital is not good, it doesn't matter if the windows are closed or not," said the 22nd family member.

"It's better to open the windows." Ni Lehui said. In this hospital, especially in the obstetrics and gynecology department, she has authority. Many people come for her. She has the ability to make people speechless.

Ni Lehui said so, but the family members stopped talking.

The doctors were examining pregnant woman No. 21, and asked some more about her condition.

The family member of No. 23 didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and asked, "No. 22, did you have a cesarean or a normal delivery?"

"The doctor said that my daughter-in-law's fetus is too large and needs to be sectioned." Family member No. 22 said.

"Doctors are all..." The family member of No. 23 glanced at the doctor, swallowed the deceitful words, and said: "I insist that my daughter-in-law has a natural delivery, and my daughter-in-law also agrees to a natural delivery. The birth of life is a matter of course. Physiological process, now, this natural law has encountered too much human intervention. Statistics show that the average caesarean section rate in China is close to 50%, and some hospitals even exceed 80%, which is far higher than the upper limit of 15% recommended by the World Health Organization. Before my daughter-in-law entered the hospital, I went to the Internet to check it out, but I didn't understand, natural delivery is good for the child, why did you have to have a section?"

"Didn't the doctor say..."

"You can't trust everything the doctor says." No. 23's family member interrupted No. 22's family member's words.

One doctor couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to tell them that the situation on the 22nd was different from that on the 23rd. The fetus on the 22nd was too large, and forced vaginal delivery would be dangerous. In mild cases, labor was difficult, and in severe cases, life was in danger. On the 22nd, it was impossible to give birth , the doctors asked her to have a section, and everything was normal on the 23rd.

Ni Lehui held the doctor back to prevent him from trying to explain. Although she only had more than four years of experience in obstetrics and gynecology, she deeply understood that some family members will understand if you explain to them, but some cannot. They would even say violent words, and they would go to the director. If they were minor, they would go to the dean.

Some family members thought that the hospital wanted them to have an autopsy, and thought it was a deliberate attempt to pay them. At the beginning, when Ni Lehui first came to the hospital, she didn't understand. Since she didn't trust the hospital, why did she still come to the hospital?

"Give birth is not an easy job, but as long as you are prepared, your own life will not be as uncomfortable as you imagined." The mother on the 23rd also said.

"The doctor said……"

"Don't just listen to the doctor. I want my daughter-in-law to have a natural delivery, and my daughter-in-law will have a natural delivery. I insist, and the doctor can only agree to a natural delivery. Mother-in-law on the 22nd, you have to insist like me. Only you insist on a natural delivery, doctor I won’t cut it open for you,” said the mother-in-law on the 23rd.

Ni Lehui took a look at the situation in this ward. The three expectant mothers are taken care of by their mother-in-law and mother-in-law. The husband is not in the ward. Others, they are like this. The husband takes care of them at night, and the mother-in-law and mother-in-law take care of them during the day. The husband goes back to work , Her husband asked for leave after giving birth to a child.

The mother-in-law and mother of an era can chat very well.


The mother-in-law on the 23rd interrupted the mother-in-law on the 22nd and said, "Is it difficult to have a normal delivery? As far as I know, many mothers choose a normal delivery before giving birth, but in the end 70% of the pregnant women in the country are advised to have a caesarean section? Why? Is it that difficult? Or is it because the doctor said it was not easy to give birth in order to save accidents, so that the mothers-to-be had to choose a caesarean? Anyway, I think the probability of this is very high."

The mother on the 21st also joined the chat and said: "Nowadays many doctors do not have much experience. For example, caesarean section can still be practiced with dead bodies, but natural delivery is not good for practice. I have met many doctors who told you that the pelvis is small and the fetal position is too small. No, the umbilical cord is around the neck, the amniotic fluid is low, and the placenta is aging. Anyway, for these reasons, you have to choose a caesarean section. You have no choice! If you don’t have a caesarean section, there is danger. What danger will there be in giving birth to a child? In our era It’s not that people have never given birth before. If you hire a midwife, you can give birth by yourself at home, and you don’t need to go to the hospital at all. Today’s young people are all delicate, and they have to go to the hospital to give birth. Only children born in hospitals , only to apply for a birth certificate, without a birth certificate, and not to be registered, we did not have such a situation at that time."

"In Europe, normal delivery is required. Only in the case of abnormal fetal position and dystocia can cesarean delivery be performed." The 23-year-old mother-in-law said.

"That's old data, right? At least in BJ, you won't be given a job if you want to. There are regulations and quotas in hospitals. You won't get a job unless it's absolutely necessary." No. 21's mother said.

"I'm not from BJ. I don't know what BJ is like. Anyway, my two nieces also said that they would have a normal delivery at the beginning, but they both had cesarean section." said the mother-in-law at 21.

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