The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 292: Trial Rules

A man walked in quickly, holding a piece of paper printed with rules and forms.

This is the person Aoki asked Skye to wait for the Viper's notice.

After Skye took it, he sent the man out.

Then tell the contents of the paper.

"The final form of trial is survival in the wild, and the scope of the trial is the entire trial island, which lasts for one week."

Survival of the whole Trial Island? Duration of a week?

With Skye's words, Aoki frowned slightly.

The form of this final trial is completely different from the previous life, and even different from the beginning of the viper.

Is it because those cadres have forcibly intervened? Or is there a higher-level order, or does the venom modify the content?

Aoki didn't say anything, just waiting for Skye to follow.

"The ranking rule used in the final trial is the points system. Before leaving the base tomorrow, everyone will get a point device. According to each person's ranking, the actual points on the point device are different. Ten points, five points for each of the fourth to tenth, three points for each of eleven to twenty, two points for each of twenty-one to fifty, and for those after fifty, It's one point per person.

This point is the initial point, all you need to do is grab the points of others.

Because this scoring device is not tied to the user, no matter what method is used in the wild, steal, touch, abduct, cheat, snatch, and kill, no matter what method is available, they only look at the results, and the highest point ends in seven days Is the first place, and so on. "

In other words, let all the testers do everything they can, even if you ca n’t beat others, use sneak attacks, deceive, use assassinations, or use poisons, all methods are possible, only one purpose, get the other's Point device, and then transfer the opponent's points to yourself.

In this way, can there be fifty people left in the end?

These people, at least, will die in half, right?

But it's not right. Everyone will definitely divide and gather according to the forces. The purpose of the poisonous snake is to allow the trainees to gather to resist those of the cadres.

After all, compared to strength and resources, most of the testers can't compare them.

But the testers here have an advantage, that is, the influence groups are already deeply entrenched, and those outsiders cannot intervene.

But is the last person willing to unite?

Those who can't reach the top 50 are willing to pay for others selflessly?

Don't be naive, this rule is to make the trial more cruel and bloody.

Skye also thought about these things and continued after hesitating, "But the points are not only available to the tester. The venomous snake has already arranged for people to have score cards in many places on the trial island. At the same time, Map fragments where the score cards are located will also be buried in some places on the trial island. If you want to get these score cards quickly, these map fragments are the key.

And the specific locations of these map fragments are directly announced, if you want, you can go directly to find.

But I don't think it's that simple. There must be powerful elves in the place where the map fragments are buried. "

Fox and Tian Zhen nodded again and again, if it was that simple.

"So, if you want to get a ranking, you can not only get other people's point devices, but also find these point cards, which is another way."

"For the sake of fairness, the poisonous snake directly invited the members of the Rockets Superpowers group, the purpose is to randomly transfer each trialer to any place on the trial island. In front of the mighty elf, then his life is really lost. "

As more was read, Skye's expression became more serious.

Until he saw the last line, it was more gloomy and terrible.

Putting this paper together, Skye whispered, "In the final trial mission, not only are our testers on the island, the middle and senior levels of the Rockets will also send some of their team members into the trial island. Join us in this mission.

However, I have heard from some old Rocket elders who have been working on the trial island for a long time. The final trials are tasks that can only be performed by the testers who entered the trial island from the beginning. It ’s not as complicated as this time, and more of them are fighting on the ring, splitting lives and deaths, but this time ... "

Skye didn't continue to say anything. Some words were too much.

"I told you before that this trial is not as simple as you think. Most of the big players in the Rockets are playing a game, and we are just one on the chessboard. It's nothing.

No, there is no top ten strength, and even chess pieces are not counted, at most they can only be regarded as the nutrients of chess pieces. "Aoki said lightly.

He had already prepared for these things, and Zai Ying told him for the first time that the trial task was not easy.

Fox and Tian Zhen also have somber faces ~ ~ They barely have the ability to impact the top ten, they thought they were restless, as long as it is not the metamorphosis of the top five, there is no problem in saving their lives, but on the rules The last word of them completely shattered their fluke.

I don't know how many people participated in this time.

Their confidence has also become precarious.

However, there is an adult Aoki. As long as you find an adult, there should be no problem in completing the task?

"Don't be lucky. The people who came in last should have the top ten strengths. The average level may have the top three strengths, and maybe even more. It is estimated that there are about ten people. Plus, it's going to be a little bit stronger. There are a few people whose strength, I dare not guess. "

After hearing Aoki's words, the three talents completely let go of their luck.

Even Aoki's strength can't even win, and even guesses may not be accurate. How high is the upper limit?

Aoki was also very helpless, and the news did not reveal to him how strong those cadres were. If it was just ordinary training, it should be at least similar to himself, but in case of hard training?

There is really no upper limit. Guess the strength of ordinary captains is relatively low.

I just don't know if such people exist.

"So, don't fight casually for points tomorrow. If you can stabilize or seek stability, since the rules are like this, then I will not force you to be in the top ten. Everything is mainly stable. It is best that you discuss and be able to Gathering in one place, after all, when there are many people, safety is still a little guaranteed. "


Second more! New month! Everyone comes with a monthly pass! thank you all!

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