The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 299: Escape the birth day

Tropical dragons are flying and grass-elves. Although the flying system can restrain the moth moth's insect system, the moth also restrains the grass system, and the poisonous line of the molu moth also restrains the tropical dragon's grass system. Therefore, the tropical dragon It was Moru Mok's death.

The shadow of death kept pushing him to run.

"Just hold on, as long as you rush out of the Moro moth's territory, it will be safe." Aoki fed the tropical dragon with a few energy cubes to appease his frightened heart.

Originally, it was good to rule the king on an island. Although life is a bit boring, the site is a bit small and the food is less ...

The tropical dragon thought silently in his heart.

When thinking of food, I let go of my regret.

Food is most important!

Chewing delicious energy cubes in his mouth, as if venting something.

After eating it, I didn't feel enough. Opening my mouth again, Aoki would feed him again.

Tired and happy!

This is the true portrayal of the tropical dragon now.

Slowly, a little light appeared in front of the forest, and after flying for a while, the light became even greater!

"Tropical dragon, full strength! You will be able to get out of the forest in the front. After you go out, the Molu moth should not chase again!"

Aoki said after feeding the tropical dragon an energy block again.

Hearing that, the tropical dragon seemed to see a dawn approaching him.

The lack of sunlight and full flight made his body a little tired, and even if the body with energy blocks recovered, it was a bit overwhelming.

It's like running alone, a long distance may run for three kilometers, and you just pant after the end, but if you run for two hundred meters, you may collapse.

If you exceed the body's tolerance limit, you are very weak.

This is now the case for tropical dragons.

The light seemed close, but it felt like time was running so slowly.

Finally, three minutes later, the tropical dragon rushed out of the forest, arousing birds and insects foraging outside the forest.

After rushing out, it was not sure whether the Moru moth had stopped chasing, so the tropical dragon continued to fly for a while, and after seeing that there was no chaser in the back, it glid to the ground all at once.

Falling on the grass, panting.

Looking at the forest behind, the group of faintly fluorescent molu moths fell on the edge of the forest and stared at Aoki and the tropical dragon for a while before returning a little angry.

Moro moths are nocturnal elves, who like to move at night, and that dark forest just fits their life habits.

That forest is their territory, and the wide grassland outside the forest may be the domain of other elves.

Aoki jumped from the back of the tropical dragon, this time fleeing, not only the tropical dragon was not tired, but the dull beast that had created obstacles for the molu moth was also tired.

With its last little superpower energy, the dumb beast floated down from the back of the tropical dragon, and even when it was about to land, because of the exhaustion of superpower energy, it fell to the ground.

The Dark Crow fully opened the way to the tropical dragon, but also was a bit exhausted.

This time, however, all three elves were tired.

Aoki walked to the dumb beast, fed him a special energy block, allowed him to meditate, and then recovered the elven ball.

After feeding the tropical dragon some energy cubes, he encouraged him to touch his head, and he also recovered the elven ball.

When Aoki finished feeding the Dark Crow with energy blocks and also wanted to retrieve it, the Dark Crow stopped him.

The rest of the dumb beasts has reduced the protection that Aoki deserves. Although Ghost Stone has been there, it is not enough, so the Dark Crow strongly demands to stay outside, even if the recovery speed is slower, Aoki must be guaranteed. Security.

In the end he couldn't beat him, and Aoki let him rest on his shoulders.

In just half a day, Aoki had four elves injured and fatigued to varying degrees.

Big milk tanks, foolish beasts, tropical dragons, and dark crows each need to rest.

It can be seen that the situation during the final trial is different from the usual exploration on the trial island.

During the first three months of rest on the trial island, you can still explore the area a little bit according to your own situation, at least to ensure that the place behind you is safe.

However, during the final trial, random transmission to any location on the trial island may cause various situations.

So the first day should be the time when the trial island has the highest casualty rate. Some people with bad luck may even be randomly transferred to the nest of the wild elves. If they can't respond in time, they may be killed directly and become the meal of the day.

Only after surviving on the first day can we think about how to get more points and even how to conquer more potential elves in the next few days.

The foundation of **** is also a prerequisite for survival.

Aoki sat on the grass and took a rest, took out the fresh water and dry food in the storage space to realize the reserve, and silently choked up.

By the way, think about what to do next.

In fact, the trial island is very large, and there are not many people involved in the trial. There are ninety-one people in the trial. Even if the people involved in the later stage, the maximum number will not exceed 150, so they are scattered in various places. People, the biggest enemy is the wild elves on the island.

As for Aoki, it only took an hour or so to meet the person being teleported in. This probability is really very rare, and it can almost be compared with the lottery.

Now think about it, maybe you shouldn't let the other party go at that time ~ ~ Before, I was worried that the other party might be different from myself and have the right to choose the transmission location, otherwise how could it be so clever.

Therefore, Aoki's worries are not unnecessary. If the other group of people intends to use their own sword, they will send a person to seduce, and then a group of people ambush in the direction of the person's escape. It is not impossible.

Just thinking about it now, a little regretful.

Standing up, Aoki patted the dust and various leaves on his body.

In fact, due to innate qualifications and restrictions, Moro moths are still lacking in the main battle elves, but if they are an auxiliary elves, they are still very good.

Three powder plus various super ability skills, can achieve a certain control ability.

The butterfly dance that can be learned innately improves the special attack, special defense, and speed. If it is matched with the skills that can be inherited in the genetic skills, such as the baton and poison, and the characteristics exchange, or through the later learning, master the characteristics exchange, and then Coupled with colored glasses, this feature can be said to be a more perfect assistant.

After using poisonous diamonds and butterfly dances, then use the baton to let the summoned sprite fully connect with his buff effect, and then summon it out to use the feature swap.

This feature of tinted glasses can make moves that are not ideal and return to normal effects.

For example, the fire-based water-fighting wizard can only cause half or even a quarter of the power. If it is a wizard with colored glasses, you can ignore these resistances and still play normal power. Then the defense wizards will almost lose Half the effect.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity, it is also a good choice to subdue a Moru moth as an auxiliary.


Fourth more! Serve!

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