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The shadow of the woman in the heart of the stone became half-sided because of this side, and the slender figure on the half appeared, and there was a beautiful undulation on the front chest.

Gu Nanyi was squinting to her shoulder, the shadow moved, and the reflection of his fingertip on the stone heart suddenly fell to the highest point of the undulation, gently covering it—

Gu Nanyi shrank her hands like a fire.

Lost channel: "Lotus..."

The words just turned out and my face was already red.

Feng Zhi turned slightly in amazement, "Lotus?" She looked left and right, "Where is the lotus?"

Master Gu: "..."

Feng Zhiwei was absent, and suddenly squatted down.

Gu Nanyi lowered her head in exasperation, and saw Feng Zhiwei squatted down, looking at the bottom of the lake.

"This is an artificial lake." She suddenly said, pointing to the bottom of the lake, saying, "It's not fine sand, but flat boulders, it really was later built."

Then she straightened up, looked around, and said, "Here is extremely cold, ordinary people can't come, there are no secrets on all sides, only the stone heart is special, but it is not like any altar, I feel... "She smiled and said a little bit of disbelief. "I feel that this is like a pair of lovers who like the scenery here, so they open up the lake and create a secret scenery for themselves, doing nothing, Just to play together."

After talking, I shook my head and felt that I was only playing for two people to enjoy the scenery, so it was so generous, and I chose the location in such a place. These two people are afraid of having the ability to sing the country, but also have to have the characteristics of chic and good travel, but the body Who can have such a sense of freedom in high places?

Gu Nanyi listened indifferently, where is this, who is the owner, he didn't care at all, he just thought that the scenery was so beautiful, and she was by her side, why should she stand and say these irrelevant words? Here, now, it should be him who embraced her, slowly sat down, facing the lake and mountains, pointing with a smile.

So he did just that.

He took Feng Zhiwei's shoulders and gently pulled her to sit back, behind which was a square stone like a backrest. Feng Zhiwei couldn't prevent him from suddenly pulling her down, leaning over, sitting down However, his back hit the mountain rock heavily.

After listening to the sound of rolling, heard from the heart of the lake!

The two of them passed through countless winds and waves. When they heard this voice, they knew that the organ was shocked, and they conditioned reflex in an instant-at the same time they flew at each other.


The foreheads collided heavily.

"Ouch" Feng Zhiwei bumped into Venus in front of him, but he did not forget to reach out and press Gu Nanyi down hard.

She pressed hard, but her shoulders could not be lifted. Her shoulders were already held by Gu Nanyi, and he was desperately pushing her into his arms.

For a while, the two people in front of the mountain formed a weird posture—pushing tightly together, each trying to overwhelm each other.

After pressing for a while, both of them felt something was wrong. Why didn't there be any hidden weapon wind, and they raised their heads slowly with their arms together, and they all heard "Ah" again.

In the lake where there was nothing, suddenly a lot of pure golden lotus rose, every other foot is a flower, extending to the heart of the jade jade on the other side.

The blue waves ripple, and the lotus grows step by step.

Bihu, Jinlian, Jade Bi, Shixin, Huaguang and the splendor of ice and snow are intertwined together, and they rise like Penglai.

Feng Zhiwei even forgot the exclamation and murmured: "Qing Guo's handwriting..."

Gu Nanyi has already led her to leap into the lotus.

His coat of heaven and water and her clean white wings flying in the wind were flying in the wind. She was flying over the waves, step by step lotus flowers, and the clear water on all sides was like a mirror, like a sky river hanging upside down, and people were dancing in the sky, walking in the clouds.

For centuries, the water of the God Pond has been as quiet as ever, reflecting the immortal shape of men and women in plain clothes.

The face-to-face wind blew his long hair, Feng Zhiwei closed his eyes gently, and his mind suddenly blurred a shadow, and tranced hundreds of years ago, some people flew by hand like this, sprinkling a piece on the lake like a jade mirror Silver bell laughter.

When I opened my eyes again, I had reached the heart of the jade jade, and only in front of me did I realize that the jade jade was surprisingly large, and on the ice and snow mountain wall behind the hollow heart, it was vaguely carved into the shape of a portal, but it did not open at all. The place.

Everything here is neat and tidy, but there is a mess not far behind the jade wall, there are traces of scratches on the ground, like a trace of a person struggling past, the end of the trace is filled with gravel ice, snow, phoenix Knowing the past in doubt, she set aside the pile of gravel.

She froze.

After the gravel pile, it turned out to be a corpse. The corpse looked like an old man, well preserved, and even the expression of death was alive.

But Feng Zhi was slightly surprised.

At the foot of the corpse, there was a small body that had shrunk to the size of a man's slap and turned out to be a baby.

The air is cold here, the snow is everywhere, the two bodies are not rotted, and the vague look of the man's face and the small mouth opened by the child seem to be still crying.

Feng Zhi stared straight at these two strange bodies, and there was a sudden chill in the bottom of his heart. It was rare to reach the top of the peak. If there are martial arts high-strength hunters accidentally rushed to death here, it is not uncommon, but such a young and old Is no coincidence.

What is even more surprising is that the bag wrapped around the child did not rot, and a bright yellow tip appeared in the snow, Feng Zhiwei crouched and turned over, and the five-claw golden dragon was embroidered on the bright yellow brocade.

Her fingers paused there, only feeling cold until the bottom of her heart.

Gu Nanyi was also looking at the two bodies and suddenly dialed the rubble on the ground with his feet.

Under the rubble, a handwriting appeared, obviously the old man wrote it with his fingers. It was obvious that the old man had run out of lights and dried up when writing these words. The handwriting in front was still strong and powerful into the stone three points. Almost unrecognizable.

"In the thirteenth year of the last emperor, on a rainy night, the old man came with Danshu, and with this son, he immediately promised to abandon the valley and walked towards the snow mountain emperor cave. Yu Riye's driving is not saved at all, I'm so sorry! But suddenly I feel that my breath is not smooth, I don't know when I have been poisoned into the body..."

This handwriting is still clear, and the brushwork behind it is vague, and it is vaguely seen to describe what happened during the rainy night.

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