The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 1031 Heart of the Plane

Peeping at this silent war that took place in the distance, every high-level cemetery is full of excitement and emotion.

This is an iconic war!

It marks the downfall of a great race.

From then on, the elves will be reduced to the second-class citizens of the Klein plane, and they will never regain the purity of being detached and alone. If they don't work hard to change the so-called "traditions" of their own race, then they will inevitably be abandoned by this world of great controversy, and vowed to be swallowed by the rolling torrent of history.

Each plane has an indescribable but real "theme" in its own development process. Catering to this "main theme", you feel like you have become the protagonist of a bloody fantasy story, and you will not die no matter how you fight. Going out to meet noble people, digging into the grass to bump into magic weapons, winning every gamble, as if you are the lucky one in the whole world. If you violate this "main theme", you will probably be like the elves in front of you, the country will be ruined and the family will be destroyed, displaced, and become a bereaved dog in panic.

So what is the current "main theme" of Klein's plane?

Others may be vaguely conscious and feel a little bit, but they can't express it intuitively and clearly, but Li Xun can tell you with certainty through recent observations, upgrade!

The plane of Klein has been a medium plane for tens of thousands of years, and now it has reached the peak of the medium plane, and it can directly enter the ranks of the large plane if it takes a step forward. Therefore, the most urgent thing before Klein's plane consciousness is to find all possible ways to cross this threshold and upgrade himself!

This is the main theme of the dark thread that has been hidden in the plane of Klein recently.

Of course, plane consciousness is just a hazy and illusory embryonic consciousness. Lacking a clear awareness to match it, it is like a crying newborn who clearly knows its hunger but is unable to speak out. Because it has not formed the supporting language and expressive ability at all.

Therefore, it is crying, it is clamoring, it even set off one after another turmoil on its own carrier, because of its initial instinct.

Once upon a time, the rise of the Arcane Empire brought a glimmer of hope to the Klein plane. However, the strength of the Arcane Empire must be accompanied by the decline of the belief in gods. Therefore, when they sensed that the consciousness of the plane had lost its fairness and balance in the past, and gradually tilted towards the Arcanists, the gods existing in the plane of Klein were shaken and panicked.

In order not to be wiped out of their own existence, and the foundation of their existence not to be eroded, they had no choice but to launch a war of destruction against the Arcane Empire. As a result, the result that ushered in was the great defeat of the Arcane Empire, and the Klein gods also ushered in their own twilight doom.

This is actually the first effort of the Klein plane, but unfortunately, it ended in failure due to internal strife!

So now, after thousands of years of recuperation, the plane of Klein has once again reached its peak state, so a new level of restlessness shrouded the consciousness of the plane.

In this special environment, the overriding stability and stability in the past are no longer the first choice. Changes, breakthroughs, changes... These kinds of things are what Klein's plane consciousness cares most about.

Seriously speaking, Li Xun can appear on Klein's plane, necromancers and liches can wreak havoc on a large human kingdom, Ahn'Qiraj can appear in Klein from hundreds of millions of miles away, underground dark creatures can surge to the surface... ...All of this actually stems from the restless but inarticulate heart of the plane consciousness!

Just like when a flower is in full bloom, it will emit a refreshing fragrance, which will attract bees, butterflies and other things dozens of miles away, so that they can be fertilized and pollinated smoothly, and give birth to the fruit of victory.

Although exposing oneself in thousands of planes will increase the insecurity of the plane itself, but facing the urgent pressure of promotion, the consciousness of the plane is already a little desperate.

What plane consciousness wants now is not stability, not tranquility, but changes and breakthroughs, so during this period, war is the main theme!

The consciousness of the plane has attracted so many wild bees and butterflies, so what greets it is either the long-awaited hope of upgrading, or it will become the prey of some enemies of the plane.

This is a huge change!

At least for the natives living in Klein's plane, that's true!

The Klein plane allowed them to survive for tens of thousands of years under its own protection, so at this turning point, it should be the time for them to fight for Klein. Countless enemies will pour into Klein one after another, and the only thing Klein's natives can do is to fight back bravely.

If it succeeds, Klein's plane will have a stronger foundation for promotion. If it fails, then Klein's plane will not hesitate to use the blood of the natives to cleanse those inappropriate existences.

Seriously speaking, the elves belong to the objects that are eliminated and devoured in this process!

Conservative, peaceful, peaceful, serene, elegant, noble... These words of praise for the elves in the past have now become a noose around their necks, which is being tightened little by little. If they can't keep up with the consciousness of the plane, then what awaits them must be ruthless abandonment.

Plane consciousness is sentient, and it treats every creature and substance living under its protection equally and fairly; plane consciousness is ruthless, and it never hesitates to sacrifice a small part in exchange for its own expansion and growth.

Every time Li Xun thinks of this, he can't help but shake his head and smile wryly.

Seriously speaking, the faction of the Great Cemetery to which I belong is actually one of the invaders of the Klein plane, and it is also one of the sharpening objects prepared by the plane consciousness for the natives of this plane. It's just that because of the existence of Li Xun, the strange master of the cemetery, half of his identity as an intruder has been wiped out. Now, after turning the gun, it became the vanguard of helping the natives of the Klein plane to resist the invasion of the outside world.

Although this caused the Great Cemetery to suffer extraordinarily huge losses in such a turbulent plane change, it implicitly fit the development of plane consciousness. If it continues like this, at least under the influence of the consciousness of the plane, the identity of the original plane native of the Great Cemetery will be confirmed!

Of course, Li Xun can so clearly perceive the deep consciousness that even the plane consciousness itself cannot clearly describe, this is undoubtedly due to the devil girl Mo Lika who eats and drinks by his side every day.

Recently, the war on Klein's plane has been tense, and most of the strength of the Great Cemetery has gathered here, so the demon girl Mo Lika, who has nothing to do, has become Li Xun's guest. After eating and drinking all day long, he just needs to tell Li Xun what his "emotion" is today.

Plane consciousness is the hazy instinct of all living beings and matter in the entire plane. To be honest, even the simplest wisdom and thinking do not exist, only some indescribable directional instinctive impulses. Therefore, there is no possibility of communicating with such a huge consciousness that does not even have elementary wisdom!

But this does not prevent Li Xun from finding another way to spy on its deep instinct.

When the Great Cemetery created the immortality magic experiment some time ago, Mo Lika told Li Xun that the plane consciousness was "discomfortable". Once something like the immortality magic experiment appears inside the Klein plane, it will become part of the internal laws of the Klein plane under the traction of the rules. As long as any living being meets the prerequisite requirements of this experiment, it can achieve a certain inevitable result.

And this fruit will undoubtedly disrupt the soul cycle of the Klein plane.

This is undoubtedly the reason why the plane consciousness instinctively feels "uncomfortable"!

But after the consciousness of the plane felt uncomfortable, it didn't have the means to directly destroy the immortality magic experiment, so under the infection and guidance of its instinctive consciousness, the Mage Guild declared war on the Great Cemetery!

If Li Xun had sensed the "anger" of the plane consciousness beforehand without the assistance of Morika, then he would definitely have regarded the Masters Guild's declaration of war on the Great Cemetery as an unexpected situation caused by a series of accidental events. But now with Mo Lika, the "barometer" of plane consciousness, Li Xun finally grasped the context of plane consciousness based on his own understanding of fate.

For example, at this moment, when the invaders Ahn'Qiraj ravaged the holy city of elves and gradually enlarged the hope of resurrecting the war brood, the retreat and avoidance of the elves had already triggered the extreme "anger" of the consciousness of the plane. The avoidance and retreat of the elves will undoubtedly strengthen the top strength of the invaders, which will also put the Klein plane in danger of being destroyed again.

Therefore, the anger of the plane consciousness is also justifiable.

According to the changes in the deep consciousness of the plane consciousness, Li Xun can already preliminarily predict the future of the elves.

Don't you want to retreat to the World of Warcraft and avoid the edge of the invaders? So how can Warcraft Continent be so easy to treat? Infected and fueled by the consciousness of the plane, the abhorrence and loathing psychology of the local natives of Warcraft Continent will inevitably be strengthened thousands of times, and any small friction will inevitably lead to a large-scale armed conflict!

Note that this is inevitable!

Infected by the hazy and illusory instinctual consciousness of the plane consciousness, all the creatures in it will not feel that they are controlled, but will only regard it as a change in their own emotions. Therefore, the peaceful life of the elves in the World of Warcraft does not exist at all, and they will "inevitably" fall into a new war!

As for the threat of the Zerg, the consciousness of the plane is also consciously or unconsciously guiding more plane natives to join the ranks of encircling and suppressing them, and the means of guidance are concealed and diverse.

For example, it used an illusory opportunity to rise up to guide the mind flayer supreme mastermind who claimed to have "mastered all knowledge in the world and possessed unparalleled wisdom in the world".

The Supreme Mastermind dared to take chestnuts out of the fire, dared to boldly join forces with the Great Cemetery, in order to take advantage of the opportunity of sneak attacking the Zerg General and secretly capture the newly revived War Brood. Li Xun is sure that the Supreme Mastermind must have some kind of means in his hands that can control the Unowned War Brood.

And this method is most likely "sent" to it intentionally or unintentionally by the consciousness of the plane!

Good means, good means!

Now I just don't know, what is the method used by the consciousness of the plane to control the large cemetery?

Li Xun smiled darkly, his face full of disdain.

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