The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 1048 The Battle of the Three Armies

When the sea of ​​insects all over the mountains and plains is constantly wriggling towards you, what kind of feeling it is, no one who has not experienced it can't understand it at all.

They are not locusts, they are not rats, they are bloody and brutal Ahn'Qiraj war bugs.

In all fairness, a random Ahn'Qiraj war worm pulled out of the sea of ​​thousands of worms could easily kill a small group of local militiamen or city guards. Apart from the difference in combat power, the most terrifying thing about the Ahn'Qiraj War Worm is its hideous appearance and fearless killing nature.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary swords armed with local weapons to cut through the hard carapace that has been tempered with metal components outside the war worm's body. So if the Ahn'Qiraj war bugs were really allowed to kill wantonly, three or five war bugs could easily wipe out a human town without powerful warriors.

Fortunately, the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg invaded the Elf Continent, so all their cruelty and violence were silently endured by the Elves. And the direct result of this is that an elf kingdom that ruled a complete continent disappeared, and could only live on another continent.

However, today, for a reason that should not be publicized, the Iron Legion of the Mage Guild, the religious armed forces of the Human Church, and the elite undead from the Great Cemetery came to the Elven Continent again, standing in front of the overwhelming sea of ​​insects. They became isolated islands standing in the black sea of ​​insects, clenching their teeth and resisting the impact of insect swarms from all directions.

Really everywhere!

Standing in the middle of the sea of ​​insects, there are things surging on the ground, flying in the sky, rolling on the ground, and almost everywhere are the hideous and terrifying figures of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg.

The generals of the Zerg were besieged, so they couldn't wait to pass through the weak and tough lines of defense, so as to rescue the superiors in the Zerg.

For this idea, they don't even care about their own lives!

After more than two months of fighting bravely, the Ahn'Qiraj army has dropped from the initial 70 million to the current 12 million. Although the number was much lower than when it was at its peak, when the 12 million bug army were all piled up on less than 10 square kilometers of land, the density of the bug swarm still reached a staggering level.

Here, the battlefield does not matter the front line and the rear at all, and the difference between the enemy and ourselves is not as clear as in previous wars.

After the main force on the ground of the three camps killed the insect swarm and came near the core battlefield, they chose to defend on the spot to share part of the pressure on the main battlefield behind them. And the main battlefield, where the slaughter became a bloody storm, could not completely prevent the penetration of the insect swarm.

Therefore, it is like a sparse fence. Outside the fence is a black sea of ​​insects surging forward, and inside the fence, insects can be seen everywhere. The only difference is probably the density of the swarm.

The outside of the fence is airtight, and the inside of the fence is a little sparser.

Under such heavy pressure, the main ground forces of the three major camps fought bloody and desperately.

The Iron Legion of the mage camp can hardly see the shiny metal reflection. They were the first ground troops to go to war, so they fought the longest, and undoubtedly suffered the greatest casualties.

From the original mage camp to the current garrison position, the short 7-mile road was almost paved with the body of a steel golem. Every once in a while, the mages protected by the Iron Legion will open a temporary portal and send a batch of metal golems here from the distant mage guild.

Relying on this continuous replenishment-consumption-replenishment-consumption, the mage troops managed to hold on to the scene without being overwhelmed by the swarms of insects. But even so, the 2-hour battle since the start of the war has caused the Iron Legion of the mage army to lose as much as 30,000. When the remnants of the elves defended the holy city of the elves before, they persisted for 5 days and only lost 10,000 golems.

From the comparison of these simple numbers, one can already imagine the intensity and cruelty of the battle at this moment.

However, although the mage camp suffered huge losses, after all, all the losses were steel golems used as cannon fodder on the battlefield. In this regard, they were far stronger than the church team with human fighters as the main force.

After an hour of high-intensity fighting on the battlefield, even though the aura of magic on their bodies has not faded, the heavy swordsmen and crossbowmen who are the main body of the battle can no longer hold on. After all, people's energy and physical strength are limited, and an hour of non-stop hacking and advancing has exhausted them.

And no matter how many insects they killed, they filled the entire field of vision, and there was still a dense sea of ​​insects with no end in sight. In this kind of environment, it is easy to feel a sense of frustration that the bugs cannot be killed, and the morale drops very quickly.

With the decline of physical function, the attack power of the heavy armored swordsman also began to decline rapidly. His hands were so numb that he could hardly lift the heavy sword in his hand, let alone cut through the iconic black carapace of Ahn'Qiraj War Worm.

As a result, the layer-by-layer advancement that was like a forest of swords and swords before became slower and slower. As soon as many heavy armored swordsmen slowed down, they were dragged into the dense sea of ​​insects by the swarming war insects.

As a last resort, the Knights of the Church, which had always been used as a trump card, could only enter the battlefield ahead of schedule.

The church knights who took turns attacking rode on the mighty and tall war horses, with two-handed swords or meteor hammers in their hands, all of which were heavy weapons specially prepared for the swarm. Cooperating with the holy grudge, their attacks are almost invincible.

However, the too dense swarm made it difficult for them to exert the staggering battlefield impact of the heavy cavalry, so they could only drive their horses desperately, wading through the swarm of scarlet roads full of flesh and blood.

They are slaughtering the war insects, and the war insects are not slaughtering them.

The two sides are mixed together, you have me, and I have you, and each has used the most brutal means of war to let death befall the other.

Not to mention these melee professionals, even the group of priests who followed them raised maces, scepters, and flails, and played the role of heavy infantry.

Relying on the chain armor with superior defensive power and continuous self-healing, they resisted the war bugs that were fleeing to the inner circle, and then smashed their heads one by one with the heavy individual weapons in their hands.

The bishops and archbishops, who were protected by the priests in the center, were still full of energy, singing praises to the gods loudly, and purifying the evil around them with large divine magic halos.

It is precisely because of the existence of these magicians that the thin but tough line of defense on the outside is always fragile and unbreakable, able to sustain so far in such a violent sea of ​​insects.

However, unlike the desperate support of the other two camps, the elite cemetery army organized by the Great Cemetery not only defended against the attack of the swarm, but even had enough energy to organize counterattacks again and again, focusing on eliminating the most threatening swarm middle and high-level bugs.

The biggest contributor to all this is the combination of the legendary ice dragon Terrance and the winter ghost.

At the forefront of the cemetery's defense line, the sky is dominated by giant frost dragons, and any creature that steps within a hundred meters around them will suffer from the danger of freezing at any time. It was because of their existence that when the sea of ​​insects attacked the Great Cemetery, all of them turned into puppets covered in blue frost flowers, their movements were ridiculously stiff and slow.

And taking advantage of their slow movements, a series of clouds of death from the cemetery corpse witches shot into the insect swarm. This brought a ring of frost and a sea of ​​dead air to the front of the Necropolis position. Only when the swarms of insects try their best to break through these two lines of defense, can they come into contact with the frontline troops of the Great Cemetery at zero distance.

Waiting for them behind the sea of ​​death is an army of abominations and plague lords forming a great wall of flesh. The flesh giants stand tall, shaking their bloated and fat bodies, waving their thick arms, and welcoming them with polished iron hooks and guillotines.

These flesh shield legions that grew up step by step with the Great Cemetery, even at this moment, are still an insurmountable physical Great Wall in front of the enemies of the Great Cemetery.

And the Winter Ghost and Hellbringer, who have just advanced to the legendary level, have become the big killers in the charge.

Seriously speaking, Winter Ghost looks like a skeleton wrapped in ice crystals, with a fang-shaped crown condensed from the purest positive and negative energies on its smooth head. As the greatest legendary undead creation, the winter ghost always flows around the body of the dead air that represents death and evil.

And the most frightening thing about Winter Ghost is the freezing air of death and the elusive teleportation that can wipe out all life. Other undead spellcasters still need to pinch spells and hold spells when casting spells, but Winter Ghost doesn't need it, because these have been solidified into its instincts.

The innate spells it mastered are also pitifully small, with only a few options to choose from. Cone of Cold, Weather Control, Dimension Door, Spell Immunity (Fireball), Ice Storm, Ice Wall... It really doesn't sound like much, but all of them combined with its undead origin are surprisingly powerful.

And its power is also amazingly powerful, enough to compete with the giant dragon. Therefore, among all the legendary undead creatures, the winter ghost is definitely the one that outsiders are least willing to face.

As for the Hellbringer, this is the first Legendary Hellfire successfully fused in the Necropolis so far.

It is not particularly tall, only 5 meters. In the elite cemetery with more and more top-level creatures, this is really not very outstanding. But the signature sacrificial halo (legendary) and the fist of flames are still impressive.

To be honest, seeing a 5-meter-high stone man with green flames all over his body rushing left and right in the swarm of insects, all the insects would involuntarily raise their heads and hiss miserably. That scene is simply not to mention how beautiful it is!

The sacrificial fire directly burns the soul, ignoring physical defense at all, only super high magic resistance can reduce part of the damage, but it can't reduce the pain of the soul being burned!

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