The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0331 new hero

For these, Li Xun didn't bother to screen them one by one, so he could only put them in the warehouse in general, so that the agile iron man's arcane core would have time to sort them out slowly.

Most of the things in it cannot flow into the normal market of Klein Continent, otherwise it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the Mage Guild, so we can only wait for the identification to be added to the market of the undead world and the abyss world, so as to increase the strength of the cemetery mercenaries. Spell equipment.

After dealing with the little things, Li Xun concentrated on himself. At the last moment of the starry sky laboratory, he wiped out a great human * mage, which directly led to his wish to be promoted to level 13. At that time, he only added the free attribute points to the spirit, and now he has the leisure to start choosing his own strategic skills.

The strategic skills that appear this time are Curse Master, Advanced Sorcery, and Advanced Summoning Magic.

Among them, the curse master can improve his attainments in curse spells, so that the previous single-type curse spells can be cast in groups on the basis of double mana consumption, and improve the penetration of curse spells.

Advanced witchcraft, which can increase the casting speed by 30% and reduce the cooling time of skills by 30%.

Advanced summoning magic, when casting summoning magic, there will be a strengthening effect, and the level of the summoned creature will be +1.

Looking at the three strategic skills, Li Xun began to hesitate again. To be honest, from the tenth level onwards, there is no rubbish in the strategy skills that appear, and any one of them looks very attractive, which makes it extremely difficult for him to choose.

Since you can't choose positively, let's reversely exclude!

The first thing to exclude is advanced summoning magic. Although this skill is very effective, when Li Xun summons elemental creatures in the future, it is very likely to summon giant elemental creatures. But he was not a summoner after all, and he didn't intend to embark on this path of no return, so he reluctantly ruled it out.

Advanced witchcraft, a very practical passive skill, not only increases the casting speed, but also reduces the public cooling time. With it, Li Xun's dream of becoming a spell-casting fortress is one step closer.

After all, due to the existence of the casting buffer, many spells cannot be cast continuously in a magic battle, and the so-called "combo attack" must be performed by grasping the rhythm of the spell casting. Therefore, Li Xun's spellcasting skills are much worse than those of the same level mages who have been immersed for decades, mainly in the prediction and control of timing.

Li Xun gritted his teeth for a long time, but finally gave up. Because compared with becoming a spellcasting fort, the curse master can add the penetration of curse spells, which will undoubtedly have a greater effect on young mages.

In the confrontation with the mages of the same level, what can help Li Xun to win by surprise are the strange and confusing spells that come with the mage tower in the cemetery. If at any time Li Xun was unable to take down the enemy in a surprise attack and was forced into a stalemate, it would also indicate his failure.

So for Li Xun at present, the most important thing is the penetrability of spells, so that the dark spells he masters will not be resisted by the opponent. This is the key to defeating the enemy. Although the New World spells also have super-magic skills that add spell penetration, but with Li Xun's aptitude, it's better not to expect that he can master such advanced spell-casting skills.

After selecting a level 13 strategic skill as the curse master, Li Xun's current basic attributes are determined.

Character: Li Xun (Natir)

Identity: Lord of the Graveyard

Occupation: Mage

Talent: Soul Domain (fourth and a half advanced levels)

Level: Level 13

Strength: 0

Dexterity: 0

Spirit: 13

Knowledge: 22

Strategic Skills:

Advanced Necromancy: Eternal Slavery

Basic Summoning Magic: Master of Life

Basic Dark Magic: Master of Curses

Advanced Learning: Academics, Comprehension

Basic Witchcraft: Magical Insight, Magical Training

Basic Destruction Magic: None

After checking his own condition, the Holy Light Skeleton Hiberril who was waiting in the Undercity told Li Xun another good news. He was about to harvest 3 graveyard heroes.

Self-awakened cemetery creatures appeared outside the Undercity and Feathermoon Fortress taverns, and the Bone Mage sent by Li Xun to manage the Undercity Mage Tower has also been promoted to level 5, reaching the level of attuned heroes .

Li Xun was overjoyed when he heard the words. Since the entire cemetery clan's battle has spread, the front line needs strong heroes no matter whether it is fighting or opening up, and the rear city guards need reliable confidantes. He is also stretched everywhere. If it weren't for the large number of undead mercenaries drawn up in the undead world, he could hardly find a general who could lead troops into battle.

Even so, once there is a large-scale use of troops in a certain place, other regions need to compress the war space accordingly and free up war resources to maintain the fragile supply-demand balance.

This is true for the cemetery units, and even more so for the cemetery heroes.

There are now 5 cemetery cities, and 5 of them are needed just to guard the heroes. But Li Xun's trusted cemetery heroes are only 9 people including Skeleton King, Demon Wizard, Younv, Blood Demon, Butcher, Corpse King, Arthas, Holy Light Skeleton, and Zena. Although the necromancer Plataya, the green-haired zombie Moros, and the shadow gnome assassin Oro can also share some of the responsibilities, they are not enough to lead an army or guard a certain place.

Therefore, once these cemetery heroes are bound to a certain area to guard the city, there will be only a handful of them who can lead the army, and doing so will slow down the speed of the heroes' improvement.

Now as soon as he heard that 3 heroes were going to join the team, Li Xun immediately put down what he was doing and rushed to the tavern.

At this time, there were two lonely figures standing at the entrance of the tavern in the Undercity, one was the Lich who had just climbed out of the mausoleum, and the other was the polite Bone Mage.

This newborn Lich is obviously still in a chaotic state of soul. Although it is also a bone frame, compared with the first-level skeleton soldiers, the skeleton looks thick and tough, and the death energy can be vaguely lingered on it. The soul fire with a hint of purple glow flashed in the empty eye sockets, and he stood there in a daze, as if he wanted to step into the tavern but was hesitant, as if he was afraid of something.

The bone mage was obviously in an active state of soul. Seeing the arrival of Li Xun, the master of the cemetery, he quickly bowed to salute.

Li Xun, the bone mage, still remembers that he summoned a high-level necromancer as an experiment. At that time, he seemed to have mediocre potential. He didn't expect to be in charge of the mage tower for 2 years, but he had already reached level 5.

Don't underestimate these 5 levels.

When it was promoted to level 5, it didn't have a hero template on it. It was completely meditated to accumulate mana little by little in the way of Klein mainland mage's promotion, and it rose to level 5 naturally. Given the difficulty of creating a Klein mainland mage, the soul talent of the bone mage in front of him can already be incorporated into the ranks of geniuses.

Therefore, Li Xun's first enlightenment was the Bone Mage, and the soul template implanted in it was also the Forgotten Mage that had been properly considered, and the two matched quite well. In consideration of retaining the genius-like soul talent of the Bone Mage, this Forgotten Mage is only a subsidiary personality, which can be completely absorbed by it at any time, and has since entered the ranks of heroes in the cemetery.

The Forgotten Mage is a mage-type hero born in a bone skeleton. Best magical skills:

Nether Blast, an active skill, summons explosive energy from another world, causing damage to enemy units and buildings in the target area.

Aging, an active skill, casts a powerful magic on a unit (or friendly), temporarily banishing him to another world. During this time, the unit cannot make normal attacks and does not take damage from normal attacks. Reduces his movement speed by 50% and increases the effectiveness of any magic cast on him by 40%.

Nether Guard, an active skill, summons a Nether Guard on the spot, which reduces the magic recovery speed of enemy units within the range of action, and can release magic flashes to cause damage to nearby units that cast spells.

Life Leak, an active skill, relies on powerful magic to absorb the vitality of enemy units to make up for itself.

Li Xun immediately named the Forgotten Mage Patchwick, which was considered a recognition. The original soul of the newly reborn Bone Mage has not been damaged in any way, and he has added some skills that can be used after promotion, which is even more powerful.

Patchwick immediately prostrated himself on the ground, and fell into an infinite frenzy for his master.

However, his original level 5 level has also degenerated into level 1, and the skills he originally mastered are also temporarily unusable due to level reasons, but as long as the level is raised, everything will be restored easily. After becoming the hero of the cemetery, his future upgrade method has also become a dual method of experience bars and meditation, and the upgrade will definitely be very fast.

Li Xun hesitated for a long time as the next hero to be enlightened.

"The other party comes from a Lich-like background, so it seems that he is a magical hero, so it is him." After thinking about it, Li Xun put his hands on the Liv's eyebrows again, and silently transmitted the necromancer's soul template to him.

A Necromancer, a powerful magical hero born from a Lich. Skills mastered include:

Death Pulse, an active skill, the necromancer can release a death pulse, causing damage to enemy units within a certain range, and has a medical effect on friendly units.

Heart exhausting aura, passive skill, the breath of death emitted by the Necromancer makes the hearts of nearby enemy units gradually stop beating, and suffers a certain percentage of maximum HP every second. Ignores magic resistance, but has no effect on magic immune units.

Sadism, a passive skill, revels in spreading death and pain. Every time a necromancer kills a unit, he will get a magic and life recovery bonus. Killing a hero unit has a healing effect that is 10 times that of a normal unit.

Death Sickle, an active skill, causes the target's damage to depend on the target's current missing health (ie maximum health - current health), stuns for 1.5 seconds. The stun effect bypasses magic immunity.

Seeing another hero in the cemetery in front of him, Li Xun had mixed feelings in his heart. This necromancer is a strange benchmark in his heart, so he directly engraved his name deep in his soul, Kelgasud.

In the previous game biography, Grand*Mage Kel'Thuzad was a human Grand*Mage who had contributed in the war between humans and orcs and was a high-ranking member of the Kirin Tor Mage Council. But the reason why he is famous in Dalaran is not his status as a Grand Master, but his obsession with spiritism.

Kel'Thuzad spared no effort to absorb any morsel of knowledge he could lay his hands on, even the darkest and most forbidden field of arcane magic - necromancy. With the birth of the Lich King, Kel'Thuzad was also summoned by the Lich King in the dark. After a long and painful journey to the frozen wastes of Northrend, Kel'Thuzad knelt down before the Lich King. At the feet of the demon king. In the end, he gave not only his allegiance, but his soul. Become the Grand Lich and command the mindless common undead Scourge soldiers to fight for the Lich King.

For such a legendary figure that makes people love and hate, Li Xun dare not engrave all these historical backgrounds into his soul, but erases the part of the Lich King, tampering with his object of allegiance to himself, intending to He transformed into a loyal servant of the Cemetery Clan on the way forward.

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