The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0385 Battle 1

On the frontal battlefield, the demon army only paid the most price of 7000 cannon fodder lives, and pushed the front line to the top of the city, playing the melee battle that the demon is best at with the undead.

The demon lords who were supervising the battle in the rear let out piercing screams, all of them felt contempt for the undead's strong outsiders, and they were full of confidence in their subordinates breaking through the undead's defense line before others. Out of the urgency to strive for success, the demon lords couldn't help but intensified their pressure on their subordinates. Even the elite mid-level demon guards belonging to them began to move forward slowly, ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

As for the plane lord Silga, who had been quietly watching the battle on a temporary high platform 10 miles away, a cold smile full of disdain appeared on his ugly, wrinkled face.

These stupid, dirty, and impulsive lords full of muscles were indescribably excited, eager to rush to the top of the city with their elite guards and pierce the fragile line of defense that the undead were still holding on to. In this way, he can not only gain some illusory cheap praise, but also get rich feedback from plane consciousness.

They also don't know how to think about it with their scarce body, can such an undead be so solemnly listed as the enemy of the plane by the plane's consciousness, can such an undead be so easily knocked down?

From the start of the war to now, only the huge flesh giant suture monsters (as they are called in the plane world) and a large number of vampires have appeared on the wall of the undead city. As for the undead and death knights highlighted in the intelligence investigation, they have not appeared at all. As for the corpse witches in the battle tower who were still holding a pipa half-hidden, the strength they displayed did not match their rank.

And on the huge mage tower standing in the center of the undead city, although the magic glow was dense, it didn't mean to cooperate with the city defense to launch a magic attack. It seems that waiting for the real main force of the demon army to enter the city head area, the undead city will really show its hideous face.

With a large number of demon soldiers climbing to the top of the city, the abomination + vampire line of defense has been somewhat crumbling. This is not just the case in one place. With the excellent eyesight of the plane lord Sir Gai, he can see from a distance that the defense lines of the undead city walls on the other side have also been climbed up by groups of demon soldiers, and bloody close combat is taking place.

The plane lord Silgay also wanted to take a peek at some secrets in the city of the undead, but unfortunately, once the line of sight penetrated 50 meters behind the city wall, it would be weakened and deflected by the strong death energy surging in the air, and he could only see some of them hazily. Mottled light and shadow. Even if the consciousness of the plane is attached to him at this moment, the super-distance vision that is usually caged in the sky and the earth is blocked, making it impossible to understand what is inside.

This is a group of undead forces who came prepared, and they actually have special means to block the infiltration of plane consciousness.

The vigilance in Silgay's heart increased a little again.

However, his sobriety only lasted for a short half-a-quarter of an hour, and then the chaotic and violent plane consciousness re-occupied his body and mind, causing him to gradually confuse his self-consciousness in the endless waves of power, leaving only the opposite plane the extreme hatred of the enemy.

Although the consciousness of the 43rd plane of the abyss world was born early, but if it wants to finely control its own body, it still needs to rely on a real body that can be relied on. Therefore, from the day the lucky Silga was selected by the consciousness of the plane, he evolved from a little cowardly demon to a great Barlow demon, and sat on the supreme throne of the plane lord.

In the endless planes of the abyss, the 43rd plane can only be regarded as a small plane, so the rich plane nourishment can only push Silga to level 19, which is still far away from the legendary abyss lord in his dream. Huge disparity.

However, since he became the lord of the plane, Silga, who is already of average strength, has become the predetermined carrier of the plane consciousness. The sporadic plane consciousness descended, gradually assimilating his originally clever and cunning mind to the chaotic and chaotic plane consciousness, and he was often in a state of epilepsy surging with blood and consciousness, so he also won the title of "Brutal Lord".

The unique cunning and cunning of Hilge and the tyrannical temperament of the plane consciousness are intertwined and collided in the depths of consciousness. Therefore, in this state of intermittent madness that is sometimes sober and sometimes chaotic, he often sends out various self-contradictory fighting commands that are difficult for outsiders to understand.

At this moment, on the frontline battlefield where demons and undead are fiercely confronting each other, the demons have gradually wiped out the undead's advantage in terrain, and began to fight frantically on the top of the city. It's just that this kind of smoothing was paid for by the blood and flesh of tens of thousands of demon cannon fodder soldiers, and as the battle continued, this price was still expanding.

The dominance of the situation made the demon inexplicably excited. Under the beating, scolding and whipping of the middle-level demons, one team after another rushed up to the city wall of bones, and then turned into broken corpses that covered the ravine there. Gradually, a thick mountain of meat was piled up on the city wall. You die and live, you come and go, life and death are strangled continuously on the Roshan, and all the losers will become a part of the Roshan, allowing it to continue to grow and thicken.

When the demon corpses that fell near the bone wall reached certain expectations, a new order was issued in the mage tower of the chaotic land.

Staying safely in the war tower, the many Lich who had been maintaining a half-fire output received the order, immediately gave up the shooting of the cloud of death, and started joint spellcasting centered on the death-controlling Witch King. The turbulent waves of death energy immediately began to converge around the towers, and the huge spell chanting was accompanied by strong mana fluctuations shaking the sky and the earth.

Even the most stupid demon soldiers can detect something wrong from the abnormal state of the world. The high-level demons who supervised the battle watched closely, silently guessing the possible methods of the undead.

It's a summoning spell!

This is the slightest clue that many high-level demons have noticed from the oscillating mana fluctuations, and the target of the spell is the corpses of demon soldiers accumulated since the five-hour battle on the bone city wall.

These damn undead!

Amidst the depressing curses of the demon lord, the surge of magic spells came to an end, and a large area of ​​gray cyclones fell near the city wall. In the sound of "crackling" flesh and blood, countless skeleton warriors and rotting zombies climbed up and down the city wall slowly with the help of abundant corpses. For a while, they even wrapped up the demonic cannon fodder troops that were still charging with a partial sea of ​​soldiers. within the encirclement.

In this big millstone of "crowded people" and "monsters fighting monsters", any space gap is filled tightly by the summoned undead. It's like a small house suddenly squeezed in ten times, a hundred times the number of creatures, and there must be various "intimate" shots of me in you and you in me.

The quality of demonic cannon fodder soldiers is undoubtedly much higher than that of summoned low-level skeletons and zombies, but the narrow battle space makes it impossible for any demon to have the possibility of wanton fighting. On the contrary, low-level undead without fatal points are more suitable This kind of "zero distance" fighting.

Countless skeleton warriors crumbled into bone powder in the squeeze of flesh and flesh, but countless zombies also used the power of others to penetrate the devil's tough and hard skin with their shiny black fingers and claws, and penetrated deep into their bodies. place. Stirring and tearing vigorously, coupled with the ferocious bite of the bloody mouth, the demon and the undead couldn't keep a distance from each other, so they could only attack each other with wild animal instincts.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the demon legion that rushed to the top of the city paid twice as many casualties as before. A large number of demon soldiers and undead warriors entangled with each other and gathered into lumps. A large amount of purple, smelly and corrosive demon blood flowed from the mountain of meat, flowing happily on the bone city wall, converging with each other to form a gurgling stream, slowly spreading between the trampled hooves and black feet in disorder. Under the city wall.

Under the nourishment of sufficient blood, the densely packed pale skulls on the White Bone City Wall were infected into dark brown, and an indescribably ferocious aura slowly spread, completely arousing the viciousness of the soldiers on both sides, and making the battle proceed smoothly. Stronger and more brutal.

What is even more frightening is that the souls of the demon soldiers who have not dissipated after death, under the urging of the strong death energy, turned into hideous wraiths at a speed visible to the naked eye, wandering on the bloody battlefield.

Due to these unexpected reinforcements, the slight advantage that the demon side had just shown disappeared in an instant.

Seeing that it is difficult for low-level demon cannon fodder soldiers to win in the meat grinder with the undead, many demon lords couldn't help sending out their own elite troops.

But at this moment, the mage tower, which had not made any big moves for a long time, also experienced strong fluctuations in magic power. The rune lines on the tower body were all lit up, and the dense magical glow coupled with the hazy death energy dyed half of the sky into a bizarre and illusory world.

With the intervention of the lord's guard, the war has changed from a confrontation of cannon fodder to an all-out war, and the intensity of the battle has instantly increased to the limit.

Under the leadership of Huofenmo, a large group of fire-throwing monsters entered the battlefield in a team of hundreds, and began to sweep the city with dense fireballs. The whole process didn't mean to avoid the demon cannon fodder soldiers at all. Seeing where the battle groups gathered were dense, swarms of fireballs flew over. Anyway, the fire resistance of the demons was much higher than that of the undead, and the fireballs would do more damage to the undead soldiers. enough.

Crowds of vlo demons roared to the sky, hovering over the city like goshawks, and when they saw the target, they swooped down quickly and struck the opponent with sharp claws and claws. And this kind of blow is continuous, often a vlo demon will grab a large piece of flesh and blood from the opponent's body, the second vlo demon's attack is coming soon, and the third vlo is also in a dive state...

Relying on such clustered dive attacks, each and every one of the abominations suffered more damage than the critical point under the coordinated attack of heaven and earth, and disintegrated into a mass of rotten flesh, rotting corpses, and stinky purple-black corpse water.

In the rising flames, a large group of ugly and ferocious berserker demons and blood lion demons appeared on the top of the city almost instantly by leaping from the flames. As the best of the mid-level demons, the huge and exaggerated heavy weapons in their hands are far from being able to compete with the thin vampires and the lower-level abominations.

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