The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0396 go all out

Relying on the penetrating power of the "Master of Curse", although Li Xun cannot make every curse take effect, he can trade quantity for quality by virtue of the advantage of instant cast spells.

"Weakness", "slowness", "weakening", "rottenness", "confusion", "suffering"...playing one by one in turn, not only avoiding the interference of the cooling time, but also can fully test the weakness of the demon. Once one succeeds, the plane lord's body will weaken for a short period of time, and the magic resistance will also drop rapidly, and more than 20 chaotic lords on the other side will take the opportunity to add a series of disgusting curse spells.

It was by this method that Li Xun successfully reduced Hilgay's combat power, which made the death knight's sacrifice attack not in vain. Not only did he break the lava shield that was both offensive and defensive, but he also made his body visible to the naked eye. Visible damage.

The only one in the arena who can threaten the lord of the plane is the ghost dragon Moros, but if he is not yet familiar with his new body, if he rushes over, he will be knocked off by the opponent within a few encounters, his bones and wings will be torn off, and he will become nothing. A useless rotten bone. In terms of hand-to-hand combat, Moros dared not stand shoulder to shoulder with these old monsters who had been fighting for thousands of years.

Just look at how the opponent can easily kill a team of death knights with a small loss under the continuous attack of dozens or even hundreds of Lich.

The gap in combat power can be filled by countless creatures in the cemetery, but the combat skills shown by the seemingly rough and clumsy giant demon when they wiped out the death knight made Moros the ghost dragon even more frightened. Without the support and cover of a large number of teammates, he would never dare to approach that huge killing machine easily.

However, the master's order was issued very quickly. These specific instructions were generated directly in his mind, and should have been transmitted through the soul connection that he still doesn't understand. When the ghost dragon Moros received these instructions, his grown soul was also speechless.

These instructions are not only complicated and trivial, but also meticulous.

For the battle below him, not only the specific fighting method is given, but also the position he must be in at a certain moment and the specific shape of each part of the body when attacking. If he fought according to these instructions, he would no longer be able to distinguish the difference and boundary between fighting and dancing.

But the master's order is an order, no matter how absurd, it must be strictly obeyed, because it is the order of the "master"!

The ghost dragon Moros let out a silent roar, and the shocking mental ripples spread far away. Some melee cemetery creatures surrounding the plane lord immediately retreated after hearing the sound, making room for the two big men to fight later. battle space. Even those death knights who were torn apart by the tall demon, even with only one arm left, quickly crawled out of this area.

The death knight squad seemed to have been completely wiped out, but in fact it was far less hopeless. With the protection of the immortal body and the heavy armor, even if their bodies have been torn apart, as long as the skull where the soul fire is located is not severely injured, they will not be considered completely dead. After the war, the broken body is put together, and the rest is just a long recovery.

The ghost dragon roared in a low voice, lowered its body, and slowly approached the plane lord Sir Gai after the battle. The enemy is in front of him, he can't help but be careless, every slight move of the opponent will be captured by his keen mental power, and will be fed back to the calm lake of consciousness.

There, there is a vague human figure standing quietly, guiding the ghost dragon's every move with connected consciousness fluctuations.

At the moment, Silgay is suffering from numerous curse spells.

I don't know how many years have passed, but Silgay, who evolved into Balor, has never tasted the taste of curses again. His super magic resistance and powerful soul make most of the curse spells in this world unable to penetrate the soul. Protection played a small role on him. But today, he seemed to have returned to those days when he had just evolved from an abyss worm to a coward. Fear, anger, anger... These strange emotions emerged in the bottom of his heart one by one, making him howl and howl.

Seeing the huge ghost dragon approaching step by step, Hilgay showed a ferocious smile, but instead took the initiative to approach with heavy steps.

The two consecutive raids failed to quickly deal with the young mage, which made Silgai more vigilant against him, and he no longer dared to treat him as a human mage who could be easily killed. Therefore, Silgay has adjusted his tactics in a timely manner, changing the first target from the head of the undead to the first combat force of the undead in front of him.

Although the ghost dragon was 30 meters tall from head to tail, it was far larger than the 10-meter demon lord Sergey, but the two really collided suddenly, and the one who was obviously at a disadvantage was the ghost dragon Moros.

The ferocious bite of the ghost dragon was passed by Shirge slightly, and then the big devil leaned over and snatched into the arms of the huge skeleton of the ghost dragon, and hit it from bottom to top with a fist the size of a copper hammer. The jaw of the ghost dragon was broken. The huge impact made Ghost Dragon hiss sadly, and his body was raised high, revealing a slightly slender 2-meter-long cervical spine.

The huge beheading sword in Xiergai's other hand was suddenly covered by blazing flames, and slashed towards the ghost dragon's fragile neck joints.

The ghost dragon rolled on the spot, escaped from the demon's control with an extremely ugly posture, and fought back with a thick "shadow spear".

As soon as the two were separated, they collided again faster than lightning, and there were continuous "cracking" explosions, and the two huge hills wrestled together without any grace.

At the moment when the two were fighting in a daze, a team hidden in the rear of the Cemetery Corps appeared on the battlefield. Seeing the inextricably beaten demon, they quickly stood still, facing the battlefield a hundred meters away, and began to pray calmly.

The 30 monk-like humanoid creatures were all covered by thick black cloaks, and they couldn't see half of their appearance at all, but the sharp and high-pitched prayers made people's hearts jump inexplicably. No one can hear what they whispered, but the words "destruction", "death", and "sacrifice" that they occasionally catch are enough to make people shudder.

Cursing the enemy before the battle, such absurd things have not happened for thousands of years.

If it were in the past, such a ridiculous behavior would only get the devil to laugh, and then use the cruelest and most terrifying torture to torture these weak poor guys to death bit by bit. But today, the demon lord Sir Gai, who was fighting fiercely, suddenly jumped up in fear.

As a puppet controlled by the projection of the plane consciousness, Silgay's autonomous consciousness has been suppressed at an extremely low level, but even so, the creepy touch of death still made him startled, and even once he was controlled by the plane consciousness. woke up.

This is a terrible feeling that directly endangers his soul, as if an invisible big hand completely peeled off the thick demon scales outside his body, and then pushed his hot soul into the nine-day ice and snow. The deep chill that came out from the depths of his soul made him involuntarily want to smash those prayers into meat paste as quickly as possible.

However, the ghost dragon who was struggling with him suddenly tightened his body and strangled him recklessly, making it impossible for him to kill this group of treacherous prayers who hadn't even reached level 5.

To tell the deceased, among the cemetery's special units up to Tier 6, they have never actually been on the battlefield. As a cemetery Tier 6 unit that is weak and can't even defeat a zombie, their full strength is reflected in the only skill "Death Prayer".

As a suicidal person with strong suicidal tendencies, the greatest honor in their life is to die for their master. Whenever they receive orders from their masters, they will happily chant the "Death Prayer" one after another, in exchange for the slightest chance of the enemy's immediate death at the cost of breaking their own souls.

With their qualifications of less than level 5, facing a high-level demon of level 19 and a demon lord possessed by a plane consciousness, the success rate of any "death prayer" to sue the dead is less than 4.1%. Still can't affect their mood.

After the 2-minute "Death Prayer" for the first one to accuse the deceased, as a gray halo flashed, he who was half kneeling on the ground turned into flying ash, while the demon lord Silgai who was fighting the ghost dragon to the death Nothing.

No one assigned, the second victim half-kneeled on the ground inexplicably excitedly, stared at the demon lord in the distance, and chanted the "Death Prayer" loudly. It is their honor to die generously for their master, and it is something they have been looking forward to since the moment they were born.

They are fanatics of death and followers of death. Not only is death itself not a fear for them, but it is a gift from the gods.

It was another halo sweep, the second deceased was also ashen, and the demon lord remained motionless.

So, the third sue the deceased also happily started his own "death prayer"!

Although the two instant death curses were unsuccessful, the sound of alarm in the depths of Sir Gai's soul never stopped. This kind of crisis that directly threatens the soul has also touched the consciousness of the plane that has always been insensitive, making it have to pay attention to this group of little guys who don't seem to have any threats.

Instant death spells can't threaten the great plane consciousness like it at all, but they can kill the demon lord it entrusts. Although he doesn't really believe that a group of such small and fragile beings can threaten a plane lord who is only one step away from the holy demon, the sense of crisis in the depths of his consciousness is not fake.

The plane consciousness also intentionally relaxed part of the suppression of Silga's autonomous consciousness, and handed over a certain amount of body control.


With a tyrannical scream, the plane lord who broke out with all his strength blasted away the ghost dragon's entanglement, and rushed towards the group of accusers.

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