The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0661 highly toxic

Sierra, the Plague Maiden, stood proudly on the edge of the woodland, silently observing the distant enemies through the thousands of eyes spread across the battlefield.

It is conceivable that in the period to come, her greatest enemies will be these mysterious wizards who have mastered extraordinary powers. Now that the Plague Legion has made its appearance today, in the following battles, the opponent will definitely have targeted means and arrangements. You don't need to think too much, you can know that the biggest flaw of the Plague Legion is in yourself. Only by beheading yourself can the Plague Legion be completely destroyed.

Behind her, more than a dozen plague emissaries covered in black robes stood respectfully, while groups of servant corpses crawled around the periphery. Even in the shadows of the treetops in the woodland, hordes of ghosts can be seen lurking.

However, these plague guards did not have the slightest anxiety and irritability of fighting on the battlefield. They quietly guarded their queen, silently waiting for orders. Plague Maiden clearly possessed terrifying power that could be broken with one blow, but she only sent out some low-level minions and plague giant beasts instead of all the plague guards.

Seeing the human warriors fleeing in panic being knocked down and swallowed one by one, watching those wizards scrambling to climb onto the magic carpet, condescendingly slaughtering plague creatures with spells, the originally calm pupils of Plague Maiden Saila gradually became Full of fire.

After snapping his fingers, Saila ordered without looking back: "Very poisonous, you go and kill a few wizards. You can't let them go so easily!"

A strange plague monster flashed out from the shadow of the jungle behind him.

From the appearance, this venomous beast looks like a venom-type monster hydralisk that is common in the jungle of the wizarding world, but it is the skinned one. With a thin and narrow head and a shrunken and lean body, like a snake walking upright, it is always hunched over. What should have been the position of the arm was replaced by two huge and sharp jointed limbs. There were no human-like legs under the body, and a short and thick snake tail remained.

The skin of the highly poisonous body has been corrupted and festered, and there is faint yellow-green smoke floating around the body. Visible miasma will rise wherever the sticky and terrifying snake tail swims, and the surrounding plants will quickly wither and wither, forming a daunting death trail.

The highly poisonous vocal organs have obviously rotted away, and there is no other sound except for the abnormal sound of "呵呵" snake letters.

After receiving the order, the highly poisonous body leaned slightly, and with the support of the short and thick snake tail, the whole person was like a fast-swimming long snake, and rushed into the distant battlefield almost instantly.

Of course, the appearance of such a strange creature also attracted the attention of the aloof wizard. There was a loud shout on the magic carpet flying at an altitude of 30 and a half meters, and immediately two bursting fireballs bombarded down with their long tails.

To everyone's surprise, this terrifyingly poisonous man turned out to be a super agile guy. With just a slight sway of his body, he had already leaped a distance of nearly 20 meters, leaving the two exploding fireballs behind him.

After two or three times of acceleration, the poison has already approached within 50 meters of the magic carpet. Its terrifyingly shaped chest suddenly expanded, and in the next second, as the air was squeezed sharply, a mass of sticky and green fluorescent venom pierced through the space and sprayed towards the magic carpet closest to it.

"Damn it, it will attack from a distance!" The 4-ring wizard on the magic carpet was obviously taken aback. Fortunately, the halo of witchcraft that flashed in a hurry caught the venom group in time, otherwise he would have capsized in the gutter today.

However, just when he fiercely took out his witchcraft stick, intending to teach this hated monster a lesson, the "sizzling" witchcraft protection in front of him once again attracted his attention. For some reason, the mask formed by the overflowing witchcraft halo was sizzling and sizzling when it was eroded by the venom, and it was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No, this venom can erode witchcraft protection!"

The 4th ring wizard just realized this, but it was too late, because the next cloud of venom had already spit out again.

The fragile witchcraft mask that had been eroded disintegrated instantly, and the venom ball that rushed to the face fell on everyone on the magic carpet without any cover.

Half of his body was drenched. A 4th-ring wizard who was standing upright screamed terribly, resisting the piercing pain, and finally poured a large amount of witchcraft into his mouth before the flesh and blood were eroded away. He temporarily saved his life, but the wizard apprentices gathered around him became the most pitiful victims.

Before they could even scream, the wizard apprentices who had been drenched in venom melted away like rapidly softening candles. Only a puddle of rotten black water was left in place.

"Attack together! Kill this damn monster!" The 6-ring wizard who led the team did not lose his composure even after discarding thousands of human subordinates, but the serious injury of a 4th-level wizard made him furious.

Under his shouting command, one after another magic carpet quickly raised his height, and then there were terrible witchcraft falling like raindrops.

However, that terrifying snake-shaped monster seemed to tease them deliberately, and its figure swam quickly below, avoiding most of the falling witchcraft, and returning a cloud of venom from time to time. For those witchcrafts that really cannot be avoided, it will also use its huge sharp forelimbs to insert ordinary human fighters around it, and use it as a shield to block in front of itself.

Snake-shaped monsters are worthy of being a race with tenacious vitality. Even though they were bruised and scarred by the wizards, they still persistently wandered under them, desperately looking for every chance to attack.

The fourth-ring wizard who was hit hard by its surprise attack finally couldn't control the severely damaged magic carpet, and fell crookedly to the sky. The remaining few magic carpets were going to dive down to rescue them, but they were stopped by the 6-ring wizard.

The place where the companion planted had been surrounded by crowds of servant corpses, and in the distant woodland, several monsters of strange size surged out. If the altitude is lowered at this time, I am afraid that it will suffer even greater losses next.

The 6-ring wizard led people to bombard them furiously, before the group of monsters charged over, they pulled up and headed towards the post town.

Saila, the plague girl, watched the enemy go away with calm eyes, and then turned her gaze back to the battlefield. In less than half an hour of fighting, her army of minions not only did not suffer damage, but expanded slightly. More importantly, as the killing continued, the strength of her and her direct subordinates was also slowly but steadily improving.

Compared with a month ago, her current level is already level 11, and her most powerful and poisonous subordinate has also reached level 9.

Such a terrifying rise in levels is of course closely related to the large-scale spread of the plague in the Keslinburg area. With the rapid spread of the plague and the continuous appearance of plague creatures, every trace of power feedback is also constantly transforming the body of the plague girl. Although her appearance looks the same as when she was born, the inside of her entire body has long since changed beyond recognition, completely out of the category of normal human beings.

At this moment, there are as many as six ovaries in Plague Girl's body that are used to incubate and breed special plague creatures, which store and absorb many life seeds of humans and monsters. These hodgepodge-like things are constantly fighting and devouring inside, so as to filter out better life essence and inject it into the body. However, these life essences are simply stored there, and have not entered the actual incubation stage. As for which one to hatch and when to hatch, it all depends on Saila's mood.

At least for now, she doesn't have the urgency to hatch special plague units.

Just when Saila was thinking about it, the poisonous person who played the battle had returned to her side, and respectfully presented a large lump of meat still dripping with blood. This is the flesh and blood taken from the 4-ring wizard, and the weight is really not small. I don't know if the unlucky wizard was drenched in venom first, and then he was poached with such a large piece of flesh, whether he can survive.

But Sara never cared about that.

Ever since she received the first plague transformation and watched Little John being devoured by the plague insects in front of her, Saila could no longer feel the slightest warmth in her heart, and the only thing she had was a desire to destroy this The impulsiveness and tyranny of the world.

Saila took the ball of flesh and blood and took a light bite, then threw it back to the poison, allowing him to eat the ball of flesh and blood with inexplicable excitement.

Although the flesh and blood of a wizard is impregnated with an elemental aura that mortals do not have, it cannot compare to the sweetness of his soul. If it wasn't for Saila who still needed the wizard alive, I'm afraid he would have been devoured by the poison at this moment. After all, this could slightly enhance his combat ability.


The wizard and his party who fled to the inn town in a hurry looked at everything under them with a gloomy face.

There are collapsed walls everywhere, houses with charred black wooden frames everywhere, and the streets are full of crawling dead bones and charred corpses. Although the flesh and blood have been eroded away, it can still be seen from the last remaining movements that they must have endured unspeakable and terrible pain during their lifetime.

This is a gathering place for mortals, and there is no guardian of wizards at all. Therefore, when encountering an irresistible disaster, it was destroyed in the hands of the group of terrifying plague creatures without even reporting the time.

The 6-ring wizard quickly scanned the town, and finally his eyes fell on the three-story tower at one end of the town.

In his soul perception, there is only a little breath of living people there, and other regions have become dead places.

After a while, more than twenty surviving wizards and wizard apprentices settled down in the tower. Those who survived hiding in the basement were found out and rushed outside the tower. Only a few pretty village girls were allowed to stay in the tower to take care of their food after they tested that they were not infected with the plague.

Just when several wizards calmed down and gathered together to discuss their next steps intensely, a strange cry of frogs suddenly sounded from the wizard with the sixth ring.

The 6-ring wizard took out the message crystal ball and just swept it away, and his face changed drastically. The person who sent the message was the fellow wizard who missed and was thrown off the magic carpet.

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