The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0717 Demon Killing (Update)

(The second update will be made up for "Watching You Quietly", and continue to work hard!)

While the two were entangled endlessly, the super-large-scale "Blizzard" and "Vortex Blade" struck one after another, instantly severely injuring the Flomo who were fighting in groups.

Seeing that the Flomo, who had initially rushed up, was on the verge of defeat, Kazak, who was standing in front of the space gate, roared angrily. Driven by it, three big demons with a body height of 5 meters appeared around the wizard accompanied by the unique "bang bang" noise and sulfur flames of the demon teleportation.

Due to the existence of the witchcraft shield, they did not approach the side of the wizard, but appeared in front of the mask, and the huge scythe like a stone pillar in their hands smashed on the witchcraft shield.

With just one blow, the witchcraft shield supported by two 9th-level great wizards was shattered into a sky full of fireflies, exposing several wizards inside who were reciting spells and casting spells.

In the next moment, the abyssal fireballs that were as dense as raindrops on the ground bombarded the group of wizards with their long tails of black smoke, and the chain of elemental explosions immediately shook the entire void.

After the frenzy of elements that filled the sky slowly dissipated, the scene in the arena once again entered the sight of the demons.

A cloud-shaped giant with strange green smoke all over his body is guarding the wizards in the circle with his arms around him. The fireball volley just now didn't hurt the wizard at all, but the cloud-shaped giant was a bit miserable. Not only was most of his body missing, but even the core of the witch formation hidden in his body was exposed.

With a crisp click, a silver bracelet on the skinny wrist of the leading holy wizard shattered into pieces, and finally turned into a cloud of powder. With the damage of the bracelet, the cloud giant that was barely supporting it also disappeared in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

A hint of ferocity flashed across the cold and stern face of the holy wizard, and the muttering witchcraft spells in his mouth were finally nearing the end. With a shrill and high-pitched "Liangsa" shouted loudly, the terrifying thunder that filled the sky finally descended on the scorching canyon.

This is a series of thick lightning chains comparable to the world-destroying thunderbolt. Hundreds of burning white electric pillars like dancing silver snakes crazily smashed down. With the space gate as the center, all mid-level and high-level demons are included in the attack range. Inside.

All the demons that were struck by the electric column were directly torn apart and turned into a pile of coke. Even if there is an occasional split, when the electric column hits the scorched and dry ground, a huge dust column will be stirred up, and the scattered broken current will make the surrounding air sizzle.

The demon lord Kazak, who was in the center of the attack, let out a muffled grunt, and raised the huge scorching beheading sword high in his hand, allowing swift and violent electric pillars to fall on it, covering up all direct attacks on the space gate.

Although such an attack could not damage the space gate at all, it could effectively delay the efficiency of the space gate to swallow demons. Therefore, Kazak had no choice but to use his body as a barrier to bear this part of the witchcraft attack on his behalf.

The body of the demon that had just been repaired was riddled with holes again, and countless small scars overflowed with purple demon blood, making Kazak, who was roaring angrily, even more miserable and terrifying.

The holy wizard who completed a powerful attack hesitated for a moment, but still didn't make up his mind to fight in close quarters. Although the demon lord looked miserable, his demonic aura was still strong and fierce. At this time, he rushed over rashly, and he could easily become the direct target of the demon's teleportation attack.

Therefore, after only a little hesitation, the holy wizard chose to continue using long-range attacks to wear down the opponent's strength.

As a result, the front of the space gate fell into a chaotic fight.


The space gate is still constantly swallowing demons, and the torrent of black and red demons has flooded all the surrounding land.

A large number of low-level demons, driven by middle-level and high-level demons, swept away like a flood flooding the embankment, and began to attack the nearest human gathering place for a long distance. Don't ask where they got the information, demons are born with this instinct to find prey.

Seeing the army of demons fleeing away, the few wizards who were still fighting fiercely in the sky became anxious.

The largest city nearby is the core stronghold of their family. Although there is a wizard tower guarding it, there are more places that the wizard tower cannot guard. If these demons are allowed to drive straight in, the entire family's territory will inevitably suffer disaster. A wizarding family can never be supported by a few powerful wizards alone. It also needs a vast territory, many people, massive resources, and an excellent training system.

If these are destroyed by the devil, then the family will be broken in the middle. Although the foundation is still there, to become flourishing again, I am afraid that there will be no three to five hundred years without even thinking about it.

As soon as the matter became urgent, some wizards couldn't help approaching the demon lord's side to launch a direct attack on it. So the first wizard to do so was unlucky.

This is a great sorcerer whose rank is as high as 8th rank. Perhaps he still has the identity of the patriarch, so he was the first to rush to Kazak's side impatiently.

With a distance of 140 meters, this distance is enough for him to react to the demon's attack, and he can unscrupulously attack the demon lord who needs to maintain the space gate.

Maybe that's what he thought, so when he waved his wizard staff and recited lengthy incantations, the only ones who could protect him were his companion who was transformed into a giant mandala snake and the strong and substantial elemental aura outside his body.

In front of the space gate, Kazak smiled ferociously on his black and red ugly face. He just crouched slightly, and the rising abyssal flames engulfed his body. Almost at the same time, the bursting flame halo sparked brilliant sparks around the side of the eighth-level great wizard, and Kazak's chunky, stout body quietly emerged.

The huge scorching beheading sword in his hand swept across suddenly, aiming directly at the eighth-level great wizard. There were even pieces of shattered space cracks in the void swept by the flaming giant sword, and a terrifying halo of fear also acted on the wizard. It's just that the short half a finger of time that the halo of fear is intimidating is enough for the flaming great sword to wipe his waist.

The generous and thick giant sword coupled with the burning abyss Fiercefire is not something the opponent's elemental protection can resist. Slashed with a knife, the body was cut in half. The two corpses fell from the sky with exploding fiery flames, and disappeared in the midst of fighting demons in an instant.

The demon lord Kazak swiped his scaled demon claws, and with just a few murmurs, a translucent human figure was pulled out of the void by it. Looking at his facial features, it is astonishingly the eighth-level wizard who fell just now.

Kazak grinned grinningly and waved his claws. Under the sudden fire of the abyss, the translucent phantom wailed in pain, and was distorted and transformed into the devil's favorite soul prism bit by bit. When the thumb-sized soul prism was completely completed, Kazak licked a few mouthfuls on it lovingly, and then put it away with satisfaction.

This scene was witnessed by several other wizards of the same family, all of them were filled with indignation and rage. Unfortunately, they were all surrounded by groups of middle and high-level demons, and they couldn't spare time to rescue them. Even the snake wizard who was close at hand was besieged by five big demons in turn, and his life was at stake.

In just a short time, there were a few more demon-level abyssal creatures in the arena.

A huge three-story-high monster hunting spider appeared in front of the space door. The dense compound eyes at the front of the body scanned the chaotic battle situation in the sky, and the huge petal-shaped mouthparts slammed together like gold and iron, and rushed straight to the space. distance. Behind it, companion spiders, big and small, are as mighty and boundless as moving ants. Even those violent and arrogant demons dare not provoke them, and hide to the sides one after another, giving them a spacious path. March into the channel.

And another group of thirty or forty snake demons is also extremely conspicuous, and the six-armed snake demon at the head has reached the terrifying 18th level. The slender but strong arms were studded with clanging metal armbands, and the six extremely sharp narrow-edged long knives shone with a breathtaking coldness. It is conceivable that if such a six-armed snake demon uses six knives to display a rotating knife formation, the terrifying blade storm is enough to strangle any strong enemy.

Several swaying and charming figures appeared in front of the space gate, guarding this key place instead of the demon lord. That hot body full of sexiness and temptation is exactly the succubus in the abyss who is cunning, beautiful and deadly. Although their combat strength is slightly insufficient, the natural charm is not something ordinary people can resist.

Even if they don't have to go to the battlefield in person, a few charming succubi just twist their slender waists and blow a few kisses from a distance, and the human wizards are a little confused and their movements are slow.

This is due to the fact that they are all high-end wizards with extremely powerful spiritual will attributes, which is why they were able to quickly avoid the opponent's charm attack. If they were replaced by wizards of a lower level, they would probably fight among themselves on the spot. After all, these voluptuous demons are high-level existences who have advanced into pet concubines, and they are far from being comparable to those newly evolved succubi.

Sensing the constant stream of demons, the holy wizard finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind, strangled all the demons around him with a wide range of terrifying witchcraft, and then came to the demon lord with a solemn expression.

Holy rank versus holy rank!

Demons vs wizards!

It sounds like no one is taking advantage, but this battle is overwhelmingly crushing.

A holy wizard may have earth-shattering and amazing power, but the explosion of his power requires a long time to cast spells. In the absence of powerful human shields, wizards and demons can't take advantage of melee combat. If it weren't for the powerful witch weapon on his body, I'm afraid this holy wizard would have been beheaded by the demon lord long ago.

The devil's precise teleportation with a cooling time of only 5 seconds made Kazak a ubiquitous terrifying demon king, who could appear behind any wizard at any time in the bursting flame halo. Don't look at it fighting that holy wizard, but the other wizards still dare not take it and the big demons lightly.

The battle looked bloody and intense.

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