The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 275 Pointing to Albert

After selecting Albert as the new governor of the twin islands, Marin called Albert into his office, spread out a map, and began to give guidance on work.

"Albert, look it up, here is Twin Island, Amerigo Island on the right, and Columbus Island on the left. After you pass, you have to go west to get here - Long Island, then west, into Harder Sun River. Well, this island in the river is called Manhattan Island. This area is called New York (Marlin is too lazy to change the name). If possible, you can buy this island for a little bit of beautiful glass..."

"Can you buy this island with a little glass?" Albert was a little puzzled - how could there be such a stupid person in the world?

"Well, you don't understand. This area called New York, including a large area in the west, is controlled by a clan alliance called the Delaware (or Delaware). This alliance is a clan alliance of a matriarchal society. …”

"What is a matriarchal society?" Albert was puzzled.

"That's what a woman means at home!"

"Uh..." Albert was a little dumbfounded, which exceeded his understanding.

"Women like pretty things, that's why I asked you to bring some nice glass accessories to exchange land with them! If it's a man, it's not that easy."

"How about I bring some floral cloth over there?" Albert asked.

"Flower cloth?" Marin thought for a while, and it seemed that East Frisian had also established a weak wool spinning industry. Although there are only a few wool spinning workshops, wool can also be spun. Of course, dyes are expensive and are imported.

Remembering that women naturally like beautiful things, Marin nodded and said:

"Okay, you can bring some quilts to try. After you buy Manhattan Island, you build a castle on it. Then trade with the Indians regularly."

"Isn't it attacking the Indians?" Albert was puzzled.

"Idiot, do we have to fight? Besides, even if we want to attack the Indians, we need to lead the way!"

"Leading the way party?" Albert was puzzled.

"It's the locals who are familiar with the terrain. Remember, Albert, there are dense jungles on the wild continent. If it's not necessary, you can't easily send troops deep into the jungle. Those Indians are all masters of jungle ambush."


The Delaware I chose was the friendliest of the Indians. You can win them over through trade. You can even help them farm and then sell them some cattle. Usually, you have to hire more Indians to do things for you. "

"When you want to expand in the future, you can win over Delaware warriors and help you deal with other tribes. With them as the leading party, you can easily find your opponent's village, and it is not easy to be trapped in the forest. ambush……"

After thinking for a long time, Albert nodded and said:

"I see, Brother Malin, is this what you meant by 'pull one faction, fight one faction'?"

"Yo, he's quite talented. That's right, that's what it means!"

"We expanded with the Delaware people. When the territory became larger and larger, the Delaware people became more and more dispersed. There were only a few thousand people in total. Once dispersed, there were very few people in each place. No threat to us. Besides, we can rely on them to rule the Indians."

"Brother is really brilliant, he is indeed a disciple of the Great Immortal!"

"Okay, stop flattering. Remember, when New York trades with the Delaware, you need to buy a lot of oak, especially whole oak. Later, it will be used for shipbuilding. The oak over there, there is a kind of red oak. , the leaves turn red in the fall. Tara's men will tell you when you go. In addition to white oak, red oak is also available. After the lumber is bought, build a shed on Manhattan Island and let it dry. Years, it's ready for shipbuilding. Remember, this is one of your main tasks after landing."

"Yes, I understand!"

"One more thing, after landing, you must use more cattle and mules, and you are not allowed to bring horses to land. The horses must be left on Amerigo Island and Columbus Island. Even if you do bring horses to land, they must be castrated. In addition, it is absolutely not allowed to sell horses to Indians, only cattle and mules!" Marin recalled the terrible Indian cavalry of later generations, and decided to give Albert a vaccination in advance.

"Why?" Albert was puzzled.

"The Indians are brave and good at fighting, and they don't have horses there. If the Indians have horses and cavalry, you will expand your P? Wait to be hanged and beaten!"

Albert thought about it, it was true. The opponent was already good at jungle warfare, and with a horse, it would be amazing.

"Then, Brother Marin, the Indians are so good, can we beat them?"

"Yes, as long as there are Delaware archers covering the flanks, and you organize strong soldiers to wear a full set of plate armor, you won't be afraid of the tattered bows and arrows of the Indians. As long as you get close to the opponent, the opponent can only wait to be hacked to death! "

"Sure enough!"

"The problem with this tactic is that the soldiers wearing plate armor consume too much physical energy. It is not convenient to run horses in the jungle, so infantry can only wear plate armor. Therefore, it is necessary to select a group of very strong soldiers, such as Kahn and Ade. A pervert like Le. Otherwise, ordinary soldiers will get tired after running for a while. But perverts like Kahn are hard to find. If I look for you, I can’t find a few. However, the number of Indians is also small. ... As long as a few dozen plate infantry rush forward, it will be enough to defeat them."

Albert nodded and waited for Marin to help him pick dozens of animals so he could serve as a vanguard. In the face of the soft soil bows and arrows of the Indians, it is obvious that the warriors in plate armor are invincible. The only weakness of the plate infantry is physical fitness. Therefore, this unit needs metamorphosis to act as...

"Try not to let the horses ashore, lest the Delaware ask for it. If the officials really need a mount, use a mule. A mule can also carry people and pull carts. I will send a large number of donkeys and mares to Columbus Island. Here, you set up a mule breeding base on Columbus Island to supply the needs of the mainland."

"If you really need a horse to go ashore, remember that it must be castrated. Anyone who brings an uncastrated horse to land will be arrested and sent to prison immediately, without pardon!"

"Understood, I'll write it into the laws of the Twin Islands!"

"That's the best way. By the way, you can bring some sheep and pigs over there and raise them there. You can sell this to the Indians, and you can teach them how to raise them."

"The Indians are brave because they often hunt in the slack season. They are taught to raise pigs and sheep, and they usually go to herd sheep and have no time to hunt. The aggressive temperament cultivated by hunting will also fade. So , you can sell them as many sheep as you want. But you can't give them the kind of English semi-fine wool that I'm dealing with, it's a good thing, and the wool is very valuable. When you sell it to the Indians, just use ordinary sheep!"

"Also, get some salt from the cooking salt base on Cape Breton Island and sell it to the Indians. It's hard currency and can be used to hire the Indians to help us chop the oak. Unlike glass ornaments, you can't sell them in large quantities for a long time. Goods." Glass ornaments are "luxury goods" for Indians after all, and Indians cannot buy them every day. The salt is different, which is required every day. The North American Indians were backward in civilization and were not very good at making salt. Therefore, when salt is brought to North America, it is definitely hard currency.


In this way, Marin called Albert into the office, guided him for a long time, and pointed the direction of Albert's work after he went to the North American Twin Islands, lest Albert be inexperienced and mess things up when he got there...

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