The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 419 The Danish Army

Just as Marin's army was getting ready and ready to set off, the group of spies that had been sent to Denmark also sent back important information--Denmark in Jutland near the Principality of Schleswig, ready to go. 20,000 troops.

At present, the 20,000-strong Danish army is being assembled. As long as the assembly is completed, they can raid the Principality of Schleswig from the north.

In addition, learning from the last war, the Danes kept 10,000 troops in Copenhagen this time to avoid repeating the mistakes of the last time.

The news came from Copenhagen, from the residence of the Danish minister. Previously, Mikel, who was originally the Prime Minister of Denmark, made great efforts in arranging the group of spies who were Danes themselves. Relying on the influence of being the prime minister of Denmark for many years, Mikel privately entrusted the spies to send these spies into the residences of several Danish ministers as servants.

Those Danish ministers naturally have the right to access those secrets. In this way, finally, by chance, a spy overheard a minister's conversation, confirmed the news, and sent it back quickly.

According to the intelligence, this army of 20,000 people is a new army composed entirely of Danish farmers, which started training a year ago. They are a group of stronger and taller people selected from the people by the King Hans of Denmark. Moreover, they were trained by 50 Swiss mercenary instructors.

Under the training of Swiss mercenaries, these 20,000 Danish soldiers all used 6-meter-long Swiss spears and learned the skills and tactics of the Swiss, making the entire Swiss mercenary a knockoff.

Although this Danish army looks very powerful, Marin knows that this army is a soft persimmon...

Why? Because the 20,000-strong Danish army seems to be very powerful, and they are all Swiss. However, these 20,000 people are not savage Swiss mountain people, but Danish farmers. As far as the personal qualities of the soldiers are concerned, they are nowhere near as good as the Swiss.

Moreover, regardless of the fact that this army has been training for a whole year, the basic military skills should be solidified. However, this is a group of recruits who have never been on the battlefield. Don't look at the fierceness during training, but when you are on the battlefield, especially when you are on the battlefield for the first time, it is easy to be timid. In particular, they are a cold weapon force...

Unlike the Swiss mercenaries, Marin's army, although there are also many recruits. On the battlefield, however, Marin's army had plenty of muskets. Even if the soldiers are on the battlefield for the first time, after the musketeer strikes the enemy for many rounds, the morale of the enemy will drop, while the morale of our army will rise. After all, it is the enemy who is killed and wounded. Moreover, the loud gunshots can also divert the attention of the soldiers and cover up some nervous emotions. In particular, the enemy has no muskets, and the two sides are not shooting each other. In the case of crushing the opponent on the side, the new recruit's first battlefield career, the psychological barrier is relatively easy to overcome.

But the Danish army is different, they learn from the Swiss mercenaries. Although the techniques and tactics are relatively clever, the Swiss mercenaries' spear stabbing tactics require a lot of courage. Don't look at how imposing they are when they usually train to poke scarecrows, but when they are on the battlefield, the problem arises...

The enemy is not a scarecrow, not there for you to poke. When you poke an enemy with a spear, the enemy pokes you too. The recruits who entered the battlefield for the first time were very nervous when they stabbed with the enemy with spears.

Therefore, when the Swiss are fighting, the first three rows are all veterans, and the recruits are placed in the back as a reserve force. Why? Because the veterans are used to fighting, even if there are large casualties, it is not easy to collapse.

Switzerland put recruits in the front row, and once the battle is lost, it is easy to cause a collapse. But the problem is, according to the intelligence, this team of 20,000 people is actually composed of recruits, and there are no veterans...


Marin starts thinking of something else...

After thinking for a while, Marin gave the order:

"Order Saqqara, his 10,000-strong army will not go south first, but go north, hide its whereabouts, cooperate with Woolf Esbrand, and first solve the 20,000-strong Danish army!"

Schwartz is a little puzzled:

"Master, but the 10,000 people in Saqqara are also recruits!"

"I know, so I chose this Danish army for them as the first baptism on the battlefield! When the battle with the Danish army is over, they will be veterans who have seen blood!"

"Then how exactly?"

"According to the intelligence, the primary target of the Danish army's attack is the city of Ribe in the northwest of the Principality of Schleswig, where the Treaty of Ribe was originally signed, and is of great political significance to Denmark. You send someone to inform Woolf. . Esbrand, gather heavy defense in Ribe City."

"After the Danish army arrives, let Woolf's army not leave the city for a decisive battle, but through defensive battles to dampen the spirit of the Danish army. When the Danes' morale drops, let Saqqara go to attack the Danish army at night. Camp. Well... remember to inform Saqqara to practice night combat more during this time! Also, make sure to hide them from the Danish scouts. So, they need to hide in the south of Ribe City, not close to the main road the remote villages of…”


"Also, send a group of chariot instructors to support Saqqara. And send a group of carpenters to help convert unicycles into chariots. There should be a lot of unicycles in the Principality of Schleswig, and let those carpenters help Saqqara refit 2,000 vehicles. A wheelbarrow for combat!"

Under the vigorous promotion of Marin, the people of East Frisland and the Principality of Schleswig have produced a large number of Chinese-style wheelbarrows for transportation. Therefore, it is relatively easy to collect 2,000 unicycles from the people. Then, send a skilled carpenter to refit the wheelbarrow, install three spears, and use it as a simple chariot.

Moreover, it is very convenient that these wheelbarrows can not only be used as chariots, but also used to transport supplies.

After all, a Chinese-style wheelbarrow, which can pull five or six hundred pounds of goods, is obviously a waste of only three spears. Therefore, it can also be used to transport military supplies such as food.

Of course, in order to save the physical strength of the vehicles and soldiers, generally only one or two hundred pounds of supplies are placed on the vehicle. According to Marin's arrangement, the plate armor of the first three rows of soldiers was first placed on the unicycle when they marched, and the chariot soldiers helped to pull it. Wait until before the fight, take it off the unicycle and put it on, and then face the enemy. In this way, the veterans in the first three rows can save a lot of physical strength and can be more durable on the battlefield. As for the mahjong mat shirt, because the total weight is not as heavy as the plate armor, it is usually worn by the soldiers themselves.

According to Marin's plan, Saqqara will bring 10,000 English mercenaries and the defenders of the Duchy of Schleswig of Woolf Esbrand to cooperate with 20,000 new recruits from Denmark.

In fact, the original 10,000 defenders of the Principality of Schleswig were all veterans, no worse than the 20,000 Danish recruits. Only, in order to exercise Saqqara's 10,000 English recruits, Marin let them play defensive battles first, depleting the morale of the Danish recruits. In the end, it's up to Saqqara's army to deal with them. In this way, not only can the Danish army be caught off guard, it is easy to let the other party collapse, but also these English recruits can be thoroughly seen and their courage and courage are exercised.

Once the Danish army is settled, then Woolf Esbrand and Saqqara can send most of the army to the south to support the southern battlefield. After all, the southern battlefield must be under a lot of pressure. After all, the 20,000 Swiss mercenaries here are all veterans, not the 20,000 Danish recruits. In addition, there are the armies of the electorate of Saxony and the electorate of Brandenburg. They add up, it is estimated that more than 40,000, or even 50,000 are possible, and they are all elites. Even if Marin has 20,000 main force, he can only guarantee that he will not fail. It is a bit difficult to defeat the opponent...

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