The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 430 Robin Hood Thieves

Just when the German region was turbulent, the central part of England was also very lively. why? Because there is a new social organization called "Robin Hood Thieves"...

Different from the authentic Robin Hood peasant rebel army in history, this Robin Hood thief group is purely a thief group, only robbing the rich and not helping the poor. However, they don't kill people, just robbery, which is very similar to the behavior of the society that only cares about making money in later generations.

Robinson and Hanks, the chief and deputy chiefs of the Robin Hood Thieves, are actually Frisians. They were originally recruited by Kohler when he set up the intelligence agency. The two had joined a 200-strong band of thieves in the West Frisian region and were "experienced" talents.

Moreover, their real names are actually called Coster and Maric respectively. One had served as the deputy head of the thieves group, and the other had served as the intelligence head of the thieves group in charge of inquiring about news. It's just that they made a mistake in their last intelligence before, and unfortunately they were wiped out by the then West Frisian commander-in-chief, Siwag, with an army of 3,000. However, when the thieves group was destroyed, the two escaped by hiding in the toilet cesspool.

Later, they took refuge in Kohler, who recruited intelligence talents, and learned a lot of intelligence knowledge under Kohler, and at the same time, they also learned some military knowledge. After all, Kohler used to follow Marin to the north and south. As Kohler's younger brother, they also learned some military knowledge.

In the autumn and winter of last year, after Marin decided to recruit a group of English immigrants, he felt that this might make Henry VII a lot better. Therefore, Marin decided to send professionals to infiltrate the refugee groups in the northern counties who fled to the central counties of England, to recruit the ill-thinking guys in them, to form a band of thieves, and to professionally snatch the food of the people in the central counties of England.

However, after these grains are grabbed, they will not be used to help the refugees from the north, but will be used to recruit more thieves...

As a result, in several counties in central England, many people will lose food and become refugees, affecting the social stability of England. In this way, the benefits that Marin had brought to England by migrating tens of thousands of people in the northern regions were also offset. . . .

Coster and Maric are indeed thieves and former management. After they arrived in several counties in central England, relying on the support of Marin's strong financial resources and food, they quickly established a firm foothold in Lincolnshire by the sea, and recruited a large number of young and strong refugees who were hungry and unscrupulous, and formed the "Robin Hood Thief". Regiment", began looting in several central England counties.

Coster and Maric landed by boat along the Humber River, the natural dividing line between Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. The Humber Estuary is a famous deep water bay, ideal for boats to dock. Marin's ships also landed at the mouth of the Humber to provide supplies to Coster and Maric, and to receive the English sheep and other supplies that the two had seized with the band of thieves.

The two went by the aliases Robinson and Hanks, which sounded more like Englishmen. Relying on food, they quickly recruited hundreds of young men with active minds and superb archery skills among the refugees from the north.

Now, because Richard Pohl's army of more than 10,000 people is stationed in the south, it is strictly guarded against the refugees going south to London. Therefore, the flexible minds among the refugees probably also know that they can only seek a living in a few counties in the central region.

However, the residents of the central counties are not stupid and will not easily distribute their food to these refugees from the north. If there are a few people and a few hundred people, everyone will be able to help. However, there were more than 200,000 refugees, more than the total population of the locals. If anyone dares to be a good person,

Help someone, keep the refugees who are full of beggars at the door the next day...

So, after seeing such dire consequences, the locals no longer dared to help the refugees. Because the consequences are too serious...

Without the assistance of the local people, the refugees are naturally sad. Fortunately, at the beginning, the wild vegetables, leaves, grass roots, and bark of the central counties were still edible, and no one was making trouble.

However, this is not the way. There is always time to eat these wild vegetables and weeds. Therefore, conflicts between refugees and locals are inevitable...

At this time, Coster and Maric, who were aliased as Robinson and Hanks, appeared in front of everyone with food and weapons...

As a result, among the refugees, those young and strong refugees who were desperate for survival chose to join the newly established "Robin Hood Thieves Group" without hesitation to gain a chance to survive.

Moreover, Robin Hood is very famous in England and has a very positive image. Many passionate young people among the refugees feel that it should not be a bad thing to join this "Robin Hood Thieves Group".

Who knows, Coster and Maric are authentic thieves at all, and they are not a robber group, but an authentic thief group. Under the banner of robbers, they attracted many young refugees with good archery skills to join, but what they did after that was the wicked thing of giving birth to a son...

The newly established "Robin Hood Thieves Group" did get rich. After the successful formation of the thieves group, Coster and Maric gathered the young men of the thieves group and carried out simple military training. Then, off to rob the wealthy households in Lincolnshire...

With a thousand young men with archery skills, bows and spears from ships under Gamarin's command, the "Robin Hood Thieves" easily sacked many country estates and robbed the food and property of the wealthy families. And light. Especially food, Coster and Maric remembered Kohler's instructions and did not leave a grain of food for the robbed...

Then, as for the livestock, the cattle and sheep were pulled directly to the Humber River and waited until Marin's ships came over at night for shipment. As for the horses, they were all taken away and used as mounts for the officials of the thieves group.

As for what the thief should do to help the poor, Coster and Maric chose to ignore it...

Of course, the families of the young refugees from the north who joined the thieves group can still get food. Based on this alone, many refugee youths from the north were forced to choose to join the "Robin Hood Thieves Group" in order to survive and their families...

Soon, the wealthy rural households in Lincolnshire were swept away by the "Robin Hood Thieves". Only the wealthy who fled into the city were spared. Because, after all, the thieves group is not a regular army and has no ability to attack cities.

As the number of participants increased, the number of "Robin Hood Thieves" rapidly expanded to a huge number of 8,000. And these 8,000 thieves group members often have several family members behind them.

In other words, "Robin Hood Thieves" needs to feed tens of thousands of mouths...

In fact, Marin can fully provide these people with food. However, the original intention of the "Robin Hood Thieves" was to mess up several counties in central England. Therefore, Marin will not provide food to these thieves, but will ask them to rob them and rob the local people of food...

Therefore, Coster and Maric resolutely took these thieves and attacked those ordinary farmers in England...

After a lot of looting, tens of thousands of farmers in Lincolnshire, except for a small part of the food that was tightly hidden, the rest was robbed by the damn "Robin Hood Thieves"...

Then, the members of the Robin Hood Thieves and their families were fed...

But those who were robbed of their food

The people of Lincolnshire who have eaten food have become new refugees...

After seeing that the members and their families of the thieves group had eaten food, more and more young refugees from the north chose to join the "Robin Hood Thieves Group". As a result, the band of thieves expanded rapidly, reaching as many as 140,000 people... Counting their families, there are tens of thousands of people who need to support...

However, Lincolnshire is really running out of food. Therefore, Coster and Maric divided the "Robin Hood Thieves" into several parts, selected a few capable men, and each took several thousand people to several other counties such as Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.

Naturally, these people will not do good things when they go to other counties. Their main purpose is to attack the local people, to rob the local people of their food, to feed themselves, but to starve the local people...

As a result, the several sub-groups of the "Robin Hood Thieves Group", wherever they went, the people of England suffered. They were robbed of food and became new refugees, very miserable...

Now, Robin Hood is the most hated man in several central England counties. Even in Robin Hood's hometown of Nottinghamshire, the name Robin Hood stinks...

Because the "Robin Hood Thieves" led by Coster and Maric robbed the people of the food and turned them into starving refugees...

Under the scourge of the "Robin Hood Thieves", 100,000 new refugees quickly appeared in the central counties, far more than the tens of thousands Marin emigrated from Newcastle. In short, Marin's purpose of using the "Robin Hood Thieves" to scourge several central England counties has been achieved. England, on the other hand, was also devastated by what happened to the "Robin Hood Thieves".

It stands to reason that the English court should quickly send troops to exterminate the "Robin Hood Thieves". Unfortunately, Richard Pohl's army now needs to guard against hundreds of thousands of refugees heading south to London. Therefore, it is impossible to extract too many people to suppress the "Robin Hood Thieves Group". If there are fewer people, it may not be possible to win against more than 10,000 "Robin Hood Thieves" members. It’s not enough to go too much. As long as there are not enough people in the defense line, hundreds of thousands of refugees will definitely take the opportunity to flock to London…

For the stability of London and for the most prosperous southeastern counties in England not to be harmed, the English court resolutely ordered Richard Bohr's army to continue blocking the refugees' southward road, regardless of the lives of the people in the central counties...

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